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Clark Fitzgerald clarkfitzg

  • Mathematics and Statistics Department, CSU Sacramento
  • Sacramento
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clarkfitzg /
Created March 25, 2017 00:45
Way faster version using numba
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import jit
n_smpl = int(1e6)
ni = 5
group_id = np.repeat(np.arange(n_smpl), ni)
a = np.repeat(1, len(group_id))
b = np.repeat(1, len(group_id))
clarkfitzg /
Created May 19, 2017 18:00
Working through install problems for RSQLiteUDF.

Fri May 19 09:34:10 PDT 2017

Working through install problems for RSQLiteUDF.

** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) :
  unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RSQLiteUDF/libs/':
  /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/RSQLiteUDF/libs/ undefined symbol: sqlite3_enable_load_extension
Error: loading failed
> lookup::lookup(rt)
stats::rt [closure]
function (n, df, ncp)
if (missing(ncp))
.Call(C_rt, n, df)
else if ( {
warning("NAs produced")
rep(NaN, n)
#' Cut Into Bins
#' No boundaries on the endpoints, and handles character \code{x}.
#' A little different than normal \code{\link[base]{cut}}
#' @param x column to be cut
#' @param breaks define the bins
#' @param bin_names names for the result
#' @return bins factor
cutbin = function(x, breaks, bin_names)
# From wlandau
#' Recursively Find Global Variables
#' TODO: Modify this to work without requiring that the code be evaluated
#' Probably means we can't use codetools::findGlobals
clarkfitzg / cov_chunked.R
Created August 10, 2017 23:57
Chunked version of covariance
cov_chunked = function(x, nchunks = 2L)
p = ncol(x)
indices = parallel::splitIndices(p, nchunks)
diagonal_blocks = lapply(indices, function(idx) cov(x[, idx, drop = FALSE]))
upper_right_indices = combn(indices, 2, simplify = FALSE)
# Mon Aug 28 16:33:46 PDT 2017
# sweep() used to implement scale() is inefficient. Profiling shows that
# only 2% of the time is spent in colMeans. The only other thing to do is
# subtract the mean, which should be fast, but isn't because memory
# layout requires a transpose to use recycling (broadcasting).
# But I don't know how to do any better short of writing in C
#' Split And Append Results To CSV File
#' x will be split by f and each group will be appended to a directory of
#' csv files named according to f
#' @param x data frame to split
#' @param f factor defining splits
#' @param ... further arguments to split
#' @param dirname character directory, will be created if doesn't exist
#' @return NULL
# Following:
test_func <- function(par_mu, par_sd) {
samp <- rnorm(10^6, par_mu, par_sd)
c(s_mu = mean(samp), s_sd = sd(samp))
clarkfitzg / forloop.R
Last active November 27, 2017 23:29
R for loops with possibly difficult vectorization
# Given observations of linear functions f and g at points a and b this
# calculates the integral of f * g from a to b.
# Looks like it will already work as a vectorized function. Sweet!
inner_one_piece = function(a, b, fa, fb, ga, gb)
# Roughly following my notes
fslope = (fb - fa) / (b - a)
gslope = (gb - ga) / (b - a)