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Created January 28, 2013 15:57
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Micro-Manager Core header file - rights belong to associated authors
// FILE: MMCore.h
// PROJECT: Micro-Manager
// DESCRIPTION: The interface to the MM core services.
// COPYRIGHT: University of California, San Francisco, 2006,
// 100X Imaging Inc,, 2008
// All Rights reserved
// LICENSE: This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with the source distribution; if not, write to
// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
// AUTHOR: Nenad Amodaj,, 06/07/2005
// REVISIONS: 08/09/2005, N.A. - run-time loading of device libraries
// 08/22/2005, N.A. - intelligent loading of devices
// (automatic device type)
// 05/15/2007, N.A. - Circular buffer interface and thread synchronization
// 12/18/2007 N.A. - Callbacks for GUI side notifications
// 05/20/2008 N.A. - Relative positions for stages, cached system state
// Public methods follow slightly different naming conventions than
// the rest of the C++ code, i.e we have:
// getConfiguration();
// instead of:
// GetConfiguration();
// The alternative (lowercase function names) convention is used
// because all public methods will most likely appear in other
// programming environments (Java or Python).
// CVS: $Id$
#ifndef _MMCORE_H_
#define _MMCORE_H_
// disable exception scpecification warnings in MSVC
#ifdef WIN32
#pragma warning( disable : 4290 )
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <fstream>
#include "../MMDevice/MMDeviceConstants.h"
#include "../MMDevice/MMDevice.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "Configuration.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "ErrorCodes.h"
#include "../MMDevice/DeviceThreads.h"
// forward declarations
class CircularBuffer;
class Configuration;
class PropertyBlock;
class CSerial;
class ConfigGroupCollection;
class CorePropertyCollection;
class CoreCallback;
class PixelSizeConfigGroup;
class Metadata;
class MMEventCallback;
class FastLogger;
typedef unsigned int* imgRGB32;
* The interface to the core image acquisition services.
* This class is intended as the top-most level interface to the core services.
* Its public methods define the programmatic API, typically wrapped into the
* high-level language wrapper (Python, Java, etc.). Public methods are designed
* to conform to default processing conventions for the automatic wrapper generator
* SWIG (
class CMMCore
friend class CoreCallback;
friend class CorePropertyCollection;
/** @name Initialization and set-up
* Loading of drivers, initialization and setting-up the environment.
//@ {
void loadDevice(const char* label, const char* library, const char* adapterName) throw (CMMError);
void unloadDevice(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void unloadAllDevices() throw (CMMError);
void initializeAllDevices() throw (CMMError);
void initializeDevice(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void updateCoreProperties() throw (CMMError);
void reset() throw (CMMError);
void clearLog();
void enableDebugLog(bool enable);
bool debugLogEnabled(void) { return debugLog_;};
void enableStderrLog(bool enable);
std::string getUserId() const;
std::string getHostName() const;
void logMessage(const char* msg);
void logMessage(const char* msg, bool debugOnly);
// this creates an archive of the current log contents and returns the path created
std::string saveLogArchive(void);
std::string saveLogArchiveWithPreamble(char* preamble, int length);
std::string getVersionInfo() const;
std::string getAPIVersionInfo() const;
Configuration getSystemState();
Configuration getSystemStateCache() const;
void updateSystemStateCache();
void setSystemState(const Configuration& conf);
Configuration getConfigState(const char* group, const char* config) throw (CMMError);
Configuration getConfigGroupState(const char* group) throw (CMMError);
Configuration getConfigGroupStateFromCache(const char* group) throw (CMMError);
void saveSystemState(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError);
void loadSystemState(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError);
void saveSystemConfiguration(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError);
void loadSystemConfiguration(const char* fileName) throw (CMMError);
void registerCallback(MMEventCallback* cb);
//@ }
/** @name Device discovery and configuration interface.
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableDevices(const char* library) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableDeviceDescriptions(const char* library) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<long> getAvailableDeviceTypes(const char* library) throw (CMMError);
/** @name Generic device interface
* API guaranteed to work for all devices.
