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Last active August 19, 2020 19:28
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@media (hover: hover) {
.masked-container:hover {
.mask {
/* needs to be able to take clicks while it's beneath .masked, to gain focus */
pointer-events: auto;
/* once focused, clicks should fall through to .masked */
&:focus {
pointer-events: none;
/* when focused, .mask and siblings not intended to be covered need to come above .masked */
z-index: 1;
& ~ *:not(.masked) { z-index: 1 }
.masked {
/* initial HOVER state is neutral z-index, which puts it above the mask */
z-index: 0;
/* visually fade in */
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity .4s ease .1s;
/* allow the first click while hovered to focus on .masked an pin it open */
pointer-events: auto;
/* allow all children to be clicked in a hover state, even if .masked isn't focused */
* { pointer-events: auto; }
/* while focused, allow clicks on blank areas (children will still take clicks)
to fall through and bring focus to the .mask */
&:focus, &:focus-within { pointer-events: none; }
/* when hovered, .masked is always visible unless .mask is focused,
so the margin text needs to be compatible with the light background */
.mask:not(:focus) ~ * {
color: initial;
.timestamp { color: $purple-blue; }
/* while the mask is focused, header/footer/gutter text should be white,
to go w the saturated background of the mask */
.mask:focus ~ *:not(.masked) {
color: white;
.timestamp { color: white; }
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