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Created September 7, 2015 16:52
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Save clarkwinkelmann/db28f3217cb4ba9d6982 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The original TetrisBot for CEEBOT
extern void object::Tetris()
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- Touches gauche et droite pour diriger le tetrimino
- Touche haut pour faire tourner le tetrimino
- Touche bas pour accélérer la chute
Bon jeu !
////////////// Variables ///////////////////////
int i, j, k;
int cases[][];
cases[i][j] = 0;
int tetrimino_tombe = 0;
int lignes_completees = 0;
int partie_finie = 0;
int tetrimino_choisi ,peut_tomber, ligne_incomplete, couleur_tetrimino, couleur_a_peindre, cases_a_colorier;
float position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, nouvelle_rotation, vitesse;
string type_tetrimino;
float score = 0;
float combo;
dialog("Appuyez sur Enter pour commencer");
while(partie_finie == 0){
// on affiche le score
message("- - - - - - -");
message("Score: " + score);
message("- - - - - - -");
/////////// Création d'un tetrimino //////////////
// on choisit un nouveau tetrimino au hasard
if(tetrimino_tombe == 0){
tetrimino_choisi = 0;
while(tetrimino_choisi < 1 or tetrimino_choisi > 7){
tetrimino_choisi = rand()*7.5;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 1){
type_tetrimino = "i";
couleur_tetrimino = 15;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 2){
type_tetrimino = "o";
couleur_tetrimino = 8;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 3){
type_tetrimino = "t";
couleur_tetrimino = 6;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 4){
type_tetrimino = "l";
couleur_tetrimino = 7;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 5){
type_tetrimino = "j";
couleur_tetrimino = 14;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 6){
type_tetrimino = "z";
couleur_tetrimino = 4;
if(tetrimino_choisi == 7){
type_tetrimino = "s";
couleur_tetrimino = 13;
tetrimino_tombe = 1;
position_x = 5;
position_y = 17;
rotation_tetrimino = 0;
//////// Ajout des tetriminos dans le tableau //////
if(i == 0){
couleur_a_peindre = 0;
couleur_a_peindre = couleur_tetrimino;
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y")] = couleur_a_peindre;
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y")] = couleur_a_peindre;
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y")] = couleur_a_peindre;
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y")] = couleur_a_peindre;
// les contrôles ont lieu uniquement au premier passage
if(i == 0){
////////////// Contrôles claviers ///////////////////
// on teste si la touche haut est enfoncée
if(keypushed( VK_UP )){
nouvelle_rotation = rotation_tetrimino + 90;
while(nouvelle_rotation >=360){
nouvelle_rotation -= 360;
if(EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 1, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 2, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 3, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 4, "x")) and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 1, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 2, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 3, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 4, "y") >= 0){
if(cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 1, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 1, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 2, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 2, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 3, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 3, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 4, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, nouvelle_rotation, 4, "y")] == 0){
rotation_tetrimino = nouvelle_rotation;
// on teste les touches gauche et droite
if(keypushed( VK_LEFT )){
if(EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x"))){
if(cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x-1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y")] == 0){
position_x -= 1;
if(keypushed( VK_RIGHT )){
if(EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")) and EstValide(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x"))){
if(cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x+1, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y")] == 0){
position_x += 1;
if(keypushed( VK_DOWN )){
vitesse = 0.05;
vitesse = 0.2;
////////////// Gestion de la chute //////////////////
// on regarde si on peut faire tomber le tetrimino
peut_tomber = 0;
if(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y") >= 0 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y") >= 0){
if(cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y")] == 0 and
cases[Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "x")][Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y-1, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y")] == 0){
peut_tomber = 1;
// si on peut baisser la pièce, on diminue sa position y
if(peut_tomber == 1){
position_y -= 1;
//sinon on arrête la chute et on demande un nouveau tetrimino
tetrimino_tombe = 0;
if(Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 1, "y") >= 17 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 2, "y") >= 17 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 3, "y") >= 17 and Tetrimino(type_tetrimino, position_x, position_y, rotation_tetrimino, 4, "y") >= 17){
message("Fin de la partie !");
message("Score: " + score + " - Lignes complétées: " + lignes_completees);
message("Cliquez sur rafraîchir avant de commencer une nouvelle partie");
partie_finie = 1;
////////// Détection des lignes complètes ////////////
combo = 0;
if(tetrimino_tombe == 0){
ligne_incomplete = 0;
if(cases[j][i] == 0){
ligne_incomplete = 1;
// si la ligne est remplie complètement, on copie le contenu de chaque ligne dans la ligne du dessous à partir de la ligne complétée précédemment
if(ligne_incomplete == 0){
cases[j][k] = cases[j][k+1];
i -= 1;
// on compte les combos
if(combo == 1){
score += 40;
if(combo == 2){
score += 100;
if(combo == 3){
score += 300;
if(combo == 4){
score += 1200;
//////////// Impression de la grille ///////////////
// on met l'arrière-plan en blanc
// remplir la zone selon le tableau - moteur graphique par défaut
// on compte le nombre de cases à colorier. lorsqu'on en a colorié autant, on passe à la ligne suivant
// ceci évite d'imprimer les cases blanches au-dessus du reste
cases_a_colorier = 0;
if(cases[i][j] != 0){cases_a_colorier++;}
j = 0;
while(cases_a_colorier > 0){
if(cases[i][j] != 0){
cases_a_colorier -= 1;
// on dessine la zone de jeu
/////////// Définition des tetriminos ////////////
int Tetrimino(string type, float position_x, float position_y, float rotation, float position_n, string x_ou_y){
if(type == "t"){
if(rotation == 0){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(rotation == 90){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(rotation == 180){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(rotation == 270){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(type == "i"){
if(rotation == 0 or rotation == 180){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+2;}
if(rotation == 90 or rotation == 270){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+2;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(type == "o"){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(type == "l"){
if(rotation == 0){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(rotation == 90){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(rotation == 180){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(rotation == 270){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(type == "j"){
if(rotation == 0){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(rotation == 90){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(rotation == 180){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(rotation == 270){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(type == "z"){
if(rotation == 0){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(rotation == 90){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(type == "s"){
if(rotation == 0){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x-1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y-1;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(rotation == 90){
if(position_n == 1){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y+1;}
if(position_n == 2){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 3){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y;}
if(position_n == 4){
if(x_ou_y == "x"){return position_x+1;}
else{return position_y-1;}
bool EstValide(float valeur){
if(valeur >= 0 and valeur <= 9){
return true;
return false;
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