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Powershell script to change assembly and file version
Param (
[string[]] $AssemblyInfoFilesPath,
[Version] $Version
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # Stops executing on error instead of silent continue.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest # Enforces coding rules in expressions, scripts, and script blocks. Uninitialized variables are not permitted.
function Change-AssemblyVersion([string] $assemblyInfoFilePath, [Version] $newVersion)
$fileContent = Get-Content $assemblyInfoFilePath | Out-String
$assemblyVersionReplacePattern = '(AssemblyVersion\(")\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+("\))'
$fileVersionReplacePattern = '(AssemblyFileVersion\(")\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+("\))'
$fileContent = [RegEx]::Replace($fileContent, $assemblyVersionReplacePattern, '${1}' + $newVersion + '${2}')
$fileContent = [RegEx]::Replace($fileContent, $fileVersionReplacePattern, '${1}' + $newVersion + '${2}')
$fileContent | Out-File $assemblyInfoFilePath
function Normalize-Version([Version] $version)
$newBuild = If ($version.Build -ge 0) { $version.Build } Else { 0 }
$newRevision = If ($version.Revision -ge 0) { $version.Revision } Else { 0 }
New-Object Version($version.Major, $version.Minor, $newBuild, $newRevision)
$Version = Normalize-Version $Version
$AssemblyInfoFilesPath | ForEach-Object { Change-AssemblyVersion $_ $Version }
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