//@ {
static void addSearchPath(const char *path);
static std::vector<std::string> getDeviceLibraries() throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getLoadedDevices() const;
std::vector<std::string> getLoadedDevicesOfType(MM::DeviceType devType) const;
std::vector<std::string> getDevicePropertyNames(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
std::string getProperty(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
std::string getPropertyFromCache(const char* label, const char* propName) const throw (CMMError);
void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, const char* propValue) throw (CMMError);
void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, const bool propValue) throw (CMMError);
void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, const long propValue) throw (CMMError);
void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, const float propValue) throw (CMMError);
void setProperty(const char* label, const char* propName, const double propValue) throw (CMMError);
bool hasProperty(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getAllowedPropertyValues(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
bool isPropertyReadOnly(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
bool isPropertyPreInit(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
bool isPropertySequenceable(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
bool hasPropertyLimits(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
double getPropertyLowerLimit(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
double getPropertyUpperLimit(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
void startPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
void stopPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
long getPropertySequenceMaxLength(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
void loadPropertySequence(const char* label, const char* propName, std::vector<std::string> eventSequence) throw (CMMError);
MM::PropertyType getPropertyType(const char* label, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
MM::DeviceType getDeviceType(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
std::string getDeviceLibrary(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void unloadLibrary(const char* moduleName) throw (CMMError);
std::string getDeviceName(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
std::string getParentLabel(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void setParentLabel(const char* label, const char* parentLabel) throw (CMMError);
std::string getDeviceDescription(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
bool deviceBusy(const char* deviceName) throw (CMMError);
void waitForDevice(const char* deviceName) throw (CMMError);
void waitForConfig(const char* group, const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
bool systemBusy() throw (CMMError);
void waitForSystem() throw (CMMError);
void waitForImageSynchro() throw (CMMError);
bool deviceTypeBusy(MM::DeviceType devType) throw (CMMError);
void waitForDeviceType(MM::DeviceType devType) throw (CMMError);
void sleep(double intervalMs) const;
double getDeviceDelayMs(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void setDeviceDelayMs(const char* label, double delayMs) throw (CMMError);
void setTimeoutMs(long timeoutMs) {if (timeoutMs > 0) timeoutMs_ = timeoutMs;}
long getTimeoutMs() { return timeoutMs_;}
bool usesDeviceDelay(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
std::string getCoreErrorText(int code) const;
//@ }
* @name System role identification for devices.
//@ {
std::string getCameraDevice();
std::string getShutterDevice();
std::string getFocusDevice();
std::string getXYStageDevice();
std::string getAutoFocusDevice();
std::string getImageProcessorDevice();
std::string getSLMDevice();
std::string getGalvoDevice();
std::string getChannelGroup();
void setCameraDevice(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setShutterDevice(const char* shutterLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setFocusDevice(const char* focusLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setXYStageDevice(const char* xyStageLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setAutoFocusDevice(const char* focusLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setImageProcessorDevice(const char* procLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setSLMDevice(const char* slmLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setGalvoDevice(const char* galvoLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setChannelGroup(const char* channelGroup) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Multiple property settings
* A single configuration applies to multiple devices at the same time.
//@ {
void defineConfig(const char* groupName, const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
void defineConfig(const char* groupName, const char* configName, const char* deviceName, const char* propName, const char* value) throw (CMMError);
void defineConfigGroup(const char* groupName) throw (CMMError);
void deleteConfigGroup(const char* groupName) throw (CMMError);
void renameConfigGroup(const char* oldGroupName, const char* newGroupName) throw (CMMError);
bool isGroupDefined(const char* groupName);
bool isConfigDefined(const char* groupName, const char* configName);
void setConfig(const char* groupName, const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
void deleteConfig(const char* groupName, const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
void deleteConfig(const char* groupName, const char* configName, const char* deviceLabel, const char* propName) throw (CMMError);
void renameConfig(const char* groupName, const char* oldConfigName, const char* newConfigName) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableConfigGroups() const;
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableConfigs(const char* configGroup) const;
std::string getCurrentConfig(const char* groupName) throw (CMMError);
std::string getCurrentConfigFromCache(const char* groupName) throw (CMMError);
Configuration getConfigData(const char* configGroup, const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
std::string getCurrentPixelSizeConfig() throw (CMMError);
std::string getCurrentPixelSizeConfig(bool cached) throw (CMMError);
double getPixelSizeUm();
double getPixelSizeUm(bool cached);
double getPixelSizeUmByID(const char* resolutionID) throw (CMMError);
double getMagnificationFactor() const;
void setPixelSizeUm(const char* resolutionID, double pixSize) throw (CMMError);
void definePixelSizeConfig(const char* resolutionID, const char* deviceName, const char* propName, const char* value);
void definePixelSizeConfig(const char* resolutionID);
std::vector<std::string> getAvailablePixelSizeConfigs() const;
bool isPixelSizeConfigDefined(const char* resolutionID) const;
void setPixelSizeConfig(const char* resolutionID) throw (CMMError);
void renamePixelSizeConfig(const char* oldConfigName, const char* newConfigName) throw (CMMError);
void deletePixelSizeConfig(const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
Configuration getPixelSizeConfigData(const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Imaging support
* Imaging related API.
