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Last active December 24, 2023 05:30
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  • Save cldellow/77991eb4074f6a0f31766cf901659efb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cldellow/77991eb4074f6a0f31766cf901659efb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logs of recent planet build
# rm -rf tiles.mbtiles /tmp/store ; time ./tilemaker --input ../planet-latest.osm.pbf --output tiles.mbtiles --shard-stores --store /tmp/store
Layer place (z0-14)
Layer boundary (z0-14)
Layer poi (z12-14)
Layer poi_detail (z14-14) -> poi
Layer housenumber (z14-14)
Layer waterway (z8-14)
Layer waterway_detail (z12-14) -> waterway
Layer transportation (z4-14)
Layer transportation_name (z8-14)
Layer transportation_name_mid (z12-14) -> transportation_name
Layer transportation_name_detail (z14-14) -> transportation_name
Layer building (z13-14)
Layer water (z6-14)
Layer ocean (z0-14) -> water
Layer water_name (z14-14)
Layer water_name_detail (z14-14) -> water_name
Layer aeroway (z11-14)
Layer aerodrome_label (z10-14)
Layer park (z11-14)
Layer landuse (z4-14)
Layer urban_areas (z4-8) -> landuse
Layer landcover (z0-14)
Layer ice_shelf (z0-9) -> landcover
Layer glacier (z2-9) -> landcover
Layer mountain_peak (z11-14)
Bounding box -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06
Using osm store file: /tmp/store
Filename: /tmp/store/mmap_0.dat, size: 1024000000
Reading .shp ocean
Unable to open coastline/water_polygons.shp or coastline/water_polygons.SHP.
Reading .shp urban_areas
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.SHP.
Reading .shp ice_shelf
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.shp or landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.SHP.
Reading .shp glacier
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.SHP.
Generated points: 0, lines: 0, polygons: 0
Reading .pbf ../planet-latest.osm.pbf
warning: PBF has very large blocks, which may slow processing
to fix: osmium cat -f pbf your-file.osm.pbf -o optimized.osm.pbf
Store size 59G | Block 27769/27770 ways 0 relations 0 (215456 ms)
SortedNodeStore: 171377 groups, 16950066 chunks, 1530008280 nodes, 7608551076 bytes (1.5% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 172416 groups, 19431167 chunks, 1539538030 nodes, 8430282750 bytes (1.7% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 172484 groups, 19369617 chunks, 1585568441 nodes, 8587228930 bytes (1.6% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171325 groups, 19200943 chunks, 1572412449 nodes, 8352579614 bytes (1.3% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171477 groups, 17842654 chunks, 1181247432 nodes, 6620164492 bytes (1.5% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 170314 groups, 16828408 chunks, 1392789495 nodes, 7027154624 bytes (1.2% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 0 groups, 0 chunks, 0 nodes, 0 bytes (0% wasted)
(Scanning for ways used in relations: 99%) (13264 ms)
Store size 75G | 1/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (292480 ms)
Store size 96G | 2/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (344977 ms)
Store size 122G | 3/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (367988 ms)
Store size 143G | 4/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (358858 ms)
Store size 176G | 5/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (383739 ms)
Store size 194G | 6/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (349285 ms)
SortedWayStore: 18760 groups, 3232621 chunks, 134334189 ways, 1452855124 nodes, 4011293262 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18790 groups, 3537226 chunks, 125399326 ways, 1502811382 nodes, 4407873348 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18799 groups, 3529470 chunks, 126625869 ways, 1496101287 nodes, 4246444770 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18781 groups, 3505803 chunks, 139301557 ways, 1495702997 nodes, 4390654278 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18798 groups, 3423248 chunks, 105282580 ways, 1025229994 nodes, 3416150216 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18743 groups, 3280984 chunks, 120867949 ways, 1272514714 nodes, 3601482634 bytes
SortedWayStore: 0 groups, 0 chunks, 0 ways, 0 nodes, 0 bytes
Store size 211G | 1/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 105 (70413 ms)
Store size 227G | 2/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 42 (65988 ms)
