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Last active November 17, 2020 19:57
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sigma injectivity ~= axiom K
(* *)
(* ported to SSReflect *)
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
Notation Sig := existT.
Notation pi1 := projT1.
Notation pi2 := projT2.
Definition K X := forall (x : X) (e: x = x), eq_refl = e.
Definition DPI X (p: X -> Type) := forall x u v, Sig p x u = Sig p x v -> u = v.
Definition cast {X} {x y: X} {p: X -> Type}
: x = y -> p x -> p y
:= fun e a => match e with eq_refl => a end.
Lemma K_DPI' {X} {p: X -> Type} {a b: sigT p} :
K X -> a = b -> forall e: pi1 a = pi1 b, cast e (pi2 a) = pi2 b.
by move=>H -> e; rewrite -(H _ e).
Fact K_DPI X p :
K X -> DPI X p.
by move=>H x u v e; apply/(K_DPI' H e eq_refl).
Lemma DPI_K' X (x y: X) :
forall e: x = y,
Sig (fun z => z = y) y eq_refl = Sig (fun z => z = y) x e.
by case: y /.
Fact DPI_K X :
(forall x, DPI X (fun z => z = x)) -> K X.
by move=>H x e; apply/H/DPI_K'.
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