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Last active August 17, 2020 20:44
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Covid rationale from FL

Corona in Florida


  1. C-19 incubation period is 2-14 days with highest contagion somewhere in the 5-8 day range after contact 1
  2. To date, it seems ~.86 > RØ < 1.29 (FL data) 2
  3. Memorial Day was May 25th meaning inflection point starts ~May 30 / 31.
  4. The rest of the numbers here are from worldometers

"Death Lag"

Using New York's outbreak as a guide - and I'm sure there is a better term elsewhere - I am dubbing something called the "Death Lag". I'll define this as the number of days (seemingly) between infection and death impacts in the 7-day moving averages. Let's take a sample set:

Date New case 7-day moving average New deaths 7-day moving average
March 27th 5,461 132
March 30th 6,731 (+23.26%) 265 (+100.76%)
April 2nd 7,872 (+16.95%) 443 (+67.17%)
April 5th 9,097 (+15.56%) 633 (+42.89%)
April 8th 9,830 (+8.05%) 799 (+26.22%)
April 10th 10,059 (Peak) (+2.33%) 920 (+15.14%)
April 13th 9,306 (-7.49%) 956 (Peak) (+3.91%)

Just eyeballing the metrics here but it looks like the trail seems to be somewhere between 5 and 8 days from peak (April 5th +15.56% new cases and April 10th +15.14% deaths are when the curves seem to align most). So let's conservatively put the lag at ~7 days against peak. Going back to our original numbers, we can consider "peak" infection is day 7 of the infection so "death period" is anywhere from 14-21 days after infection.

Shelter / Re-opening


April was Florida's worst month by far until the latest outbreaks.

Date New cases reported 7-day Moving average
April 2nd 1,235 932
April 3rd 1,260 1,010
April 4th 1,277 1,072
April 6th 1,279 1,132
April 17th 1,413 969


Florida at-home orders began Friday, April 3rd and ended Monday, May 4th.

On April 3rd the 7-day moving average for reported new cases in Florida was 1,010. Two weeks later it was down to 969, three weeks later it was 826 and four weeks later it was down to 599 7-day moving average (sheltering works!).


Florida began re-opening in phases starting May 4th but wide-spread disobedience started about a week earlier. During the month of May you see spikes (>800 reports) on (with estimated infection dates):

Date New cases reported Estimated infection point
Friday, May 1st 1,038 Saturday
Monday, May 4th 819 Tuesday
Thursday, May 7th 826 Friday
Saturday, May 9th 802 Sunday
Tuesday, May 12th 941 Wednesday
Thursday, May 14th 808 Friday
Friday, May 15th 928 Saturday
Monday, May 18th 854 Tuesday
Thursday, May 21st 1,204 Friday
Monday, May 25th 879 Tuesday
Friday, May 29th 1,212 Saturday

Quick checks on the estimates:

  • Saturday x3
  • Tuesday x3
  • Friday x3
  • Sunday x1
  • Wednesday x1

I don't really pretend to know wtf Floridians are doing Tuesday night (maybe this is a Monday / return-to-office piece?), but it seems clear that the weekends were the problem children (duh).

Memorial Day and beyond

Memorial day / Memorial day weekend

Based on just this information - you can make a reasonable guess that says (without social distancing) that initial bumps would occur May 30/31. However, one thing to note is that Memorial Day fell on a Monday so, based on the above, we can guess that there was a decent chunk of Floridians hitting the "please get infected" buttons starting on the 22nd with expected bumps on the 27th through the 30/31st.

On May 29th, Florida hit 1,212 newly reported cases which was only the second time in a month they went over 1,000 new daily reported cases. 7-Day moving average on the 29th was 721.

June 1st and beyond

Estimated impact

Based on our estimated numbers above and combined with the RØ of... let's say 1.1, we should be relatively able to predict what happens without social distancing (7-day moving).

