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Created September 29, 2012 05:38
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Asgard Console examples
// ASG and ELB mismatched zones
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').acrossRegions {
def asgs = autoScaling
def elbs = loadBalancer
html.output << "<h3>${inRegion}</h3>"
def elbByName = elbs.inject([:]) { acc, elb ->
acc[elb.loadBalancerName] = elb
asgs.each { asg ->
def elbsForAsg = asg.loadBalancerNames.collect { elbByName[it] }
elbsForAsg.each { elb ->
def asgZones = asg.availabilityZones.sort().join(', ')
def elbZones = elb?.availabilityZones?.sort()?.join(', ')
if (asgZones != elbZones) {
html.with { output << "ASG ${link { autoScaling asg.autoScalingGroupName} } differs from ELB ${link { loadBalancer elb?.loadBalancerName} }: ${diff(asgZones, elbZones)}</br>" }
// Report on ASGs in subnets with purposes named something other than 'internal' or 'external'
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').acrossRegions {
List<String> misnamedSubnets = subnet.findAll {
it.purpose ? !(it.purpose in ['internal', 'external']) : false
//if (!misnamedSubnets) { return }
html.output << "<h3>${inRegion}</h3>"
misnamedSubnets.sort().each { subnet ->
List<String> asgsInMisnamedSubnets = autoScaling.findAll { asg ->
html.with {
output << "${subnet.purpose}<br />"
asgsInMisnamedSubnets*.autoScalingGroupName.each {id ->
output << "${link { autoScaling id }}<br />"
// Display String with HTML and Groovy
output << "Test: <br /> ${2+8}"
// Parameterize scripts with a config block. Make sure to give descriptions and maybe defaults.
config {
params {
your_name 'The name of the person executing this script.', 'Clay'
load_balancer_name 'The name of the load balancer that you would like to see JSON for.'
html.output << 'Greetings ' + param.your_name + ', here is the Load Balancer info you requested:<br />'
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').with {
html.with {
output << inRegion('us-east-1') { loadBalancer param.load_balancer_name }
// What is the difference in ELBs across regions. Could compare across Asgard instances just as easily.
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').with {
html.with {
output << diff(
inRegion('us-east-1') { loadBalancer 'helloclay--frontend' },
inRegion('us-west-1') { loadBalancer 'helloclay--frontend' }
config {
title 'Compare Fast Property values across regions for an Application'
params {
source_region 'Region that you would like to compare to all other regions.', 'us-east-1'
app_name 'Filter by Application.'
def asgard = asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest')
def fastPropertiesForApp = asgard.inRegion(param.source_region).fastProperty.fastProperties.
findAll({it.appId == param.app_name})
def getRegionProperties = { region ->
fastPropertiesForApp.findAll({!it.region || it.region == region}).inject([:]) { acc, property ->
acc[property.key] = property.value
Map sourceProperties = getRegionProperties(param.source_region)
html.output << "<h3>${param.app_name} in ${param.source_region} vs</h3>"
asgard.acrossRegions {
if (inRegion == param.source_region) { return }
Map regionProperties = getRegionProperties(inRegion)
html.output << "<h4>${inRegion}</h4>"
if (regionProperties.isEmpty()) {
html.output << "<div class='text-error'>Properties for ${param.app_name} do not exist.</div>"
if (sourceProperties == regionProperties) {
html.output << "<div class='text-success'>Properties for ${param.app_name} are identical.</div>"
html.output << '<table class="table table-bordered">'
List<String> fastPropertyNames = (sourceProperties.keySet() + regionProperties.keySet()).unique().sort()
fastPropertyNames.each {
if (sourceProperties[it] != regionProperties[it]) {
html.output << "<tr><td>${it}</td><td>${html.diff(sourceProperties[it], regionProperties[it])}</td></tr>"
html.output << "</table>"
// Report misconfigured ELBs (ones in an internal subnet without the internal scheme).
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').acrossRegions {
List<String> internalElbSubnets = subnet.findAll {
it.purpose == 'internal' && == 'ELB'
List<String> misconfiguredElbs = loadBalancer.findAll {
it.subnets.intersect(internalElbSubnets*.subnetId) && (it.scheme != 'internal')
if (!misconfiguredElbs) { return }
html.with {
output << "<br />${inRegion}<br />"
misconfiguredElbs*.loadBalancerName.each {id ->
output << "${link { loadBalancer id }}<br />"
// Simply display info about a specific load balancer. Works with any Asgard object, not just ELBs. Leave off the id to get a list.
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').with {
html.with {
output << inRegion('us-east-1') { loadBalancer 'helloclay--frontend' }
// Report on load balancers in the VPC. Show me clickable links to Asgard. And do it across all regions.
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').acrossRegions {
def vpcLoadBalancers = loadBalancer.findAll { it.VPCId }.sort {it.loadBalancerName}
if (!vpcLoadBalancers) { return }
html.with {
output << "<br />${inRegion}<br />"
vpcLoadBalancers.each { lb ->
output << "${link { loadBalancer lb.loadBalancerName }} - ${lb.scheme}<br />"
// Report on load balancers in the VPC with Sparklines!
def pieChartHtml = { allAwsObjects, vpcAwsObjects ->
html.sparkline([allAwsObjects.size(), vpcAwsObjects.size()], [
Type: 'pie',
Height: '100',
Width: '100',
html.output << """
<h1>Percentage of VPC usage across regions.</h1>
<table class="table table-bordered">
<tr><th>Region</th><th>ELBs</th><th>ASGs</th><th>Security Groups</th></tr>
asgardLocator.getInstance('nactest').acrossRegions {
def allLoadBalancers = loadBalancer
def vpcLoadBalancers = allLoadBalancers.findAll { it.VPCId }
def allAsgs = autoScaling
def vpcAsgs = allAsgs.findAll { it.VPCZoneIdentifier }
def allSecurityGroups = security.securityGroups
def vpcSecurityGroups = allSecurityGroups.findAll { it.vpcId }
html.with {
output << """<tr><td>${inRegion}</td>
<td>${pieChartHtml(allLoadBalancers, vpcLoadBalancers)}</td>
<td>${pieChartHtml(allAsgs, vpcAsgs)}</td>
<td>${pieChartHtml(allSecurityGroups, vpcSecurityGroups)}</td>
html.output << '</table>'
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