//@ {
void setROI(int x, int y, int xSize, int ySize) throw (CMMError);
void getROI(int& x, int& y, int& xSize, int& ySize) throw (CMMError);
void clearROI() throw (CMMError);
void setExposure(double exp) throw (CMMError);
double getExposure() throw (CMMError);
void* getImage() throw (CMMError);
void* getImage(unsigned numChannel) throw (CMMError);
void snapImage() throw (CMMError);
unsigned getImageWidth();
unsigned getImageHeight();
unsigned getBytesPerPixel();
unsigned getImageBitDepth();
unsigned getNumberOfComponents();
unsigned getNumberOfCameraChannels();
std::string getCameraChannelName(unsigned int channelNr);
long getImageBufferSize();
void assignImageSynchro(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void removeImageSynchro(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void removeImageSynchroAll();
void setAutoShutter(bool state);
bool getAutoShutter();
void setShutterOpen(bool state) throw (CMMError);
bool getShutterOpen() throw (CMMError);
void startSequenceAcquisition(long numImages, double intervalMs, bool stopOnOverflow) throw (CMMError);
void startSequenceAcquisition(const char* cameraLabel, long numImages, double intervalMs, bool stopOnOverflow) throw (CMMError);
void prepareSequenceAcquisition(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
void startContinuousSequenceAcquisition(double intervalMs) throw (CMMError);
void stopSequenceAcquisition() throw (CMMError);
void stopSequenceAcquisition(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
bool isSequenceRunning() throw ();
bool isSequenceRunning(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void* getLastImage() throw (CMMError);
void* popNextImage() throw (CMMError);
void* getLastImageMD(unsigned channel, unsigned slice, Metadata& md) const throw (CMMError);
void* popNextImageMD(unsigned channel, unsigned slice, Metadata& md) throw (CMMError);
void* getLastImageMD(Metadata& md) const throw (CMMError);
void* getNBeforeLastImageMD(unsigned long n, Metadata& md) const throw (CMMError);
void* popNextImageMD(Metadata& md) throw (CMMError);
long getRemainingImageCount();
long getBufferTotalCapacity();
long getBufferFreeCapacity();
double getBufferIntervalMs() const;
bool isBufferOverflowed() const;
void setCircularBufferMemoryFootprint(unsigned sizeMB) throw (CMMError);
void initializeCircularBuffer() throw (CMMError);
void clearCircularBuffer() throw (CMMError);
bool isExposureSequenceable(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
void startExposureSequence(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
void stopExposureSequence(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
long getExposureSequenceMaxLength(const char* cameraLabel) throw (CMMError);
void loadExposureSequence(const char* cameraLabel, std::vector<double> exposureSequence_ms) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Auto-focusing
* API for controlling auto-focusing devices or software modules.
//@ {
double getLastFocusScore();
double getCurrentFocusScore();
void enableContinuousFocus(bool enable) throw (CMMError);
bool isContinuousFocusEnabled() throw (CMMError);
bool isContinuousFocusLocked() throw (CMMError);
bool isContinuousFocusDrive(const char* stageLabel) throw (CMMError);
void fullFocus() throw (CMMError);
void incrementalFocus() throw (CMMError);
void setAutoFocusOffset(double offset) throw (CMMError);
double getAutoFocusOffset() throw (CMMError);
/** @name State device support
* API for controlling state devices (filters, turrets, etc.)