Date New Cases New Deaths Estimated infection increase (+7) Actual new cases (∆) Estimated death increase (+14) Actual new deaths (∆)
June 1 726 30 June 8 @ 798.6 1,154 (+355.4) June 15 @ 33 32 (-1)
June 8 1,154 (+58.95%) 37 June 15 @ 1269.4 1774 (+504.6) June 22 @ 40.7 33 (-7.7)
June 15 1,774 (+53.73%) 32 June 22 @ 1951.4 3270 (+1318.6) June 29 @ 35.2 39 (+3.8)
June 22 3,270 (+84.33%) 33 June 29 @ 3597 6589 (+2992) July 6 @ 36.3 48 (+11.7)
June 29 6,589 (+101.50%) 39 July 6 @ 7247.9 8587 (+1339.1) July 13 @ 42.9 72 (+29.1)
July 6 8,587 (+30.33%) 48 July 13 @ 9445.7 10,855 (+1409.3) July 20 @ 52.8 ???
July 13 10,855 (+26.41%) 72 July 20 @ 11940.5 ??? July 27 @ ??? ???

So it honestly looks like the RØ is much higher than 1.1 at the moment and the death lag might be closer to 20-27 days from infection. If we go with 1.25 and 21 day lag, the table looks like this:

Date New Cases New Deaths Estimated infection increase (+7) Actual new cases (∆) Estimated death increase (+14) Actual new deaths (∆)
June 1 726 30 June 8 @ 907.5 1,154 (+246.5) June 22 @ 37.5 33 (-4.5)
June 8 1,154 (+58.95%) 37 June 15 @ 1442.5 1774 (+331.5) June 29 @ 46.25 39 (-7.25)
June 15 1,774 (+53.73%) 32 June 22 @ 2217.5 3270 (+1052.5) July 6 @ 40 48 (+8)
June 22 3,270 (+84.33%) 33 June 29 @ 4087.5 6589 (+2501.5) July 13 @ 41.25 72 (+30.75)
June 29 6,589 (+101.50%) 39 July 6 @ 8236.25 8587 (+350.75) July 20 @ 48.75 ???
July 6 8,587 (+30.33%) 48 July 13 @ 10733.75 10,855 (+121.25) July 27 @ ??? ???
July 13 10,855 (+26.41%) 72 July 20 @ 13568.75 ??? August 3 @ ??? ???

That's certainly a little bit closer across the board, still not perfect, but closer. The mortality rate's growth is a bit alarming as it seems like it's closer to 2.2 on the 21 day lag. Also the lag seems to be extra-laggy during the onset of the outbreak. The first two death multipliers should be closer to 1.1 but it balloons quickly with the next multiplier being 1.5 and then 2.2. If it follows this trend (fingers crossed it doesn't), I would expect the upcoming values for 7-day moving average of new cases and deaths in Florida with (Floor: 1.95 / Ceiling: 2.3):

Date New cases New deaths (floor) New deaths (ceiling)
July 20 13568.75 76.05 89.7
July 27 16960.94 93.6 110.4
August 3 21201.17 140.4 165.6
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Let's see how accurate eyeball measurements end up being!

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Update on July 21 with info from the 20th:

  • Proposed new daily cases 7-day was 13568. Actual was 11,137 (thankfully!)
  • Proposed floor / ceiling for death 7-day was 76/90. Actual was 114. This is HORRIBLE. DeSantis is shit.

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Update on August 17th with info from the 27th and 3rd:

27th :

  • Proposed new daily cases 7-day was 16,960. Actual was 10,336 (thankfully!)
  • Proposed floor / ceiling for death 7-day was 93/110. Actual was 122. This is HORRIBLE. DeSantis is shit.

3rd :

  • Proposed new daily cases 7-day was 21,201. Actual was 8,448 (thankfully!)
  • Proposed floor / ceiling for death 7-day was 140/165. Actual was 175. This is HORRIBLE. DeSantis is shit.

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