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Created October 6, 2010 18:03
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Prefix-based dispatch for Weblocks
; An example of prefix-based dispatch for Weblocks.
; This code allows you to have URLs like http://foo/details/callsign and
; http://foo/limited/callsign, and dispatch to different widgets based on
; pattern matching. In this case we dispatch to one widget for /details
; and another for /limited, in both cases passing callsign to the
; target widget.
; Error handling is left as an exercise for the reader ;)
(defwidget prefix-selector (on-demand-selector)
(:default-initargs :lookup-function #'galosh-selector)
(:documentation "Foo"))
(defun galosh-selector (selector tokens)
(cond ((equal (first tokens) "details")
(values (make-instance 'log-details :call (second tokens) :cols *detail-columns*)
tokens nil :no-cache))
((equal (first tokens) "limited")
(values (make-instance 'log-details :call (second tokens) :cols *limited-columns*)
tokens nil :no-cache))
(values (make-instance 'funcall-widget :fun-designator (lambda (&rest args)
(with-html (:p "Something else"))))
(car tokens) (cdr tokens)))))
(defwidget log-details ()
((call :accessor log-widget-call :initform nil :initarg :call)
(cols :accessor log-widget-cols :initform *limited-columns* :initarg :cols)))
(defmethod render-widget-body ((widget log-details) &rest args)
; your rendering code here)
(defun init-user-session (comp)
(setf (composite-widgets comp)
(make-instance 'prefix-selector)))
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