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Created March 5, 2016 06:44
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Functional. Reactive. Beautiful. Try pasting this at
import Html exposing (iframe, Html)
import Html.Attributes exposing (seamless, attribute, height)
import String exposing (concat, join)
secure_required : Bool
secure_required = True
protocol : String
protocol =
if secure_required
then "https"
else "http"
join_path : List String -> String
join_path fragments =
join "/" fragments
query_item : String -> String -> String
query_item k v =
k ++ "=" ++ v
join_query : List String -> String
join_query kvs =
join "&" kvs
full_url : String -> List String -> List String -> String
full_url domain paths queries =
concat [ protocol
, "://"
, domain
, "/"
, join_path paths
, "?"
, join_query queries
target_url : String -> String
target_url id =
full_url "" ["embed", id] ["autoplay=1", "showinfo=0", "controls=0"]
src : String -> Html.Attribute
src value = attribute "src" value
frameborder : String -> Html.Attribute
frameborder value = attribute "frameborder" value
width : String -> Html.Attribute
width value = attribute "width" value
embed : String -> Html
embed url =
iframe [ seamless True, src url, frameborder "0", width "100%", height 800] []
main = embed (target_url ("UJDhBU-LneM"))
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