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Last active June 25, 2022 08:57
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Bove-Capretta w/ Equations+SSReflect
(** * The Bove-Capretta method
This method involves building the graph and/or domain of a recursive
definition and to define it by recursion + inversion on that graph,
but not direct pattern matching. We show a difficult example
involving nested recursive calls. *)
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat eqtype.
Definition inspect {A} (a : A) : {b | a = b} :=
exist _ a erefl.
Notation "x 'eqn:' p" := (exist _ x p) (only parsing, at level 20).
(** The graph of the [f91] function. *)
Inductive f91_graph : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| f91_gt n : n > 100 -> f91_graph n (n - 10)
| f91_le n nest res :
n <= 100 -> f91_graph (n + 11) nest ->
f91_graph nest res ->
f91_graph n res.
Derive Signature for f91_graph.
(** It is easy to derive the spec of [f91] from it, by induction. *)
Lemma f91_spec n m : f91_graph n m -> if n <= 100 then m = 91 else m = n - 10.
elim=>{m}n; first by rewrite ltnNge=>/negbTE->.
move=>nest res Hn _; rewrite Hn.
case: ifP=>_; first by move->.
rewrite -addnBA // (_ : 11 - 10 = 1) // => -> _.
case: ifP=>// /negbT; rewrite -ltnNge addn1 ltnS.
move: Hn; rewrite leq_eqVlt=>/orP; case; last by case: ltngtP.
by move/eqP=>->_->.
(** One can construct the graph using a (relatively) complex termination argument.
Note that it is required to know that the result is in the graph to show
termination at the second, nested recursive call to [f91_exists]. *)
Equations? f91_exists n : {r | f91_graph n r} by wf (101 - n) lt :=
f91_exists n with inspect (n <= 100) := {
| true eqn: H => let '(exist x fx) := f91_exists (n + 11) in
let '(exist y fy) := f91_exists x in
exist _ _ (f91_le _ _ _ H fx fy)
| false eqn: H => exist _ (n - 10) _
1-2: apply: ssrnat.ltP.
- by apply: ltn_sub2l=>//; rewrite -{1}(addn0 n) ltn_add2l.
- move: (f91_spec _ _ fx)=>/=; case: ifP.
- rewrite {1}(_ : 100 = 89 + 11) // leq_add2r =>H2 ->.
by rewrite ltn_sub2l //; apply: (leq_ltn_trans H2).
move=>_->; apply: ltn_sub2l=>//.
by rewrite -addnBA // addn1.
by apply: f91_gt; move: H=>/negbT; rewrite -ltnNge.
(** Combining these two things allow us to derive the spec of [f91]. *)
Lemma f91 n : sval (f91_exists n) = if n <= 100 then 91 else n - 10.
case: f91_exists=>x /= /f91_spec.
by case: ifP.
(** This extracts to [f91]. *)
(* Extraction f91_exists. *)
(** An alternative is to use the domain of [f91] instead,
which for nested recursive calls requires a quantification
on the graph relation. *)
Inductive f91_dom : nat -> Prop :=
| f91_dom_gt n : n > 100 -> f91_dom n
| f91_dom_le n :
n <= 100 -> f91_dom (n + 11) ->
(forall n', f91_graph (n + 11) n' -> f91_dom n') ->
f91_dom n.
(** This structural inversion lemma is essential: we rely on the fact
that it returns a subterm of its [prf] argument below to define [f91_ongraph]
by _structural_ recursion. *)
Equations f91_dom_le_inv_r {n} (prf : f91_dom n) (Hle : n <= 100) :
forall n', f91_graph (n + 11) n' -> f91_dom n' :=
| f91_dom_gt n H | Hle := ltac:(by rewrite leqNgt H in Hle);
| f91_dom_le n H Hd Hg | Hle := Hg.
(** In this case, [f91_ongraph] is recursive on the domain proof, but only does
inversion of it, not direct pattern-matching which would be forbidden as it
lives in [Prop]. *)
Equations? f91_ongraph n (prf : f91_dom n) : {r | f91_graph n r} by struct prf :=
f91_ongraph n prf with inspect (n <= 100) := {
| true eqn: H => let '(exist x fx) := f91_ongraph (n + 11) _ in
let '(exist y fy) := f91_ongraph x _ in
exist _ _ (f91_le _ _ _ H fx fy);
| false eqn: H => exist _ (n - 10) _ }.
- move: H; case: n / prf => // n Hn.
by rewrite leqNgt Hn.
- by apply: (f91_dom_le_inv_r prf H).
by apply: f91_gt; move: H=>/negbT; rewrite -ltnNge.
Lemma f91_ongraph_spec n dom : sval (f91_ongraph n dom) = if n <= 100 then 91 else n - 10.
case: f91_ongraph=>/= x /f91_spec.
by case: ifP.
(** The proof witness [f91_dom n] disappears at extraction time.
But the polymorphic sigma type makes it leave a dummy unit value
on the side.
(* Extraction f91_ongraph. *)
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