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Created February 21, 2015 01:34
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# Title: Regular Expressions with Python
# Authors: Clay McLeod
# Description: Shows you how to find all instances of a regular expression
# in a string
# Section: Python
# Subsection: General
# Python docs on Regex:
# Notes:
# 1) raw strings have an 'r' prepending the string. They do not process special
# characters
# 2) regex matching methods:
# a) match() - looks at the beginning of the string only
# b) search() - looks anywhere in the string for a match
# c) findall() - returns all instances of the matches in list form
import re
raw_string = r'[A-Za-z]atch'
compiled_regex = re.compile(raw_string)
for token in compiled_regex.findall("Catch the match flying down the hatch"):
print "Token %s" % token
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