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Created February 12, 2018 19:43
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css colors for java / processing
String[] color_names = {"aliceBlue", "antiqueWhite", "aqua", "aquamarine", "azure", "beige", "bisque", "black", "blanchedAlmond", "blue", "blueViolet", "brown", "burlyWood", "cadetBlue", "chartreuse", "chocolate", "coral", "cornflowerBlue", "cornsilk", "crimson", "cyan", "darkBlue", "darkCyan", "darkGoldenRod", "darkGray", "darkGreen", "darkKhaki", "darkMagenta", "darkOliveGreen", "darkOrange", "darkOrchid", "darkRed", "darkSalmon", "darkSeaGreen", "darkSlateBlue", "darkSlateGray", "darkTurquoise", "darkViolet", "deepPink", "deepSkyBlue", "dimGray", "dodgerBlue", "fireBrick", "floralWhite", "forestGreen", "fuchsia", "gainsboro", "ghostWhite", "gold", "goldenRod", "gray", "green", "greenYellow", "honeyDew", "hotPink", "indianRed", "indigo", "ivory", "khaki", "lavender", "lavenderBlush", "lawnGreen", "lemonChiffon", "lightBlue", "lightCoral", "lightCyan", "lightGoldenRodYellow", "lightGray", "lightGreen", "lightPink", "lightSalmon", "lightSeaGreen", "lightSkyBlue", "lightSlateGray", "lightSteelBlue", "lightYellow", "lime", "limeGreen", "linen", "magenta", "maroon", "mediumAquaMarine", "mediumBlue", "mediumOrchid", "mediumPurple", "mediumSeaGreen", "mediumSlateBlue", "mediumSpringGreen", "mediumTurquoise", "mediumVioletRed", "midnightBlue", "mintCream", "mistyRose", "moccasin", "navajoWhite", "navy", "oldLace", "olive", "oliveDrab", "orange", "orangeRed", "orchid", "paleGoldenRod", "paleGreen", "paleTurquoise", "paleVioletRed", "papayaWhip", "peachPuff", "peru", "pink", "plum", "powderBlue", "purple", "red", "rosyBrown", "royalBlue", "saddleBrown", "salmon", "sandyBrown", "seaGreen", "seaShell", "sienna", "silver", "skyBlue", "slateBlue", "slateGray", "snow", "springGreen", "steelBlue", "tan", "teal", "thistle", "tomato", "turquoise", "violet", "wheat", "white", "whiteSmoke", "yellow", "yellowGreen"};
int aliceBlue = 0xffF0F8FF;
int antiqueWhite = 0xffFAEBD7;
int aqua = 0xff00FFFF;
int aquamarine = 0xff7FFFD4;
int azure = 0xffF0FFFF;
int beige = 0xffF5F5DC;
int bisque = 0xffFFE4C4;
int black = 0xff000000;
int blanchedAlmond = 0xffFFEBCD;
int blue = 0xff0000FF;
int blueViolet = 0xff8A2BE2;
int brown = 0xffA52A2A;
int burlyWood = 0xffDEB887;
int cadetBlue = 0xff5F9EA0;
int chartreuse = 0xff7FFF00;
int chocolate = 0xffD2691E;
int coral = 0xffFF7F50;
int cornflowerBlue = 0xff6495ED;
int cornsilk = 0xffFFF8DC;
int crimson = 0xffDC143C;
int cyan = 0xff00FFFF;
int darkBlue = 0xff00008B;
int darkCyan = 0xff008B8B;
int darkGoldenRod = 0xffB8860B;
int darkGray = 0xffA9A9A9;
int darkGreen = 0xff006400;
int darkKhaki = 0xffBDB76B;
int darkMagenta = 0xff8B008B;
int darkOliveGreen = 0xff556B2F;
int darkOrange = 0xffFF8C00;
int darkOrchid = 0xff9932CC;
int darkRed = 0xff8B0000;
int darkSalmon = 0xffE9967A;
int darkSeaGreen = 0xff8FBC8F;
int darkSlateBlue = 0xff483D8B;
