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Created September 13, 2022 16:08
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Stack-safe traversable in fp-ts
import * as r from "fp-ts/Reader"
import * as array from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray"
import * as option from "fp-ts/Option"
import * as either from "fp-ts/Either"
import * as fn from "fp-ts/function"
import type * as cr from "fp-ts/ChainRec"
import type * as applicative from "fp-ts/Applicative"
import type * as hkt from "fp-ts/HKT"
import type * as functor from "fp-ts/lib/Functor"
import type * as foldable from "fp-ts/lib/Foldable"
import assert from "assert"
const DATA = array.unfold(0, n =>
n < 100_000 ? option.of([n, n + 1]) : option.none
const work: (n: number) => r.Reader<number, number> = n =>
fn.pipe(r.asks((multiplier: number) => multiplier * n))
const unsafeTraverse = array.traverse(r.Applicative)
const readerCR: cr.ChainRec2<r.URI> = {
chainRec: (a, f) => env => {
let result = f(a)(env)
while (either.isLeft(result)) result = f(result.left)(env)
return result.right
const arrayST: SafeTraversable1<array.URI> = {
* Traverse an array using the `chainRec` implementation of the
* provided functor.
* NB: This _does_ mutate the arrays it manages as it traverse,
* but this mutation is entirely internal to this function and therefore
* okay. Mutation is used to avoid overflowing the heap.
<F>(F: applicative.Applicative<F> & cr.ChainRec<F>) =>
<A, B>(f: (a: A) => hkt.HKT<F, B>) =>
(as: ReadonlyArray<A>): hkt.HKT<F, ReadonlyArray<B>> => {
type state = [Array<A>, Array<B>]
return F.chainRec([[], []] as state, ([remaining, building]) => {
if (remaining.length === 0)
return F.of(either.of(building as ReadonlyArray<B>))
const a = remaining.shift() as A
return, b => {
return either.left([remaining, building] as state)
const safeTraverse = arrayST.traverse({
assert.throws(() => {
console.log("running unsafe traversal")
fn.pipe(DATA, unsafeTraverse(work), fn.apply(10))
console.log("unsafe traversal done")
assert.doesNotThrow(() => {
console.log("running safe traversal")
fn.pipe(DATA, safeTraverse(work), fn.apply(10))
console.log("safe traversal done")
interface SafeTraversable1<T extends hkt.URIS>
extends functor.Functor1<T>,
foldable.Foldable1<T> {
readonly traverse: SafeTraverse1<T>
interface SafeTraverse1<T extends hkt.URIS> {
<F extends hkt.URIS2>(F: applicative.Applicative2<F> & cr.ChainRec2<F>): <
f: (a: A) => hkt.Kind2<F, E, B>
) => (traversableOfA: hkt.Kind<T, A>) => hkt.Kind2<F, E, hkt.Kind<T, B>>
<F>(F: applicative.Applicative<F> & cr.ChainRec<F>): <A, B>(
f: (a: A) => hkt.HKT<F, B>
) => (traversableOfA: hkt.Kind<T, A>) => hkt.HKT<F, hkt.Kind<T, B>>
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