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Created January 28, 2021 09:38
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#!/usr/bin/env node
// This is a script "recipe" for releasing
// It has been inspired by yeoman generator-release
// The reason for this to exist is that I didn't want to include an external dependency (yeoman) for a 'task',
// when all the tasks of the project are managed by gulp
// What this recipe does:
// - Runs sanity check to see if we can release
// - are we in the `releaseEvents` branch?
// - is the working directory git-clean?
// - are we behind some commits, after fetching?
// - Calculates the next version, either from the command line (using the --magnolia:version or --magnolia:incr switches)
// or automatically getting the next `patch` number
// - Verifies that tne new version makes sense (semver.valid())
// - Finds the range of commits for the this release (using two methods) and parses each of them
// to understand if they belong to a PR or not
// - Shows a preview of the changes (list of PR and commits) and asks for confirmation
// - Creates or updates `` with the list of changes
// - Updates package.json with the new version
// - git add and commits the changes ( and packages.json)
// - git push to origin
// - git tag (annotated) with the version and pushes
// The difference with generator-release is that this recipe doesn't need to interact
// with the github API, which means that it's easier to use but also that (for the moment)
// we are not automatically creating a release (but Github will have it anyway) and the
// release-notes are less descriptive
const semver = require('semver');
const minimist = require('minimist');
const inq = require('inquirer');
const dateFormat = require('dateformat');
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
let tagName;
let remoteRepo = '';
let newVersion;
let currentVersion;
const sprintf = require('util').format;
const pulls = [];
const commits = [];
const packageJson = require('../package.json');
// .then(pushDockerImage)
.catch(e => {
function gitExec(command) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`git ${command}`, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
reject(`Error running git ${command}`);
function testGitBranch() {
return gitExec('rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').then(branch => {
if (branch.trim() !== 'release' && branch.trim() !== 'release-script') {
console.warn('You have to run `release` from the `release` branch.');
function testGitWorkingDirectory() {
return gitExec('diff-index --name-only HEAD --').then(data => {
if (data.trim() !== '') {
// throw 'Git working directory not clean.';
function gitFetch() {
return gitExec('fetch');
function testGitCommits() {
return gitExec('branch -v --no-color | grep -e "^\\*"', data => {
if (/\[behind (.*)\]/.test(data)) {
throw `Your repo is behind by ${RegExp.$1} commits.`;
function increaseVersionNumber() {
const options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));
// Get the current version
let incr;
currentVersion = packageJson.version;
// Calculate the new version
// Command line param can specify:
// --version <new version>
// --incr <major, minor, patch>
// no params: increases patch version
if (options['version']) {
newVersion = options['version'];
if (!semver.valid(newVersion)) {
throw 'Requested version is not syntactically correct. It should be in the form <major>.<minor>.<patch>.';
if (options['incr']) {
incr = options['incr'];
if (incr === true || ['major', 'minor', 'patch'].indexOf(incr) === -1) {
incr = 'patch';
newVersion =, incr);
if (!newVersion) {
newVersion =, 'patch');
if (, currentVersion)) {
throw 'The new version must be greater than the old one.';
tagName = `v${newVersion}`;
function gatherRepoInfo() {
return gitExec('remote show origin').then(data => {
/Fetch URL: .*:(.*)\.git/.test(data);
remoteRepo = RegExp.$1;
function gatherCommits() {
return gitExec('log --no-color --oneline HEAD...origin/release').then(data => {
_.compact('\n'), line => {
const info = /(\S+) (.*)/.exec(line);
let url;
let pr;
if (!info) {
if (/^Merge branch/.test(info[2])) {
if (/Merge pull request #(\d+) from/.test(info[2])) {
pr = RegExp.$1;
url = sprintf('', remoteRepo, pr);
return {
sha: info[1],
title: info[2],
).forEach(commit => {
( ? pulls : commits).push(commit);
function previewChanges() {
const executor = (resolve, reject) => {
console.log('\nReleasing %s', newVersion);
if (pulls.length > 0) {
console.log('\nList of included Pull Requests:');
pulls.forEach(pull => {
console.log('✓ %s [ %s ]', pull.title, pull.url);
console.log('\nList of included Commits:');
commits.forEach(commit => {
console.log('✓ %s', commit.title);
// Ask the user if it's OK to continue
type: 'confirm',
name: 'confirm',
message: `About to release new version ${newVersion} upgrading from ${currentVersion}. Is it OK?`,
default: false
.then(response => {
if (!response.confirm) {'Aborted per user request. Bye.');
return new Promise(executor);
function updateReleaseNotes() {
let notes = fs.readFileSync('').toString();
const notesContent = [];
sprintf('## Release %s — %s\n', newVersion, dateFormat(new Date(), 'mmmm dS, yyyy'))
notesContent.push('#### Pull Requests');
pulls.forEach(pull => {
notesContent.push(sprintf('- [%s](%s) – %s',, pull.url, pull.title));
notesContent.push('\n#### Commits');
commits.forEach(commit => {
notesContent.push(sprintf('- %s', commit.title));
'\n[Compare to previous release](\n',
notes = notes.replace(/# Latest updates/, '# Latest updates\n\n' + notesContent.join('\n'));
fs.writeFileSync('', notes);
packageJson.version = newVersion;
path.resolve(process.cwd(), './package.json'),
JSON.stringify(packageJson, undefined, 2) + '\n'
return gitExec('add package.json');
function commitRelease() {
return gitExec(`commit -m "Release ${newVersion}"`).then(
gitExec.bind(null, 'push origin release')
function pushDockerImage() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec('./ release', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
reject(`Error running ./ release`);
function tagRelease() {
return gitExec(`tag -a ${tagName} -m "Release ${newVersion}"`).then(
gitExec.bind(null, `push origin ${tagName}`)
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