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Created May 7, 2015 03:27
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from hashlib import md5
import math
import random
import sys
from pyeclib.ec_iface import ECDriver, VALID_EC_TYPES
SEGSIZE = 1048576
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--ec-type', default=VALID_EC_TYPES[0],
parser.add_argument('--segment-size', type=int, default=SEGSIZE)
parser.add_argument('--num-segments', type=int, default=SEGNUM,
help='number of segments in made up body')
parser.add_argument('--body', help='path to body')
parser.add_argument('-k', type=int, default=6,
help='number of data elements')
parser.add_argument('-m', type=int, default=4,
help='number of parity elements')
parser.add_argument('i', type=int, help='fragment index to reconstruct')
parser.add_argument('j', type=int, nargs='+',
help='fragment indexes to use for reconstruct')
def make_fragment_payloads(driver, test_body, segsize=SEGSIZE):
# split up the body into buffers
chunks = [test_body[x:x + segsize]
for x in range(0, len(test_body), segsize)]
# encode the buffers into fragment payloads
fragment_payloads = []
for chunk in chunks:
fragments = driver.encode(chunk)
if not fragments:
return fragment_payloads
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args.j) < args.k:
return ('ERROR: need at least %s indexes '
'given as j to reconstruct' % args.k)
if args.body:
test_body = open(args.body).read()
num_segments = 'crazy body we just make up'[:args.num_segments]
test_body = num_segments * args.segment_size
# trim a random bit from the last segment
test_body = test_body[:-random.randint(0, args.segment_size)]
driver = ECDriver(k=args.k, m=args.m, ec_type=args.ec_type)
# generate fragment payloads
fragment_payloads = make_fragment_payloads(driver, test_body,
info = {
'body length': len(test_body),
'segment size': args.segment_size,
'num segments': int(math.ceil(
len(test_body) / float(args.segment_size))),
'num fragments': len(fragment_payloads),
# python y u no ordereddict literal!? [a:1, b:2] would be shawheat!
key_order = [
'body length',
'segment size',
'num segments',
'num fragments'
for k in key_order:
print '%20s: %s' % (k, info.pop(k))
# catch all for left over info not in key_order
for k, v in info.items():
print '%20s: %s' % (k, v)
# this is the archive we expect to rebuild
expected_archive = ''.join(frags[args.i] for frags in fragment_payloads)
reconstructed_fragments = []
for frags in fragment_payloads:
fragment_payload = [frags[j] for j in args.j]
fragment = driver.reconstruct(fragment_payload, [args.i])[0]
reconstructed_archive = ''.join(reconstructed_fragments)
if len(expected_archive) != len(reconstructed_archive):
return 'ERROR: len(expected) %s != len(reconstructed) %s' % (
len(expected_archive), len(reconstructed_archive))
expected_archive_hash = md5(expected_archive).hexdigest()
reconstructed_archive_hash = md5(reconstructed_archive).hexdigest()
if expected_archive_hash != reconstructed_archive_hash:
return 'ERROR: expected %s != reconstructed %s' % (
expected_archive_hash, reconstructed_archive_hash)
print 'SUCCESS: %s == %s' % (
expected_archive_hash, reconstructed_archive_hash)
if __name__ == '__main__':
$ -k 3 -m 2 2 1 3 4 --ec-type isa_l_rs_vand
body length: 4457535
segment size: 1048576
num segments: 5
num fragments: 5
SUCCESS: 98daf604ced63494169f70be9b892a37 == 98daf604ced63494169f70be9b892a37
$ -k 3 -m 2 1 1 3 4 --ec-type isa_l_rs_vand
body length: 4588725
segment size: 1048576
num segments: 5
num fragments: 5
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
$ -k 3 -m 2 1 1 3 4 --ec-type jerasure_rs_vand
body length: 4551565
segment size: 1048576
num segments: 5
num fragments: 5
SUCCESS: 203f92a4796f89463b9ef1699b4e64f4 == 203f92a4796f89463b9ef1699b4e64f4
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