Store size 243G | 3/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 171 (121902 ms)
Store size 260G | 4/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 111 (80631 ms)
Store size 276G | 5/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 200 (30109 ms)
Store size 293G | 6/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 155 (93855 ms)
Generated points: 839948, lines: 56846, polygons: 229953026
Attributes: 39475356 sets from 1384947274 objects
Creating mbtiles at tiles.mbtiles
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (174725 ms)
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
collecting tiles: 116705ms, filtering tiles: z0 (1, 0ms) z1 (4, 0ms) z2 (16, 0ms) z3 (63, 0ms) z4 (220, 0ms) z5 (663, 0ms) z6 (2034, 0ms) z7 (6600, 0ms) z8 (22787, 0ms) z9 (82225, 1ms) z10 (302226, 5ms) z11 (1122892, 19ms) z12 (4192078, 75ms) z13 (15714883, 290ms) z14 (59175695, 1122ms)
z6/63/40, writing tile 80622387 of 80622387
Filled the tileset with good things at tiles.mbtiles
real 117m11.390s
user 1515m30.420s
sys 36m20.735s
# rm -rf tiles.mbtiles /tmp/store ; time ./tilemaker --input ../planet-latest.osm.pbf --output tiles.mbtiles --shard-stores --store /tmp/store
Layer place (z0-14)
Layer boundary (z0-14)
Layer poi (z12-14)
Layer poi_detail (z14-14) -> poi
Layer housenumber (z14-14)
Layer waterway (z8-14)
Layer waterway_detail (z12-14) -> waterway
Layer transportation (z4-14)
Layer transportation_name (z8-14)
Layer transportation_name_mid (z12-14) -> transportation_name
Layer transportation_name_detail (z14-14) -> transportation_name
Layer building (z13-14)
Layer water (z6-14)
Layer ocean (z0-14) -> water
Layer water_name (z14-14)
Layer water_name_detail (z14-14) -> water_name
Layer aeroway (z11-14)
Layer aerodrome_label (z10-14)
Layer park (z11-14)
Layer landuse (z4-14)
Layer urban_areas (z4-8) -> landuse
Layer landcover (z0-14)
Layer ice_shelf (z0-9) -> landcover
Layer glacier (z2-9) -> landcover
Layer mountain_peak (z11-14)
Bounding box -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06
Using osm store file: /tmp/store
Filename: /tmp/store/mmap_0.dat, size: 1024000000
Reading .shp ocean
Unable to open coastline/water_polygons.shp or coastline/water_polygons.SHP.
Reading .shp urban_areas
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.SHP.
Reading .shp ice_shelf
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.shp or landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.SHP.
Reading .shp glacier
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.SHP.
Generated points: 0, lines: 0, polygons: 0
Reading .pbf ../planet-latest.osm.pbf
warning: PBF has very large blocks, which may slow processing
to fix: osmium cat -f pbf your-file.osm.pbf -o optimized.osm.pbf
Store size 60G | Block 27769/27770 ways 0 relations 0 (204261 ms)
SortedNodeStore: 171377 groups, 16950066 chunks, 1530008280 nodes, 7608551076 bytes (1.3% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 172416 groups, 19431167 chunks, 1539538030 nodes, 8430282750 bytes (1.6% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 172484 groups, 19369617 chunks, 1585568441 nodes, 8587228930 bytes (1.6% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171325 groups, 19200943 chunks, 1572412449 nodes, 8352579614 bytes (1.5% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171477 groups, 17842654 chunks, 1181247432 nodes, 6620164492 bytes (1.4% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 170314 groups, 16828408 chunks, 1392789495 nodes, 7027154624 bytes (1.3% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 0 groups, 0 chunks, 0 nodes, 0 bytes (0% wasted)
(Scanning for ways used in relations: 99%) (13362 ms)
Store size 76G | 1/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (294832 ms)
Store size 97G | 2/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (344013 ms)
Store size 125G | 3/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (367532 ms)
Store size 144G | 4/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (365846 ms)
Store size 176G | 5/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (391537 ms)
Store size 194G | 6/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (366115 ms)
