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Created September 30, 2020 18:59
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# On, Lincoln Hannah asked if we support XML.
# We did support XML in an earlier version of DataKnots, but it requires
# "IndexVector" which we removed to make a minimal, documented release.
# (
# One could still query XML, but you have to first load it into an
# in-memory dictionary. Moreover, you have to define your schema via
# a query. Here is an example of how one could do this with FpML, a
# financial product markup language.
using DataKnots, XMLDict, Dates
import Base: getproperty
import DataKnots: lookup
# Lookup function compatible with `XMLDict` output
function lookup(ity::Type{<:XMLDict.OrderedDict}, name::Symbol)
oty = Union{Any, Missing}
key = string(name)
if startswith(key, "@")
key = Symbol(key[2:end])
DataKnots.lift(get, key, missing) |>
DataKnots.designate(ity, oty |> DataKnots.IsLabeled(name))
Base.getproperty(nav::DataKnots.Navigation, s::String) =
Base.getproperty(nav, Symbol(s))
# When building queries, for them to be understood by DataKnots,
# you have to assert the datatype of the elements.
IsDict = Is(XMLDict.OrderedDict)
# XMLDict assumes child elements are singular, unless there is two
# or more, then it's plural. We can normalize this.
vectorize(X::Any) = [X]
vectorize(X::Vector) = X
# Here is our example XML document...
xml_string = ("""
<payerPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<receiverPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_1" />
<payerPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_1" />
<receiverPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<payerPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_2" />
<receiverPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<payerPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<receiverPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_2" />
<payerPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_3" />
<receiverPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<payerPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<receiverPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_3" />
<payerPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
<receiverPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_3" />
<payerPartyReference id="OTHER_BANK_3" />
<receiverPartyReference id="THIS_BANK" />
# The next step is that we have to build our in-memory structure, we
# can do this by querying the underlying data structure. Note that this
# native Julia syntax will be improved in a later release of DataKnots.
Exchange =
IsDict >>
Record(:payer => It.payerPartyReference >> IsDict >> It."@id" >> Is(String),
:receiver => It.receiverPartyReference >> IsDict >> It."@id" >> Is(String),
:currency => It.paymentAmount >> IsDict >> It.currency >> Is(String),
:amount => It.paymentAmount >> IsDict >> It.amount >> parse.(Int, It))
Leg =
vectorize.(It.fxLeg) >> IsDict >>
Record(:ex1 => It.exchangedCurrency1 >> Exchange,
:ex2 => It.exchangedCurrency2 >> Exchange,
:date => It.paymentDate >> parse.(Date, It)) >>
Header =
It.Header >> IsDict >>
Record(:id => It.tradeID >> parse.(Int, It),
:date => It.tradeDate >> parse.(Date, It),
:book => >>
Trade =
vectorize.(It.Trade) >> IsDict >>
Record(Header, Leg,
:product => It.product >> Is(String)) >>
Portfolio = Record(It.Portfolio >> IsDict >> Trade)
# Now we can load the data, this step doesn't convert the
# data, it simply wraps it as a DataKnot.
d = xml_dict(xml_string)
raw = DataKnot( :Portfolio => d["Portfolio"] )
# If you want, you can directly convert the data; this can be
# expensive since it'll transform the entire input.
knot = raw[Portfolio]
# here is an example query directly against this converted knot
@query knot {count(trade), trade{, max(leg.ex1.amount)}}
│ #A trade{id,#B} │
│ 3 10001, 1100000; 10002, 1200000; 10003, 1200000 │
# alternatively, you can directly query the raw data; this has
# the advantage of only converting the data needed...
@query raw $Portfolio{count(trade), trade{, max(leg.ex1.amount)}}
│ #A trade{id,#B} │
│ 3 10001, 1100000; 10002, 1200000; 10003, 1200000 │
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