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Last active February 29, 2020 21:27
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php-alpha-orm CRUD snippet
use ALphaORM\ALphaORM as DB;
# Create new Record
$product = DB::create('product');
$product->name = 'Running shoes';
$product->price = 5000;
DB::store($product); // Stores the data in the database
# Create new Record with Foreign key
$author = DB::create('author');
$author->name = 'Chimamanda Adichie';
$book = DB::create('book');
$book->title = 'Purple Hibiscus';
$book->author = $author; // Makes a foreign key reference in the database
# Retrieve only one row from table
$book = DB::find('book','id = :bid', [ 'bid' => 1 ]);
print("{$book->title} by {$book->author->name}");
# Retrieve all records in a table
$books = DB::getAll('book');
foreach ($books as $book) {
print("{$book->title} by {$book->author->name}");
# Retrieve all records with filter
$books = DB::findAll('book','pub_year > :year', [ 'year' => 1999 ]);
foreach($books as $book){
print("{$book->title} by {$book->author->name}");
# Update existing record in database
$product = DB::find('product', 'id = :pid', [ 'pid' => 1 ]);
$product->price = 500; // Change colunm value
DB::store($product); // Updates the record
# Update existing record and foreign key reference in database
$book = DB::find('book','id = :bid', [ 'bid' => 1 ]);
$book->author->name = 'New author'; // Changing data of foreign key table
$book->pub_year= '2003';
DB::store($book); // Updates the record
# Delete a single record from database
$book = DB::find('book','id = :bid', [ 'bid' => 1 ]);
# Delete all records in a given table
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