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Created December 15, 2011 15:06
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication4
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//sbyte-> System.SByte Integer intre -128 si 127
sbyte sbt = 19;
//byte-> System.Byte Integer intre 0 si 255, doar nr pozitive
byte b = 10;
//short-> System.Int16 Integer intre -32768 si 32767
short sh = 102;
//ushort-> System.UInt16 Integer intre 0 si 65535, doar numere pozitive
ushort ush = 23;
//int-> System.Int32 Integer intre -2147483648 si 2147483647
int numar = 453;
//uint-> System.UInt32 Integer intre 0 si 4294967295, doar nr pozitive
uint numar1 = 3434;
//long-> System.Int64 Integer intre -9223372036854775808 si 922337203685477807 imens :)
long lung = 34353453453453;
//ulong-> System.UInt64 Integer intre 0 si 18446744073709551615, doar nr pozitive
ulong ulg = 24443254545;
//float-> System.Single intre ±1.5E-45 to ±3.4E38 maxim 7 cifre
float fl = 23;
double db = 23;
//double-> System.Double ±5.0E-324 to ±1.7E308 15 – 16 digitsSystem.Double ±5.0E-324 to ±1.7E308 15 – 16 cifre
//decimal-> System.Decimal 28 – 29
decimal dc = 343434;
//char-> System.Char Single Unicode character, stocate ca integer intre 0 and 65535
char chr = 'A';
//bool-> System.Booleantrue sau false
bool a = true;
//string-> System.String secventa de stringuri
string str = "test";
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