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Last active July 23, 2019 11:49
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[Viget + EC] Biweekly Core Team Call - 7/31

Policy Guides landing page

  • Prefer the three-up on the far left with the copy below the image. Something I've struggled with with the designs is, as we add new Policies (healthcare, cancer, social justice, gun violence), I don't see this landing page being able to expand. More of a practical thought. Gives us flexibility we need and feels expected and consistent with the rest of the site.
  • Henry - Expect to be smooth sailing. Like the far left because we'll be able to reuse things we have in the codebase already. So much of the code is about different types of cards.
  • Alex - I'll pass these along to Rodrigo for final approval.

Policy Guide detail page

  • Alex - Adjustment to 2-up, sets it off from an Org page.
  • Claire - Format of preview?
  • Alex - For the sake of efficiency and time, it will just be an ordered list. If we get to v2 later this year and they need additional designer asset types. I think it would be good to restrict them to this format, these policy pages start to add up to something that has a nice consistent layout, even if there are new versions or multiple priority areas; clear and consistent.

Alex will share layouts and send feedback.

Fellows use case

  • Henry - Where we currently have Topics, we'd have a similar view (to Priorities) you've had sub-topics. The sub-topic would only have related people. Those sub-topic would be listed on the topic page. Each of the people blocks would be a sub-topics. Could call them "people blocks". We might take people block off main topic.
  • Alex - Grabbing a group of people, need some association on a higher-level. The one other thought we could consider is that those people will be collected by organizations. The "Dial Fellowship" has an organization people. The person who appears in that Organization is a Dial Fellow. There's a Distinguished Fellow org page, etc. So on the Fellowship index page, it would have blocks of organizations that would surface the people within those organizations. We would just limit it to the people that would appear there rather than the content. The way I'm thinking of the templates is that the organization template has an opportunity to flex between what's traditionally an org and what is a program. The Program of the Dial Fellows is essentially an organization, just has slightly different content than a typical organization. When we add the people to the index page for a fellowship, it might make sense to do it by organization type.
  • Henry - Think that's a lot cleaner. Would we want to always show a block of people for every org related to a topic on a topic page, or would you want a way to control, "Does simply associating an org with a topic mean that all that org's people get surfaced?" or does there need to be fine grain control. Works fine for Fellows case.
  • Alex - Would see that's something we don't want to do every time. In the CMS, right now what we have are content blocks. Wondering if as we push into these new object types (orgs and people), if we want to explore the idea that there are different blocks associated with organization. (Organization / people gives you view of people, organization / content gives you view of content.) Content block is data attributes of that organization object can be visualized on the front-end. We could grab from dropdown menu the blocks we want to construct the page. Same for people, create directory page, list all the people in a visual way that makes sense (attendees at an event). Construct it by grabbing data from the objects.
  • Henry - All the info on topics page is inferred; with the current setup, there isn't logical space to have a block that says "pull in the people from this org" because it's automatic based on the setting on the org. Don't think it will be much of a lift to do first approach for the Fellows.
  • Alex - The interesting thing we can get to (not right now) - on the homepage we could have "people in the news" section, or a "people" section, create a block of currently active people based on content we've published.


Alex and Sidney were talking yesterday. Broadly speaking, what we came across in audience survey is five main motivations: funding opps, employment, learn about, be inspired, find solutions. About and employment are basic motivations for every site, but wonder if you could take those and turn into personas:

  • Curious - people who are interested
  • Active Citizens - people who want to participate, finding employment, looking to grow their org
  • Doers - our core audience of partners who we actively fund today.

User Journey from curious -> active -> doers. That's in the grant-making context. You could be active lobbyist, signal that you've become a Doer is something different. Writer who becomes a doer by writing OpEds. Translating those to journey. Develop content strategy or analytics around those triggers. Think about user behavior on our site in that lens.

  • Mitch - We talked about thinking in terms of categories of needs and motivations, see them rolled up in personas, pathway through personas makes sense. Might be hard for us to quantify "active citizens interested in funding" without active behavior tracking that on the site. If we want to quantify that, we'd need to find some outlet (form, FAQ about funding).
  • Alex - We don't say anything that leaves them thinking, "I want to come back." Other interesting thing here.. in a lot conversations, we default to behavior of a grant-making org. Use this framework as a way to look at how to be active in other regards (ie lobbyist) would be new layer of this conversation at Emerson, haven't had a way to zoom in on what that is. This is a good way for them to grasp what we're trying to do.
  • Mitch - Opportunities to empower active citizens besides just giving them $. Legislation summaries are a great way to empower lobbyist or NGO.
  • Sidney - Here's a role you can play, here's an action you can take. Thinking about how we migrate from curious to active, not just active to doer. Both stages of the transition. Content we provide and actions we can call out to invite more people into that process/journey.
  • Alex - One thing we talked about yesterday, getting initial thoughts from Mitch of how we could create signals in the data framework to cover this approach with, "here's the trigger we're going to be listening for". How many active citizens in the policy space.
  • Mitch - Look at that and figure out where we have data, where we're missing it, and how we can fill the gaps in.
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