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Created January 23, 2015 12:35
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
#define SELECTED 255
#define ABORT 100
#define UNCHECKED 0
int threshhold = 10;
int patch_radius;
IplImage *input = NULL;
IplImage *mask = NULL;
IplImage *res = NULL;
int width;
int height;
int widthstep;
int gwidthstep;
int nch;
CvPoint center_pos;
struct Color{
int r;
int g;
int b;
queue <CvPoint> p; // 队列p中所存的是当前待传播的点的信息
int colordiff(Color *cur, Color *center)
double diff;
diff = (cur->b - center->b) * (cur->b - center->b)
+ (cur->g - center->g) * (cur->g - center->g)
+ (cur->r - center->r) * (cur->r - center->r);
diff = sqrt(diff);
if (diff <= threshhold)
return 1;
return 0;
// 以某一点为中心,周围3*3的块进行判断颜色相似性
void point_grow(int i, int j, Color center, int radius)
Color cur;
int st_row = i - radius, ed_row = i + radius;
int st_col = j - radius, ed_col = j + radius;
if (st_row <= center_pos.y - patch_radius)
st_row = center_pos.y - patch_radius;
if (ed_row > center_pos.y + patch_radius)
ed_row = center_pos.y + patch_radius;
if (st_col <= center_pos.x - patch_radius)
st_col = center_pos.x - patch_radius;
if (ed_col > center_pos.x + patch_radius)
ed_col = center_pos.x + patch_radius;
if (st_row <= 0)
st_row = 1;
if (ed_row > height)
ed_row = height;
if (st_col <= 0)
st_col = 1;
if (ed_col > width)
ed_col = width;
int diff_flag;
CvPoint cur_pos;
for (int m = st_row; m <= ed_row; m++)
for (int n = st_col; n <= ed_col; n++)
if (!((m == i) && (n == j)))
int mask_value = *(uchar *)(mask->imageData + (m - 1) * gwidthstep + (n - 1));
if ((mask_value != ABORT) && (mask_value != SELECTED))
cur.b = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (m - 1) * widthstep + (n - 1) * nch);
cur.g = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (m - 1) * widthstep + (n - 1) * nch + 1);
cur.r = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (m - 1) * widthstep + (n - 1) * nch + 2);
diff_flag = colordiff(&cur, &center);
if (diff_flag == 1) // 说明颜色比较接近,应当被选择
*(uchar *)(mask->imageData + (m - 1) * gwidthstep + (n - 1)) = SELECTED;
cur_pos.x = j;
cur_pos.y = i;
else // 说明颜色相差较大,不应该被选择,标记为128,防止以后折回生长
*(uchar *)(mask->imageData + (m - 1) * gwidthstep + (n - 1)) = ABORT;
} // End if diff_flag
} // End for loop m, n
// Patch中心点为当前要计算DarkChannel的patch的中心点
void rgrow(IplImage *res, IplImage *input, IplImage *mask, int threshhold, int patch_radius)
int radius; // 当前传播的窗口半径
radius = 1;
Color center;
for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++)
for (int j = 1; j <= width; j++)
center.b = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (i - 1) * widthstep + (j - 1) * nch);
center.g = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (i - 1) * widthstep + (j - 1) * nch + 1);
center.r = *(uchar *)(input->imageData + (i - 1) * widthstep + (j - 1) * nch + 2);
//CvPoint center_pos;
center_pos.x = j;
center_pos.y = i;
CvPoint cur_pos;
while (p.empty() != true) // 即队列非空
cur_pos.x = p.front().x;
cur_pos.y = p.front().y;
point_grow(cur_pos.y, cur_pos.x, center, radius);
} // End for loop i, j
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc < 2)
input = cvLoadImage("test.jpg");
input = cvLoadImage(argv[1]);
width = input->width;
height = input->height;
widthstep = input->widthStep;
nch = input->nChannels;
cvShowImage("Input", input);
cvResizeWindow("Mask", width, height);
mask = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
gwidthstep = mask->widthStep;
res = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
patch_radius = (int)(MIN(width, height) * 0.02);
clock_t begin, end;
double time_spent;
begin = clock();
rgrow(res, input, mask, threshhold, patch_radius);
end = clock();
time_spent = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Region Grow %.0lfs\n", time_spent);
cvShowImage("Mask", mask);
return 0;
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