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Last active March 13, 2021 01:01
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Cayley monoid
module Cayley
import Data.Vect
foldlVec : {0 b : Nat -> Type} -> ({0 m : Nat} -> a -> b m -> b (S m)) -> b Z -> Vect n a -> b n
foldlVec f bz [] = bz
foldlVec f bz (x :: xs) = foldlVec {b = b . S} f (f x bz) xs
revVect : Vect n a -> Vect n a
revVect = foldlVec {b = flip Vect a} (::) []
record VectCont (n : Nat) (a : Type) (b : Type) where
constructor MkVectCont
runVectCont : Vect n a -> Vect n (a,b)
revZip : Vect n a -> Vect n b -> Vect n (a,b)
revZip = flip $ runVectCont . foldlVec {b = \n=>VectCont n a b}
(\y,k => MkVectCont \(x::xs) => (x,y) :: runVectCont k xs)
(MkVectCont $ const Nil)
--data Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type where
-- Leaf : a -> Tree 1 a
-- Split : Tree n a -> Tree m a -> Tree (n + m) a
data Tree2 : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type where
Leaf : a -> Tree2 n (S n) a
Split : Tree2 n2 n3 a
-> Tree2 n1 n2 a
-> Tree2 n1 n3 a
Tree : Nat -> Type -> Type
Tree = Tree2 Z
three : Tree 3 Int
three = Split (Split (Leaf 1) (Leaf 2)) (Leaf 3)
treeToList : Tree n a -> Vect n a
treeToList xs = go xs []
go : Tree2 k m a -> Vect k a -> Vect m a
go (Leaf x) ks = x :: ks
go (Split xs ys) ks = go xs (go ys ks)
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