//@ {
void setState(const char* deviceLabel, long state) throw (CMMError);
long getState(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
long getNumberOfStates(const char* deviceLabel);
void setStateLabel(const char* deviceLabel, const char* stateLabel) throw (CMMError);
std::string getStateLabel(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void defineStateLabel(const char* deviceLabel, long state, const char* stateLabel) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getStateLabels(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
long getStateFromLabel(const char* deviceLabel, const char* stateLabel) throw (CMMError);
PropertyBlock getStateLabelData(const char* deviceLabel, const char* stateLabel);
PropertyBlock getData(const char* deviceLabel);
//@ }
/** @name Property blocks
* API for defining interchangeable equipment attributes
//@ {
void definePropertyBlock(const char* blockName, const char* propertyName, const char* propertyValue);
std::vector<std::string> getAvailablePropertyBlocks() const;
PropertyBlock getPropertyBlockData(const char* blockName);
//@ }
/** @name Stage control
* API for controlling one-dimensional stages
//@ {
void setPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double position) throw (CMMError);
double getPosition(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setRelativePosition(const char* deviceLabel, double d) throw (CMMError);
void setOrigin(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setAdapterOrigin(const char* deviceLabel, double d) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name XYStage control
* API for controlling XY stages
//@ {
void setXYPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double x, double y) throw (CMMError);
void setRelativeXYPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double dx, double dy) throw (CMMError);
void getXYPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double &x_stage, double &y_stage) throw (CMMError);
double getXPosition(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
double getYPosition(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void stop(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void home(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setOriginXY(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setAdapterOriginXY(const char* deviceName, double x, double y) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Stage sequencing
* API for loading sequences onto single-axis stages
//@ {
bool isStageSequenceable(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void startStageSequence(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void stopStageSequence(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
long getStageSequenceMaxLength(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void loadStageSequence(const char* label, std::vector<double> positionSequence) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name XY Stage sequencing
* API for loading sequences onto XY stages
//@ {
bool isXYStageSequenceable(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void startXYStageSequence(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void stopXYStageSequence(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
long getXYStageSequenceMaxLength(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void loadXYStageSequence(const char* label,
std::vector<double> xSequence,
std::vector<double> ySequence) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Serial port control
* API for serial ports
//@ {
void setSerialProperties(const char* portName,
const char* answerTimeout,
const char* baudRate,
const char* delayBetweenCharsMs,
const char* handshaking,
const char* parity,
const char* stopBits) throw (CMMError);
void setSerialPortCommand(const char* deviceLabel, const char* command, const char* term) throw (CMMError);
std::string getSerialPortAnswer(const char* deviceLabel, const char* term) throw (CMMError);
void writeToSerialPort(const char* deviceLabel, const std::vector<char> &data) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<char> readFromSerialPort(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name SLM control
* API for spatial light modulators such as liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS), digital micromirror devices (DMD), or multimedia projectors.
//@ {
void setSLMImage(const char* deviceLabel, unsigned char * pixels) throw (CMMError);
void setSLMImage(const char* deviceLabel, imgRGB32 pixels) throw (CMMError);
void setSLMPixelsTo(const char* deviceLabel, unsigned char intensity) throw (CMMError);
void setSLMPixelsTo(const char* deviceLabel, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) throw (CMMError);
void displaySLMImage(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
unsigned getSLMWidth(const char* deviceLabel);
unsigned getSLMHeight(const char* deviceLabel);
unsigned getSLMNumberOfComponents(const char* deviceLabel);
unsigned getSLMBytesPerPixel(const char* deviceLabel);
//@ }
/** @name Galvo control
* API for Galvo-based phototargeting devices
//@ {
void pointGalvoAndFire(const char* deviceLabel, double x, double y, double pulseTime_us) throw (CMMError);
void setGalvoSpotInterval(const char* deviceLabel, double pulseTime_us) throw (CMMError);
void setGalvoPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double x, double y) throw (CMMError);
void getGalvoPosition(const char* deviceLabel, double &x_stage, double &y_stage) throw (CMMError); // using x_stage to get swig to work
void setGalvoIlluminationState(const char* deviceLabel, bool on) throw (CMMError);
double getGalvoXRange(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
double getGalvoYRange(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void addGalvoPolygonVertex(const char* deviceLabel, int polygonIndex, double x, double y) throw (CMMError);
void deleteGalvoPolygons(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void loadGalvoPolygons(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void setGalvoPolygonRepetitions(const char* deviceLabel, int repetitions) throw (CMMError);
void runGalvoPolygons(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
void runGalvoSequence(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
std::string getGalvoChannel(const char* deviceLabel) throw (CMMError);
//@ }
/** @name Acquisition context API
* NOTE: experimental feature
* API notifying core of acquisition context events
//@ {
void acqBeforeFrame() throw (CMMError);
void acqAfterFrame() throw (CMMError);
//@ }
// device discovery
MM::DeviceDetectionStatus detectDevice(char* deviceName);
// hubs can provide a list of peripheral devices currently attached
std::vector<std::string> getInstalledDevices(const char* hubDeviceLabel);
std::string getInstalledDeviceDescription(const char* hubLabel, const char* deviceLabel);
std::vector<std::string> getLoadedPeripheralDevices(const char* hubLabel);
template <class T>
T* getSpecificDevice(const char* deviceLabel) const throw (CMMError)
MM::Device* pDevice;
T* pSpecDev = 0;
try {
pDevice = pluginManager_.GetDevice(deviceLabel);
// The most appropriate thing to do here is to use
// pSpecDev = dynamic_cast<T*>(pDevice). But, we can't use dynamic_cast beacuse
// GCC linker on Linux does not interpret RTTI properly across the DLL boundary.
