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Claudia Romano claudia-romano

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dsabanin / start.ts
Last active April 18, 2023 09:08
Electron auto-update startup fix
// The idea here is to make sure that ShipIt process that copies the updated app exits
// before we launch the new version. The code below checks if the update is still in progress,
// which means that we are running the old app still, it keeps checking until ShipIt exits and restarts
// the app hoping that a new version will start up at that time.
// "find-process": "~1.2.1",
import findProcess from 'find-process';
const BUNDLE_NAME = 'com.myorganization.bundleName';
const SHIP_IT_BINARY = 'ShipIt';
igodorogea / nice-scale.js
Created January 11, 2017 23:16
Javascript - Algorithm for Optimal Scaling on a Chart Axis (Nice Numbers for Graph Labels)
function NiceScale (lowerBound, upperBound, _maxTicks) {
var maxTicks = _maxTicks || 10;
var tickSpacing;
var range;
var niceLowerBound;
var niceUpperBound;
ericelliott /
Last active January 2, 2025 09:07
Essential JavaScript Links