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Last active April 18, 2019 13:56
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Python implementation of algorithm in Çakıroḡlu et al. 2008 for minimising bipartite graph crossings
from typing import List, Tuple, Hashable, Iterator, FrozenSet, Dict
import networkx as nx
def bisect(lst: List) -> Tuple[List, List]:
mid = len(lst) // 2
return lst[:mid], lst[mid:]
def revdict(d: Dict[Hashable, Hashable]):
out = {v: k for k, v in d.items()}
if len(d) != len(out):
raise ValueError("Dict is not reversible (some values are identical)")
return out
class MultiSankeySorter:
def __init__(self, columns: List[List[Hashable]], weights: Dict[FrozenSet, float], fixed_idx=0):
:param columns: list of columns, left to right, where each column is a list of labels.
:param weights: dict mapping label pair (as a frozenset) to a weight (number)
:param fixed_idx: which index in the ``columns`` list is already sorted
(i.e. is used as the foundation for the rest of the diagram)
self.columns = columns.copy()
self.weights = weights
self.fixed_idx = fixed_idx
def _pair_idxs(self):
fixed_idx = self.fixed_idx
while fixed_idx > 0:
yield fixed_idx, fixed_idx - 1
fixed_idx -= 1
fixed_idx = self.fixed_idx
while fixed_idx + 1 < len(self.columns):
yield fixed_idx, fixed_idx + 1
fixed_idx += 1
def sort(self):
"""Return the list of columns where all but the "fixed" column have been sorted to minimise crossovers"""
for fixed_idx, sorting_idx in self._pair_idxs():
self.columns[sorting_idx] = list(SankeySorter(
self.columns[fixed_idx], self.columns[sorting_idx], self.weights
return self.columns
class SankeySorter:
def __init__(self, fixed_col: List[Hashable], sorting_col: List[Hashable], weights: Dict[frozenset, float]):
"""Given one column's ordering, sort another column to minimise crossovers in a bipartite graph.
Uses approach from [Çakıroḡlu2008]_.
To get the reordered ``sorting_column``, just iterate through this object.
:param fixed_col: list of labels in column which is not to be re-ordered
:param sorting_col: list of labels in column to be re-ordered
:param weights: dict mapping label pair (as a frozenset) to a weight (number).
Labels which are not in the given columns will be ignored.
.. [Çakıroḡlu2008]
self.name_to_idx = {name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(fixed_col + sorting_col, 1)}
self.L0 = [self.name_to_idx[n] for n in fixed_col]
self.L1 = [self.name_to_idx[n] for n in sorting_col]
nodes = set(fixed_col) | set(sorting_col)
self.graph = nx.Graph()
for src_tgt, weight in weights.items():
if not src_tgt.issubset(nodes):
src, tgt = list(src_tgt)
self.graph.add_edge(self.name_to_idx[src], self.name_to_idx[tgt], weight=weight)
def n0(self):
return len(self.L0)
def n1(self):
return len(self.L1)
def _W(self, x, p): # W(n, p)
return self.graph.edges[x, p]["weight"]
except KeyError:
return 0
def _W_between(self, x, pmin, pmax): # W(n)_pmin^pmax
return sum(self._W(x, p) for p in self.graph.neighbors(x) if pmin <= p <= pmax)
def _sort(self) -> Iterator[int]:
for r, Pr in enumerate(self._phase1()):
yield from self._phase2(r, Pr)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Hashable]:
idx_to_name = revdict(self.name_to_idx)
for idx in self._sort():
yield idx_to_name[idx]
def _phase1(self) -> List[List[int]]: # phase 1, coarse-grained
P = [[] for _ in self.L0]
for u in self.L1:
leftsum = 0
rightsum = self._W_between(u, 2, self.n0)
for r in range(0, self.n0):
if leftsum >= rightsum:
leftsum += self._W(u, r + 1)
rightsum += self._W(u, r + 2)
return P
def _metric(self, u, v, r):
return self._W_between(u, 1, r) * self._W_between(v, r + 1, self.n0)
def _phase2(self, r, Pr) -> Iterator[int]: # phase 2, fine-grained
if len(Pr) == 1:
yield Pr.pop()
if len(Pr) == 0:
pi_Pr1, pi_Pr2 = (self._phase2(r, Pri) for Pri in bisect(Pr))
## ???
## "New node `a` s.t. (such that) W_between(a, 1, r) == −1 and W_between(a, r+1, n0) == 0"
# pi_Pr1.append(a)
# pi_Pr2.append(a)
## ???
u = next(pi_Pr1)
v = next(pi_Pr2)
for _ in range(1, len(Pr) + 1):
if self._metric(v, u, r) <= self._metric(u, v, r):
yield u
u = next(pi_Pr1)
except StopIteration:
yield v
yield v
v = next(pi_Pr2)
except StopIteration:
yield u
yield from pi_Pr1
yield from pi_Pr2
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