// Instead we'll check the type through the Type identifier and use static_cast.
if (pDevice->GetType() != T::Type)
throw CMMError(deviceLabel, MMERR_InvalidSpecificDevice);
pSpecDev = static_cast<T*>(pDevice);
} catch (CMMError& err) {
} catch (...) {
throw CMMError(getCoreErrorText(MMERR_UnhandledException).c_str(), MMERR_UnhandledException);
return pSpecDev;
std::vector<std::string> getMACAddresses(void);
// make object non-copyable
CMMCore(const CMMCore& /*c*/) {}
CMMCore& operator=(const CMMCore& /*rhs*/);
typedef std::map<std::string, Configuration*> CConfigMap;
typedef std::map<std::string, PropertyBlock*> CPropBlockMap;
MM::Camera* camera_;
bool everSnapped_;
MM::Shutter* shutter_;
MM::Stage* focusStage_;
MM::XYStage* xyStage_;
MM::AutoFocus* autoFocus_;
MM::SLM* slm_;
MM::Galvo* galvo_;
std::string channelGroup_;
MM::ImageProcessor* imageProcessor_;
long pollingIntervalMs_;
long timeoutMs_;
bool autoShutter_;
MM::Core* callback_; // core services for devices
ConfigGroupCollection* configGroups_;
CorePropertyCollection* properties_;
MMEventCallback* externalCallback_; // notification hook to the higher layer (e.g. GUI)
PixelSizeConfigGroup* pixelSizeGroup_;
CircularBuffer* cbuf_;
std::vector<MM::Device*> imageSynchro_;
CPluginManager pluginManager_;
std::map<int, std::string> errorText_;
CConfigMap configs_;
CPropBlockMap propBlocks_;
bool debugLog_;
mutable Configuration stateCache_; // system state cache
bool isConfigurationCurrent(const Configuration& config);
void applyConfiguration(const Configuration& config) throw (CMMError);
int applyProperties(std::vector<PropertySetting>& props, std::string& lastError);
MM::Device* getDevice(const char* label) throw (CMMError);
void waitForDevice(MM::Device* pDev) throw (CMMError);
Configuration getConfigGroupState(const char* group, bool fromCache) throw (CMMError);
std::string getDeviceErrorText(int deviceCode, MM::Device* pDevice);
std::string getDeviceName(MM::Device* pDev);
void logError(const char* device, const char* msg, const char* file=0, int line=0);
void updateAllowedChannelGroups();
void assignDefaultRole(MM::Device* pDev);
void updateCoreProperty(const char* propName, MM::DeviceType devType) throw (CMMError);
void initializeLogging();
MMThreadLock* pPostedErrorsLock_;
mutable std::deque<std::pair< int, std::string> > postedErrors_;
FastLogger* logger_;
FastLogger* getLoggerInstance() {return logger_;}
// >>>>> OBSOLETE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
void defineConfiguration(const char* configName, const char* deviceName, const char* propName, const char* value);
bool isConfigurationDefined(const char* configName);
void setConfiguration(const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
void deleteConfiguration(const char* configName) throw (CMMError);
std::vector<std::string> getAvailableConfigurations() const;
std::string getConfiguration();
Configuration getConfigurationData(const char* config) const throw (CMMError);
#endif //_MMCORE_H_
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