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Created July 12, 2015 07:55
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Building on SOLID foundations - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce - Breakout Session from Software Architect 2013
Building on SOLID foundations - Steve Freeman & Nat Pryce
10:00 - Ravioli Code
12:15 - Spaghetti and Meatballs
* Brittle event flow tying objects together
13:30 - Tangle of Wires
* You can wiring your objects together, using DI, but everything
is just tangled together with all of this wiring between objects
* "Let's have lots of objects and wire them together" - all objects
can see each other, "Oh I need this, i'll just pull it out of the
* Loss of localities, all dependencies are smeared across the entire
16:49 - Auto Wiring Containers
* Opposite of "Tangle of Wires"
17:34 - Helper Class
* Objects get bigger and bigger
* "Order" and "Order Helper"
* Helpers can't be used elsewhere in the system
* What happens when the "Order Helper" gets too big?
19:00 - Law of Demeter
* Objects should only talk to objects to which they are closely
* Violating LoD locks down a dependency chain
20:20 - Dependency Injection
* "If you need something, pass it in" over "Reach out and grab it"
20:48 - What about Principles that come into play at a larger scale?
* Conway's Law
* Postel's Robustness Principle
* CAP Theorem
* End-to-End principle: Error handling should be pushed to the edge
and handled by clients, not distributed at each of the nodes
24:20 - What's missing in the middle?
* Ports and Adapters - Clean domain model in the middle, around that
you define ports to the outside world, then you write thin adapters
that bridge from one to the other
* MVC, PAC, Pipes and Filters and many others
* Missing fundamental principles that help us use these patterns
26:30 - Story Time: Building system for Financial Modeling
* Started with lots of immutable objects
* Found lots of duplication in "scenario catalog" objects, started
refactoring, created "object graphs"
* Ended up with tangle of wires, lots of syntactic noise (33:20)
* Next step was Factory Objects with sensible names
* Code started not looking much like Java (34:00,) but started being
more of a one-to-one real world scenario to code
* Allowed for rapid changes and quick feedback
* TDD'd to solution, but found lacking need of acceptance testing
37:00 - "Compositionality"
* You can understand the entire system by seeing how the pieces
fit together
* The Meaning of a compound expression is a function of the meaning
of its parts and the syntactic rule by which they are combined
* "We can reason about behavior by reasoning about function design"
* We've seen this before...
* <word count program using unix shell>
* Lots of little programs with defined inputs and outputs bound
together from which you can build a larger component
* You can take discrete components that are clean of dependencies
and you can build larger systems out of them (43:25)
45:30 - Primitive Elements
* If we try to take the "Compositionality" approach, we will end up
building these primitive elements and then putting them all
46:10 - Composition Operators
* With primitive elements, we need operations that help combined
them back together (e.g. unix pipes)
47:00 - Meaning
* We need to give these syntactic pieces meaning.
* Meaning only exists inside of some type of context
* Write tests for each context
48:00 - Syntax
* What do these things look like
* What syntactic forms do we end up with such that we can reason
about the behavior
48:40 - Test Assertion Syntax Example
* FEST vs Hamcrest (52:20)
55:10 - "Behavior assembled from immutable objects acting on stateful context"
01:00:52 - "Behavior assembled in multiple Domain Specific Languages"
* Don't look for universal solutions
01:03:30 - Easier to understand, Easier to Change
* Things are localized
* Complexity is managed
* Scope is managed
* SOLID objects at the bottom, Big Architecture at the top
* Helps prevent dependencies that sweep across whole code base
01:04:30 - When building a program, we're building a language
* Always defining new languages to help solve a bigger problem
* Principles behind language design
* All programming interviews should include
"can you write a paragraph?"
* Reading code vs. Writing code
* Dedication to good naming
01:09:10 - Q/A Session
Q: "A lot of what you're talking about seems to lend itself
to functional languages."
A: Any language with a mathematical background lends itself
to this type of thing.
Q: "Tips or tricks for writing immutable objects in Java or C#?"
A: "Do you mean put Final statements everywhere?"
Q: "Yes, <something about patterns>"
A: I avoid the builder pattern in Java, but use factory functions
to compose things together.
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