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smaller inversions
(** Author: Jean-François Monin, Verimag, Université Grenoble Alpes *)
(** ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(** Similar to finite_set from itp13 with
- [odd/F1] renamed as [even/FO]
- the parameter is the cardinal
- definition of addition (to be used in even_bounded_nat)
Require Import Utf8.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat.
(*=============================================================== *)
(** Bounded natural numbers *)
(** The type [t n] represents a finite set of cardinal [n],
whose elements are numbered from FO to FS (... (FS FO) *)
Inductive t : nat → Set :=
| FO {n} : t n.+1
| FS {n} : t n → t n.+1.
Fixpoint forget {n} (i : t n) : nat :=
match i with
| FO _ => O
| FS _ i => (forget i).+1
(** Small inversion. *)
(** Here we have no shape for 0 and 2 shapes for [(S n)] *)
Inductive shape_O : t 0 → Set :=.
Inductive shape_S (n : nat) : t (S n) → Set :=
| shape_S_F0 : shape_S n FO
| shape_S_FS : ∀ i : t n, shape_S n (FS i).
Definition t_inv {n} (i : t n) :
match n with
| O => shape_O
| S n => shape_S n
end i.
Proof. by case: i=>{}n; constructor. Defined.
(** Generic use *)
Section sec_example.
Variable P : forall n, t n → Prop.
Lemma case_t_S n :
P n.+1 FO → (forall i, P n.+1 (FS i)) →
forall (i : t n.+1), P n.+1 i.
move=>P0 PS i.
case: (t_inv i)=>[|{}i].
- by exact: P0.
by apply: PS.
End sec_example.
(** Addition *)
An administrative lifting function ([lift1]) is needed.
Definition t_n_Sm {n m} (i: t (S (m + n))) : t (m + S n).
by rewrite addnS.
Fixpoint lift1 m {n} (i : t n) : t (m + n) :=
match i in t n return t (m + n) with
| FO _ => t_n_Sm FO
| FS _ i => t_n_Sm (FS (lift1 m i))
Fixpoint Fplus {n m : nat} (i : t n) (j : t m) : t (n + m) :=
match i with
| FO n => lift1 n.+1 j
| FS _ i => FS (Fplus i j)
(** Author: Jean-François Monin, Verimag, Université Grenoble Alpes *)
(** Beginner example: even natural numbers their half
(without distraction by irrelevant odd numbers). *)
Here there are NO bounded natural numbers, only usual natural numbers.
The main points to be illustrated here are:
- computing the half using the Braga method without graph
- definition of [half] using [even_inv] + partial correctness
- proofs of [half_pirr] and [even_unique] using [even_inv]
- definition of [even_rect] using [even_inv_π]
= combination small inversion + projection
- standard inversion already fails in various ways
This example is anyway a good warming up for bounded natural numbers.
Require Import Utf8.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat.
(** ------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(** * Definition of [even] and its small inversion *)
Inductive even : forall n, Prop :=
| even_0 : even 0
| even_2 n : even n → even n.+2.
(** Small inversion *)
Inductive is_even_0 : even 0 → Prop :=
| is_even_0_intro : is_even_0 even_0.
Inductive no_even1 : even 1 → Prop :=.
Inductive is_even_2 n : even n.+2 → Prop :=
| is_even_2_intro (e : even n) : is_even_2 n (even_2 n e).
Definition even_inv {n} (e : even n) :
match n return even n → Prop with
| 0 => is_even_0
| 1 => no_even1
| n.+2 => is_even_2 n
end e.
Proof. by case: e. Defined.
Print even_inv.
(* Basic usage of small inversion *)
Lemma even_plus_left n m : even (n + m) → even n → even m.
move=>enm en; elim: _ / en enm => //{}n en IHen.
by rewrite !addSn => enm; case: (even_inv enm).
(** ------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(** * Small inversion for smaller inversion: [half] and its properties *)
(** The projection (Braga method) *)
Definition πeven {n} (e: even n.+2) : even n :=
match e in even m return
let n := match m with n.+2 => n | _ => n end in
let G := match m with _.+2 => True | _ => False end in
G -> even n with
| even_2 n e => fun G => e
| _ => fun G => match G with end
end I.
(** Now we can define fixpoints on [even n] *)
Fixpoint hlf n (e: even n) {struct e} : nat :=
match n return even n -> nat with
| O => λ _, 0
| 1 => λ e, match even_inv e with end
| n.+2 => λ e, (hlf n (πeven e)).+1
end e.
(** Partial correctness: [half] returns the half
(no need of inversion because [half] behaves well) *)
Lemma double_half : ∀ n e, hlf n e + hlf n e = n.
refine (fix fxp n e {struct e} : hlf n e + hlf n e = n := _ ).
case: _ / e => /= [|{}n e] //.
by rewrite addSn addnS; congr _.+2; exact: fxp.
(** [half] is proof irrelevant *)
Lemma half_pirr : ∀ n (e e' : even n), hlf n e = hlf n e'.
refine (fix fxp n e {struct e} : ∀ e', hlf n e = hlf n e' := _ ).
case: _ / e => /= [|{}n e] e'; case: (even_inv e')=>//= {}e'.
by congr _.+1; exact: fxp.
(** [even] happens to enjoy unicity *)
Lemma even_unique : ∀n (e e' : even n), e = e'.
refine (fix fxp n e {struct e} : ∀ e', e = e' := _ ).
case: _ / e => /= [|{}n e] e'; case: (even_inv e'); first by reflexivity.
by move=>{}e'; congr (even_2 n); exact: fxp.
(** [half_pirr] could also be proven as a corollary of [even_unique].
BUT proof unicity should not be overrated.
In other examples such as unbounded linear search,
(see ConstructiveEpsilon.v), the result is proof irrelevant
WITHOUT unicity of the inductive domain. *)
(** ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
(** * Smaller inversion to be used in richer functions such as even_rect *)
Inductive is_even_2_π n (e : even n.+2) : even n.+2 → Prop :=
| is_even_2_π_intro : is_even_2_π n e (even_2 n (πeven e)).
Definition even_inv_π {n} (e : even n) :
match n return even n → even n → Prop with
| 0 => λ _, is_even_0
| 1 => λ _, no_even1
| n.+2 => is_even_2_π n
end e e.
Proof. by case: e. Defined.
(** Not that useful in practice (until now) *)
Definition even_rect
(P : ∀ n, even n -> Type)
(P0 : P 0 even_0)
(P2 : ∀n (e :even n), P n e → P (S (S n)) (even_2 n e)) :
∀ n (e: even n), P n e.
refine (
fix fxp n (e: even n) {struct e} : P n e :=
match n return ∀ e : even n, P n e with
| O => λ e, _
| 1 => λ e, match even_inv e with end
| n.+2 => λ e, _
end e).
- by case: (even_inv e); exact: P0.
by case: (even_inv_π e); apply: P2; exact: fxp.
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