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Created May 1, 2023 14:52
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Terminal-based "Game of Life" in R7RS Scheme
;;; Conway's "Game of Life" in Scheme. This version is R7RS and runs
;;; with Chibi Scheme. "> chibi-scheme life.scm"
(import (scheme base)
(scheme write)
(only (srfi 18) thread-sleep!) ;; Multi-threading support
(srfi 27)) ;; Source of random bits
(define-values (width height) (values 50 25))
;; Return a grid initialized with random placements of "living" cells.
(define (initialize-grid width height)
(let ((grid (make-vector height)))
(do ((row 0 (+ row 1)))
((= row height))
(vector-set! grid row (make-vector width))
(do ((col 0 (+ col 1)))
((= col width))
(vector-set! (vector-ref grid row) col (random-integer 2))))
;; Display the contents of the grid on the terminal.
(define (show-grid! grid)
(display "\x1b;[2J\x1b;[H") ;; Clear the screen, move cursor to home.
(do ((row 0 (+ row 1)))
((= row (vector-length grid)))
(do ((col 0 (+ col 1)))
((= col (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0))))
(let ((cell (vector-ref (vector-ref grid row) col)))
(display (if (zero? cell) " " "O"))))
;; Count and return the number of "living" neighbors of the cell
;; at the given coordinates.
(define (count-neighbors grid row col)
(let* ((occupied? (lambda (r c)
(= (vector-ref (vector-ref grid r) c) 1)))
(in-bounds? (lambda (r c)
(and (>= r 0)
(>= c 0)
(< r (vector-length grid))
(< c (vector-length (vector-ref grid r))))))
(row-plus-2 (+ row 2))
(col-plus-2 (+ col 2))
(count-neighbors (lambda ()
(let ((count 0))
(do ((r (- row 1) (+ r 1)))
((= r row-plus-2))
(do ((c (- col 1) (+ c 1)))
((= c col-plus-2))
(when (and (in-bounds? r c)
(not (and (= r row) (= c col)))
(occupied? r c))
(set! count (+ count 1)))))
;; Create and return a new grid based on application of the rules
;;; of the game to the contents of the previous generation.
(define (evolve-grid grid)
(let ((next-grid (make-vector (vector-length grid)))
(num-rows (vector-length grid))
(num-cols (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0))))
(do ((row 0 (+ row 1)))
((= row num-rows))
(vector-set! next-grid row (make-vector num-cols)))
(do ((row 0 (+ row 1)))
((= row (vector-length grid)))
(do ((col 0 (+ col 1)))
((= col (vector-length (vector-ref grid 0))))
(let ((num-neighbors (count-neighbors grid row col))
(cell (vector-ref (vector-ref grid row) col)))
(vector-set! (vector-ref next-grid row) col
(cond ((= num-neighbors 3) 1)
((and (= num-neighbors 2) (= cell 1)) 1)
(else 0))))))
;; Run a few generations of the game. The pause-milliseconds determines
;; how long to pause between generations. (Helps with animating the
;; appearance of the grid.)
(define (run-life width height generations pause-milliseconds)
(let ((grid (initialize-grid width height))
(wait-time (/ pause-milliseconds 1000)))
(lambda ()
(display "\x1b;[?25l")) ;; Hide the cursor.
(lambda ()
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i generations))
(show-grid! grid)
(set! grid (evolve-grid grid))
(thread-sleep! wait-time)))
(lambda ()
(display "\x1b;[?25h"))))) ;; Show the cursor.
(run-life width height 200 50)
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