int darkSlateGray = 0xff2F4F4F;
int darkTurquoise = 0xff00CED1;
int darkViolet = 0xff9400D3;
int deepPink = 0xffFF1493;
int deepSkyBlue = 0xff00BFFF;
int dimGray = 0xff696969;
int dodgerBlue = 0xff1E90FF;
int fireBrick = 0xffB22222;
int floralWhite = 0xffFFFAF0;
int forestGreen = 0xff228B22;
int fuchsia = 0xffFF00FF;
int gainsboro = 0xffDCDCDC;
int ghostWhite = 0xffF8F8FF;
int gold = 0xffFFD700;
int goldenRod = 0xffDAA520;
int gray = 0xff808080;
int green = 0xff008000;
int greenYellow = 0xffADFF2F;
int honeyDew = 0xffF0FFF0;
int hotPink = 0xffFF69B4;
int indianRed = 0xffCD5C5C;
int indigo = 0xff4B0082;
int ivory = 0xffFFFFF0;
int khaki = 0xffF0E68C;
int lavender = 0xffE6E6FA;
int lavenderBlush = 0xffFFF0F5;
int lawnGreen = 0xff7CFC00;
int lemonChiffon = 0xffFFFACD;
int lightBlue = 0xffADD8E6;
int lightCoral = 0xffF08080;
int lightCyan = 0xffE0FFFF;
int lightGoldenRodYellow = 0xffFAFAD2;
int lightGray = 0xffD3D3D3;
int lightGreen = 0xff90EE90;
int lightPink = 0xffFFB6C1;
int lightSalmon = 0xffFFA07A;
int lightSeaGreen = 0xff20B2AA;
int lightSkyBlue = 0xff87CEFA;
int lightSlateGray = 0xff778899;
int lightSteelBlue = 0xffB0C4DE;
int lightYellow = 0xffFFFFE0;
int lime = 0xff00FF00;
int limeGreen = 0xff32CD32;
int linen = 0xffFAF0E6;
int magenta = 0xffFF00FF;
int maroon = 0xff800000;
int mediumAquaMarine = 0xff66CDAA;
int mediumBlue = 0xff0000CD;
int mediumOrchid = 0xffBA55D3;
int mediumPurple = 0xff9370DB;
int mediumSeaGreen = 0xff3CB371;
int mediumSlateBlue = 0xff7B68EE;
int mediumSpringGreen = 0xff00FA9A;
int mediumTurquoise = 0xff48D1CC;
int mediumVioletRed = 0xffC71585;
int midnightBlue = 0xff191970;
int mintCream = 0xffF5FFFA;
int mistyRose = 0xffFFE4E1;
int moccasin = 0xffFFE4B5;
int navajoWhite = 0xffFFDEAD;
int navy = 0xff000080;
int oldLace = 0xffFDF5E6;
int olive = 0xff808000;
int oliveDrab = 0xff6B8E23;
int orange = 0xffFFA500;
int orangeRed = 0xffFF4500;
int orchid = 0xffDA70D6;
int paleGoldenRod = 0xffEEE8AA;
int paleGreen = 0xff98FB98;
int paleTurquoise = 0xffAFEEEE;
int paleVioletRed = 0xffDB7093;
int papayaWhip = 0xffFFEFD5;
int peachPuff = 0xffFFDAB9;
int peru = 0xffCD853F;
int pink = 0xffFFC0CB;
int plum = 0xffDDA0DD;
int powderBlue = 0xffB0E0E6;
int purple = 0xff800080;
int red = 0xffFF0000;
int rosyBrown = 0xffBC8F8F;
int royalBlue = 0xff4169E1;
int saddleBrown = 0xff8B4513;
int salmon = 0xffFA8072;
int sandyBrown = 0xffF4A460;
int seaGreen = 0xff2E8B57;
int seaShell = 0xffFFF5EE;
int sienna = 0xffA0522D;
int silver = 0xffC0C0C0;
int skyBlue = 0xff87CEEB;
int slateBlue = 0xff6A5ACD;
int slateGray = 0xff708090;
int snow = 0xffFFFAFA;
int springGreen = 0xff00FF7F;
int steelBlue = 0xff4682B4;
int tan = 0xffD2B48C;
int teal = 0xff008080;
int thistle = 0xffD8BFD8;
int tomato = 0xffFF6347;
int turquoise = 0xff40E0D0;
int violet = 0xffEE82EE;
int wheat = 0xffF5DEB3;
int white = 0xffFFFFFF;
int whiteSmoke = 0xffF5F5F5;
int yellow = 0xffFFFF00;
int yellowGreen = 0xff9ACD32;
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