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Last active April 16, 2024 17:11
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  • Save clarkmoody/0a788d2e012ffe339bb7d3873e47c081 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save clarkmoody/0a788d2e012ffe339bb7d3873e47c081 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const bitcoinjs = require('bitcoinjs-lib') // @3.3.2
const bip39 = require('bip39')
const clone = require('lodash.clonedeep')
const networks = bitcoinjs.networks
const script = bitcoinjs.script
Bitcoin 0x0488b21e - xpub 0x0488ade4 - xprv P2PKH or P2SH
Bitcoin 0x049d7cb2 - ypub 0x049d7878 - yprv P2WPKH in P2SH
Bitcoin 0x0295b43f - Ypub 0x0295b005 - Yprv P2WSH in P2SH
Bitcoin 0x04b24746 - zpub 0x04b2430c - zprv P2WPKH
Bitcoin 0x02aa7ed3 - Zpub 0x02aa7a99 - Zprv P2WSH
// Default is BIP-44
networks.bitcoin.bip32.outputScript = (pubkey) => {
return script.pubKeyHash.output.encode(
// BIP-49 is P2PKH-in-P2SH
networks.bip49 = clone(networks.bitcoin)
networks.bip49.bip32 = {
public: 0x049d7cb2,
private: 0x049d7878,
outputScript: (pubkey) => {
const spendScript = script.witnessPubKeyHash.output.encode(
return script.scriptHash.output.encode(
// BIP-84 is P2WPKH with bech32-encoded addresses
networks.bip84 = clone(networks.bitcoin)
networks.bip84.bip32 = {
public: 0x04b24746,
private: 0x04b2430c,
outputScript: (pubkey) => {
return script.witnessPubKeyHash.output.encode(
// Entropy: 0x00
const mnemonic = 'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about'
const seedHex = bip39.mnemonicToSeedHex(mnemonic)
function printScheme(purpose, network) {
const path = `m/${purpose}'/0'/0'`
const rootNode = bitcoinjs.HDNode.fromSeedHex(seedHex, network)
const accountNode = rootNode.derivePath(path)
const pubkey = accountNode.derive(0).derive(0).getPublicKeyBuffer()
const address = bitcoinjs.address.fromOutputScript(
console.log(`${path}/0/0 address:`)
printScheme(44, networks.bitcoin)
printScheme(49, networks.bip49)
printScheme(84, networks.bip84)
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Hagan21 commented Apr 7, 2022

Trust Wallet. A simple and secure mobile wallet for Ethereum and ERC20/ERC223 tokens. We provide a fully security audited system that makes it simple to store your cryptocurrency. Trust applications, designed for iOS and Android, provide the best possible experience and ease of use. Trust Platform is a set of core technologies and solutions that work together as an ecosystem with enhanced capabilities able to provide developers with advanced tools, enable the integration of blockchain and non-blockchain projects, and reveal the true power of blockchain to the general public. Components of Trust Platform are autonomous but, when working together, are able to augment each other to solve complicated technological challenges, including mass adoption. Learn more about trust wallet

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Trust Wallet. A simple and secure mobile wallet for Ethereum and ERC20/ERC223 tokens. We provide a fully security audited system that makes it simple to store your cryptocurrency. Trust applications, designed for iOS and Android, provide the best possible experience and ease of use. Trust Platform is a set of core technologies and solutions that work together as an ecosystem with enhanced capabilities able to provide developers with advanced tools, enable the integration of blockchain and non-blockchain projects, and reveal the true power of blockchain to the general public. Components of Trust Platform are autonomous but, when working together, are able to augment each other to solve complicated technological challenges, including mass adoption. Learn more about trust wallet yeah get lost binance crew.

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Falehf commented Feb 1, 2024


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