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Last active June 19, 2023 10:58
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Swierstra's Hoare state monad
From Coq Require Import Program.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype seq ssrnat.
Export Unset Program Cases.
#[local] Obligation Tactic := auto.
Section HoareState.
Variable S : Type.
Definition Pre : Type := S -> Prop.
Definition Post (A : Type) : Type := S -> A -> S -> Prop.
Definition top : Pre := fun s => True.
Definition HoareState (pre : Pre) (A : Type) (post : Post A) : Type :=
forall i : S, pre i -> { (x,f) : A * S | post i x f}.
Definition ret {A} :
forall x, HoareState top A (fun i y f => i = f /\ y = x) :=
fun x s _ => exist _ (x,s) (conj (erefl s) (erefl x)).
Definition bind {A B} P1 P2 Q1 Q2 :
HoareState P1 A Q1 ->
(forall (x : A), HoareState (P2 x) B (Q2 x)) ->
HoareState (fun s1 => P1 s1 /\ forall x s2, Q1 s1 x s2 -> P2 x s2)
(fun s1 y s3 => exists x s2, Q1 s1 x s2 /\ Q2 x s2 y s3).
move=>c1 c2 s1 [H1 H2].
case: (c1 s1 H1)=>[[x s2] H3].
case: (c2 x s2 (H2 _ _ H3))=>[[y s3] H4].
by exists (y, s3), x, s2.
Definition get : HoareState top S (fun i x f => i = f /\ x = i) :=
fun s _ => exist _ (s, s) (conj (erefl s) (erefl s)).
Definition put (x : S) : HoareState top unit (fun _ _ f => f = x) :=
fun _ _ => exist _ (tt, x) (erefl x).
Definition do {A} (P1 P2 : Pre) (Q1 Q2 : Post A) :
(forall i, P2 i -> P1 i) ->
(forall i x f, Q1 i x f -> Q2 i x f) ->
HoareState P1 A Q1 -> HoareState P2 A Q2.
move=>str wkn c s Hs.
case: (c s (str _ Hs))=>[[a s1 H1]].
by exists (a, s1); apply: wkn.
End HoareState.
Arguments top [S] _.
Arguments ret [S A] _ _.
Arguments bind [S A B] {P1 P2 Q1 Q2} _ _ _.
Notation "x '<--' c1 ';' c2" := (bind c1 (fun x => c2))
(at level 81, right associativity).
Notation "c1 ';;' c2" := (bind c1 (fun _ => c2))
(at level 81, right associativity).
Arguments get [S] _.
Arguments put [S] _ _.
Arguments do [S A P1 P2 Q1 Q2] _ _ _ _.
Notation "'Do' e" := (do _ _ e) (at level 80).
(* tree + functions *)
Inductive tree (A : Type) : Type :=
Leaf of A | Node of tree A & tree A.
Arguments Leaf [A] _.
Arguments Node [A] _ _.
Fixpoint size {A} (t : tree A) : nat :=
if t is Node l r then size l + size r else 1.
Arguments size [A] _.
Fixpoint flatten {A} (t : tree A) : seq A :=
match t with
| Leaf x => [::x]
| Node l r => flatten l ++ flatten r
Arguments flatten [A] _.
Fixpoint sameShape {A B} (ta : tree A) (tb : tree B) : bool :=
match ta, tb with
| Leaf _, Leaf _ => true
| Node la ra, Node lb rb => sameShape la lb && sameShape ra rb
| _, _ => false
Arguments sameShape [A B] _ _.
Program Definition fresh :
HoareState nat (@top nat) nat
(fun i n f => f = i.+1 /\ n = i) :=
Do (n <-- @get nat;
put n.+1;;
ret n).
Next Obligation. by []. Qed.
Next Obligation.
by move=>i x f /= [_][_][[_ ->]][_][_][->][<- ->].
Opaque fresh.
(* stateful relabel function *)
Program Fixpoint relabel {A} (t : tree A) :
HoareState nat
(@top nat)
(tree nat)
(fun i t' f => [/\ f = i + size t',
flatten t' = iota i (size t') &
sameShape t t'])
:= match t with
| Leaf x => Do (n <-- fresh;
ret (Leaf n))
| Node l r => Do (l' <-- relabel l;
r' <-- relabel r;
ret (Node l' r'))
Next Obligation. by []. Qed.
Next Obligation.
move=>_ _ _ i _ _ /= [_][_][[->->]][<- ->] /=; split=>//.
by rewrite addn1.
Next Obligation. by []. Qed.
Next Obligation.
move=>/= A t l r i _ _ [tm][_][[-> Etm Esm][tn][_]][[-> Etn Esn][<- ->]] /=.
split; last by apply/andP.
- by rewrite addnA.
by rewrite iotaD Etm Etn.
Program Fixpoint final {A} (t : tree A) :
HoareState nat
(@top nat)
(tree nat)
(fun _ t' _ => uniq (flatten t'))
:= do _ _ (relabel t).
Next Obligation.
move=>A t i x f /= [_ -> _].
by apply: iota_uniq.
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