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Created March 21, 2021 14:02
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Exercise about POO heritage and parents composants
require_once 'Vehicle.php';
class Bicycle extends Vehicle
public function __construct(string $color, int $nbSeats, string $energy)
parent::__construct($color, $nbSeats);
$this->energy = $energy;
require_once 'Vehicle.php';
class Car extends Vehicle
const ALLOWED_ENERGIES = ['fuel', 'electric'];
protected $energy;
protected $energyLevel;
public function __construct(string $color, int $nbSeats, string $energy)
parent::__construct($color, $nbSeats);
$this->energy = $energy;
public function getEnergy(): string
return $this->energy;
public function setEnergy(string $energy): Car
if (in_array($energy, self::ALLOWED_ENERGIES)) {
$this->energy = $energy;
return $this;
public function getEnergyLevel(): int
return $this->energyLevel;
public function setEnergyLevel(int $energyLevel): void
$this->energyLevel = $energyLevel;
require_once '../src/Bicycle.php';
require_once '../src/Car.php';
require_once '../src/Truck.php';
$bicycle = new Bicycle('blue', 1, 'human energy');
echo $bicycle->forward();
$car = new Car('green', 4, 'electric');
echo $car->forward();
$truck = new Truck('red', 2, 50);
echo "<strong> The truck is </strong>" . $truck->filling();
$truck2 = new Truck('black', 3, 40);
echo "<strong> The second truck starts... </strong>" . $truck2->forward() . "</br>" . $truck2->getCurrentSpeed() ."'s the current speed... </br>" . $truck2->brake();
class Truck extends Vehicle
private $stockageCapacity;
private $fillingTruck;
public function __construct(string $color, int $nbSeats, int $stockageCapacity, int $fillingTruck = 0)
parent::__construct($color, $nbSeats);
$this->stockageCapacity = $stockageCapacity;
$this->fillingTruck = $fillingTruck;
public function filling()
$sentence = "";
while ($this->fillingTruck < $this->stockageCapacity) {
$sentence .= $this->isFull() . "</br>";
return $sentence;
public function isFull() : string
if ($this->fillingTruck >= $this->stockageCapacity) {
return "Full!";
} else {
return "in filling..";
public function getStockageCapacity()
return $this->stockageCapacity;
public function setStockageCapacity($stockageCapacity)
$this->stockageCapacity = $stockageCapacity;
return $this;
public function getFillingTruck()
return $this->fillingTruck;
public function setFillingTruck($fillingTruck)
$this->fillingTruck = $fillingTruck;
return $this;
// Vehicle.php
class Vehicle
* @var string
protected $color;
* @var integer
protected $currentSpeed;
* @var integer
protected $nbSeats;
* @var integer
protected $nbWheels;
public function __construct(string $color, int $nbSeats)
$this->color = $color;
$this->nbSeats = $nbSeats;
public function forward(): string
$this->currentSpeed = 15;
return "Go !";
public function brake(): string
$sentence = "";
while ($this->currentSpeed > 0) {
$sentence .= "Brake !!!";
$sentence .= "I'm stopped !";
return $sentence;
public function getCurrentSpeed(): int
return $this->currentSpeed;
public function setCurrentSpeed(int $currentSpeed): void
if ($currentSpeed >= 0) {
$this->currentSpeed = $currentSpeed;
public function getColor(): string
return $this->color;
public function setColor(string $color): void
$this->color = $color;
public function getNbSeats(): int
return $this->nbSeats;
public function setNbSeats(int $nbSeats): void
$this->nbSeats = $nbSeats;
public function getNbWheels(): int
return $this->nbWheels;
public function setNbWheels(int $nbWheels): void
$this->nbWheels = $nbWheels;
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