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Last active August 19, 2020 19:19
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/* -> If a card is EVER a .masked-container, it MUST ALWAYS be a .masked-container,
because this fucks w the z-indexes.
-> The styling of .masked MUST be predicated upon the presence of a .mask
-> .mask is assumed to have a saturated background-color to be legible under white text */
.masked-container {
/* positioned above the container so that children w a negative z-index are also above the container */
z-index: 1;
/* don't take clicks, so that negative z-index child can be clicked */
pointer-events: none;
/* all descendants */
* {
/* neutral z-index unless otherwise declared */
z-index: 0;
/* take clicks as normal unless otherwise declared */
pointer-events: auto;
.mask {
/* initial state: neutral z-index and let clicks fall through */
position: relative;
z-index: 0;
pointer-events: none;
.mask ~ .masked {
/* initial state: negative z-index (below both .mask and containing card), and clear */
position: relative;
z-index: -1;
opacity: 0;
/* dont allow any descendant elements to be clicked through the .mask */
&:not(:focus) * { pointer-events: none; }
/* first click lands on .masked */
.mask ~ .masked:focus,
.mask ~ .masked:focus-within {
/* masked is subsequent to .mask so with the same neutral z-index, .masked is on top */
position: relative;
z-index: 0;
/* fade in visually */
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity .4s ease .1s;
/* allow clicks on blank areas to fall through to the .mask */
pointer-events: none;
/* allow descendant elements to take clicks like normal */
* { pointer-events: auto; }
/* second click (if not on a child of masked) will land on .mask again */
&:focus-within {
/* when masked is focused, allow mask to take pointer events for toggling */
.mask:not(:focus) { pointer-events: auto; }
/* subsequent clicks will toggle between .masked and .mask, until focus lands
somewhere outside of a-post-card, which resets to the initial state */
/* all subsequent sblings of .mask which are not themselves .masked */
.mask ~ *:not(.masked) {
/* resting state is .mask in front so text should be white */
color: white;
.timestamp { color: white; }
/* blank areas in the margin should allow clicks to fall through */
pointer-events: none;
/* but all the children (author handle, timestamp, etc) should still be clickable */
* { pointer-events: auto; }
/* when .mask is present and .masked is focused,
all subsequent siblings of .masked should have their initial colors */
.mask ~ .masked:focus ~ *,
.mask ~ .masked:focus-within ~ * {
color: initial;
.timestamp { color: $purple-blue; }
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