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Last active August 10, 2018 04:40
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clojure implementation of the grading challenge in hackerrank's interview prep series. reallyan opportunity to explore lazy-io with clojure
(ns grading-students
(:require [ :as io]))
(defn nearest-five [grade]
(let [increased (+ grade 5)]
(- increased
(mod increased 5))))
(defn roundable? [grade]
(and (>= grade 38)
(> 3 (- (nearest-five grade) grade))))
(defn round [grade]
(if (roundable? grade)
(nearest-five grade)
(defn pipe-grades [xform in-seq out-stream]
(doseq [grade (sequence xform in-seq)]
(.write out-stream (.getBytes (str grade "\n") "UTF-8"))))
(defn perform-grading []
(let [output-file-name (get (System/getenv) "OUTPUT_PATH")
input-stream (drop 1 (line-seq (io/reader *in*)))] ; drop the first line as we don't care
(with-open [output-file (io/output-stream output-file-name)]
(comp (map #(Integer/parseInt %)) (map round))
input-stream output-file))))
(defn test-grading
"a li'l test of the functionality that will generate
a rather large file of test numbers and then run the rounding on them"
[junk-file results-file]
(letfn [(random-int [limit]
(int (rand limit)))
(grade-line []
(str (random-int 100) "\n"))
(line-bytes [] (.getBytes (grade-line)))]
(with-open [out-stream (io/output-stream junk-file)]
(dotimes [_ 100000]
(.write out-stream (line-bytes))))
(with-open [in-stream (io/input-stream junk-file)
out-stream (io/output-stream results-file)]
(comp (map #(Integer/parseInt %)) (map round))
(line-seq (io/reader in-stream))
;; uncomment and execute line below for a test
;; (test-grading "junk.txt" "big-test.txt")
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