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Created December 16, 2018 22:53
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Custom flexmark-java LinkRenderer for CWiki (not used)
package cwiki.extensions;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.wikilink.WikiLink;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.wikilink.internal.WikiLinkOptions;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.CustomNodeRenderer;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlWriter;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.renderer.*;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options.DataHolder;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.sequence.BasedSequence;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.vladsch.flexmark.util.sequence.CharSubSequence.of;
public class CWikiLinkRenderer implements NodeRenderer {
// From:
* Percent-encodes a string so it's suitable for use in a URL Path (not a query string / form encode, which uses + for spaces, etc)
private static String percentEncode(String encodeMe) {
if (encodeMe == null) {
return "";
String encoded = encodeMe.replace("%", "%25");
encoded = encoded.replace(" ", "%20");
encoded = encoded.replace("!", "%21");
encoded = encoded.replace("#", "%23");
encoded = encoded.replace("$", "%24");
encoded = encoded.replace("&", "%26");
encoded = encoded.replace("'", "%27");
encoded = encoded.replace("(", "%28");
encoded = encoded.replace(")", "%29");
encoded = encoded.replace("*", "%2A");
encoded = encoded.replace("+", "%2B");
encoded = encoded.replace(",", "%2C");
encoded = encoded.replace("/", "%2F");
encoded = encoded.replace(":", "%3A");
encoded = encoded.replace(";", "%3B");
encoded = encoded.replace("=", "%3D");
encoded = encoded.replace("?", "%3F");
encoded = encoded.replace("@", "%40");
encoded = encoded.replace("[", "%5B");
encoded = encoded.replace("]", "%5D");
return encoded;
public static class Factory implements DelegatingNodeRendererFactory {
public NodeRenderer create(final DataHolder options) {
return new CWikiLinkRenderer();
public Set<Class<? extends NodeRendererFactory>> getDelegates() {
///Set<Class<? extends NodeRendererFactory>> set = new HashSet<Class<? extends NodeRendererFactory>>();
// add node renderer factory classes to which this renderer will delegate some of its rendering
// core node renderer is assumed to have all depend it so there is no need to add it
//return set;
// return null if renderer does not delegate or delegates only to core node renderer
return null;
public Set<NodeRenderingHandler<?>> getNodeRenderingHandlers() {
HashSet<NodeRenderingHandler<?>> set = new HashSet<NodeRenderingHandler<?>>();
set.add(new NodeRenderingHandler<WikiLink>(WikiLink.class, new CustomNodeRenderer<WikiLink>() {
public void render(WikiLink node, NodeRendererContext context, HtmlWriter html) {
String encodedLink = percentEncode(node.getLink().toString());
BasedSequence newLink = of(encodedLink);
DataHolder options = context.getOptions();
WikiLinkOptions wlo = new WikiLinkOptions(options);
node.setLink(newLink, wlo.allowAnchors, wlo.allowAnchorEscape);
return set;
package cwiki.extensions;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer;
import com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options.MutableDataHolder;
public class CWikiLinkRendererExtension implements HtmlRenderer.HtmlRendererExtension {
public void rendererOptions(final MutableDataHolder options) {
// add any configuration settings to options you want to apply to everything, here
public void extend(final HtmlRenderer.Builder rendererBuilder, final String rendererType) {
rendererBuilder.nodeRendererFactory(new CWikiLinkRenderer.Factory());
public static CWikiLinkRendererExtension create() {
return new CWikiLinkRendererExtension();
(ns cwiki.test.extensions.CWikiLinkRendererTest
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all])
(:import (com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.gfm.strikethrough StrikethroughExtension)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.tables TablesExtension)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.footnotes FootnoteExtension)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.wikilink WikiLinkExtension)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.html HtmlRenderer HtmlRenderer$Builder)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.parser Parser Parser$Builder)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.util KeepType)
(com.vladsch.flexmark.util.options MutableDataSet)
(cwiki.extensions CWikiLinkRendererExtension)
(java.util ArrayList)))
; Test fixtures.
; All of these extensions are not really needed but are here so that the test
; environment is more similar to the actual use in the program.
(def options (-> (MutableDataSet.)
(.set Parser/REFERENCES_KEEP KeepType/LAST)
(.set HtmlRenderer/INDENT_SIZE (Integer/valueOf 2))
(.set HtmlRenderer/PERCENT_ENCODE_URLS true)
(.set TablesExtension/COLUMN_SPANS false)
(.set TablesExtension/MIN_HEADER_ROWS (Integer/valueOf 1))
(.set TablesExtension/MAX_HEADER_ROWS (Integer/valueOf 1))
(.set TablesExtension/APPEND_MISSING_COLUMNS true)
(.set TablesExtension/DISCARD_EXTRA_COLUMNS true)
(.set TablesExtension/WITH_CAPTION false)
(.set TablesExtension/HEADER_SEPARATOR_COLUMN_MATCH true)
(.set WikiLinkExtension/ALLOW_ANCHOR_ESCAPE true)
(.set WikiLinkExtension/ALLOW_ANCHORS true)
(.set WikiLinkExtension/LINK_FIRST_SYNTAX true)
(.set WikiLinkExtension/LINK_ESCAPE_CHARS "")
(.set Parser/EXTENSIONS (ArrayList.
(def parser (.build ^Parser$Builder (Parser/builder options)))
(def renderer (.build ^HtmlRenderer$Builder (HtmlRenderer/builder options)))
; Utilities
(defn- convert-markdown-to-html
"Convert the markdown formatted input string to html
and return it."
(->> mkdn
(.parse parser)
(.render renderer)))
; Tests
(deftest wikilink-encoding-test
(testing "Testing the get-option-value function."
(is (= "<p>some text</p>\n" (convert-markdown-to-html "some text")))
(is (= "<p>a link to the <a href=\"Front%20Page\">Front Page</a>.</p>\n"
(convert-markdown-to-html "a link to the [[Front Page]].")))
(is (= "<p><a href=\"link%20part\">text part</a></p>\n"
(convert-markdown-to-html "[[link part|text part]]")))
(is (= "<p><a href=\"What%20is%20A%2FB%20Testing%3F\">What is A/B Testing?</a></p>\n"
(convert-markdown-to-html "[[What is A/B Testing?]]")))))
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clartaq commented Dec 16, 2018

These files are custom LinkRenderer, LinkRendererExtension, and test files for flexmark-java. They are used in conjunction with the WikiLinkExtension that already exists in the flexmark project. They were an experiment for use in a personal wiki program. They allowed page titles including punctuation characters to be used as URLs to link to the named pages.

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