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Last active April 29, 2018 07:17
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Save claudioc/c0b7b1bf3eab18457e36 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Safely delete a branch, remotely and locally. I use it as ~/bin/git-purge and use it with `git purge <branch-name>`
if [ "${1}" = "" ]; then
echo "Please specify a branch name to delete"
exit 1
current=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD | sed 's/refs\/heads\///')
if [ "master" != "${current}" ]; then
echo Please move to the master branch first
exit 1
upstream=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' refs/heads/${1})
if [ "" == "${upstream}" ]; then
echo "Sorry, upstream not found for that branch; I rather not continue."
echo Delete it locally with \`git branch -D ${1}\`
echo Delete it remotely with \`git push \<your remote\> --delete ${1}\`
exit 1
branch=($(echo ${upstream} | tr "/" "\n"))
ismerged=$(git branch --merged | grep ${branch[1]})
if [ "" == "${ismerged}" ]; then
echo ======================================
echo WARNING: The branch is not yet merged!
echo ======================================
echo "Going to delete the branch \`${branch[1]}\` both locally and from the remote \`${branch[0]}\`"
echo "Is that what you want? Say 'yes', please"
read zot
if [ "yes" == "${zot}" ]; then
git push ${branch[0]} --delete ${1}
git branch -D ${1}
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