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Last active February 28, 2016 16:19
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  • Save claudenobs/3e279972233ea934489a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save claudenobs/3e279972233ea934489a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Moves all GoG shortcut folders into a folder. Put all primary game start shortcuts into GoG folder.
# 1. Save this script by right-click on Raw button and choose "Save link as..."
# 2. Start > Run... & type : powershell
# 3. To Run script type : Start-Process powershell -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoExit -file `"$Home\Downloads\GogShortcutSanitizer.ps1`""; exit
# 4. Give permissioo in pop-up
param([switch]$debug = $false, [string]$defaultShortcutPath)
function createDirectory($dir) {
if (-not (Test-Path $dir)) {
mkdir $dir
Write-Host "Created directory: $dir"
# Escapes [ & ] so that the path can be used without -LiteralPath
function escapeSquareBrackets([string]$path) {
$path -replace '\[','``[' -replace '\]','``]'
if (-not $defaultShortcutPath) { $defaultShortcutPath = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" }
$relocationTarget = "$startmenuRoot\"
$gameLinkTarget = "$Home\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GoG"
$regexStrict = '(^| |\[|\()(Documents|Config\w*|Editor|(Game)?Server|Language|Manual|(Developer|Safe|Software|TnL)( Mode)?|Multiplayer|Readme|Selector|Setup|Settings|Test|Tools?|Uninstall|Website)(.lnk|.url|$| |\)|\])'
$directories = get-childitem $defaultShortcutPath -Filter "*[]" -Directory
if ($debug) {
Write-Host "Starting in debug mode. No modifications will be made!"
} else {
createDirectory $relocationTarget
createDirectory $gameLinkTarget
$i = 0
foreach ($dir in $directories) {
foreach ($link in get-childitem "$(escapeSquareBrackets $dir.FullName)\*") {
if ($link.Name -match $regexStrict) {
if ($debug) { Write-Host $link.Name -ForegroundColor "red" }
} else {
if ($debug) { Write-Host $link.Name -ForegroundColor "green" }
else { $link | Copy-Item -Destination $gameLinkTarget -Force }
if (-not $debug) { $dir | Move-Item -Destination $relocationTarget -Force }
Write-Host "All done!"
Write-Host "$($directories.count) new GoG games processed."
Write-Host "$i new GoG game links processed."
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