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Created July 25, 2011 03:06
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open System
type Node<'T>(nodeValue : 'T, next : Node<'T> option) =
member this.NodeValue
with get() =
member this.Next
with get() =
type LinkedList<'T>() =
let mutable head = Option<Node<'T>>.None
let rec printList (node : Node<'T> option) =
match node with
| None -> None
| Some(value) ->
printfn "%A" value.NodeValue
match value.Next with
| None -> None
| Some(nextNode) -> printList(Some nextNode)
member this.Insert(value) =
let nextNode = new Node<'T>(value, head)
head <- Some nextNode
member this.PrintList() =
let list = new LinkedList<string>()
list.PrintList() |> ignore
Console.Read() |> ignore
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