SortedWayStore: 18760 groups, 3232621 chunks, 134334189 ways, 1452855124 nodes, 4011293262 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18790 groups, 3537226 chunks, 125399326 ways, 1502811382 nodes, 4407873348 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18799 groups, 3529470 chunks, 126625869 ways, 1496101287 nodes, 4246444770 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18781 groups, 3505803 chunks, 139301557 ways, 1495702997 nodes, 4390654278 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18798 groups, 3423248 chunks, 105282580 ways, 1025229994 nodes, 3416150216 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18743 groups, 3280984 chunks, 120867949 ways, 1272514714 nodes, 3601482634 bytes
SortedWayStore: 0 groups, 0 chunks, 0 ways, 0 nodes, 0 bytes
Store size 211G | 1/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 105 (71192 ms)
Store size 227G | 2/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 42 (65679 ms)
Store size 243G | 3/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 171 (122707 ms)
Store size 260G | 4/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 111 (79722 ms)
Store size 276G | 5/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 200 (30800 ms)
Store size 293G | 6/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 155 (94218 ms)
Generated points: 839948, lines: 56846, polygons: 229953026
Attributes: 39475356 sets from 1384947274 objects
Creating mbtiles at tiles.mbtiles
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (174012 ms)
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (10 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (10 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (10 ms)
collecting tiles: 113125ms, filtering tiles: z0 (1, 0ms) z1 (4, 0ms) z2 (16, 0ms) z3 (63, 0ms) z4 (220, 0ms) z5 (663, 0ms) z6 (2034, 0ms) z7 (6600, 0ms) z8 (22787, 0ms) z9 (82225, 1ms) z10 (302226, 5ms) z11 (1122892, 19ms) z12 (4192078, 75ms) z13 (15714883, 289ms) z14 (59175695, 1116ms)
z6/63/40, writing tile 80622387 of 80622387
Filled the tileset with good things at tiles.mbtiles
real 118m50.098s
user 1531m13.026s
sys 34m7.252s
# rm -rf tiles.mbtiles /tmp/store ; time ./tilemaker --input ../planet-latest.osm.pbf --output tiles.mbtiles --shard-stores --store /tmp/store
Layer place (z0-14)
Layer boundary (z0-14)
Layer poi (z12-14)
Layer poi_detail (z14-14) -> poi
Layer housenumber (z14-14)
Layer waterway (z8-14)
Layer waterway_detail (z12-14) -> waterway
Layer transportation (z4-14)
Layer transportation_name (z8-14)
Layer transportation_name_mid (z12-14) -> transportation_name
Layer transportation_name_detail (z14-14) -> transportation_name
Layer building (z13-14)
Layer water (z6-14)
Layer ocean (z0-14) -> water
Layer water_name (z14-14)
Layer water_name_detail (z14-14) -> water_name
Layer aeroway (z11-14)
Layer aerodrome_label (z10-14)
Layer park (z11-14)
Layer landuse (z4-14)
Layer urban_areas (z4-8) -> landuse
Layer landcover (z0-14)
Layer ice_shelf (z0-9) -> landcover
Layer glacier (z2-9) -> landcover
Layer mountain_peak (z11-14)
Bounding box -180, -85.06, 180, 85.06
Using osm store file: /tmp/store
Filename: /tmp/store/mmap_0.dat, size: 1024000000
Reading .shp ocean
Unable to open coastline/water_polygons.shp or coastline/water_polygons.SHP.
Reading .shp urban_areas
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_urban_areas/ne_10m_urban_areas.SHP.
Reading .shp ice_shelf
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.shp or landcover/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys/ne_10m_antarctic_ice_shelves_polys.SHP.
Reading .shp glacier
Unable to open landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.shp or landcover/ne_10m_glaciated_areas/ne_10m_glaciated_areas.SHP.
Generated points: 0, lines: 0, polygons: 0
Reading .pbf ../planet-latest.osm.pbf
warning: PBF has very large blocks, which may slow processing
to fix: osmium cat -f pbf your-file.osm.pbf -o optimized.osm.pbf
Store size 61G | Block 27768/27770 ways 0 relations 0 (219617 ms)
SortedNodeStore: 171377 groups, 16950066 chunks, 1530008280 nodes, 7608551076 bytes (1.4% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 169645 groups, 11115467 chunks, 866986791 nodes, 4836291094 bytes (2.2% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 172484 groups, 19369617 chunks, 1585568441 nodes, 8587228930 bytes (1.7% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171325 groups, 19200943 chunks, 1572412449 nodes, 8352579614 bytes (1.4% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 169333 groups, 11589447 chunks, 672551239 nodes, 3700075502 bytes (1.4% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 171477 groups, 17842654 chunks, 1181247432 nodes, 6620164492 bytes (1.4% wasted)
SortedNodeStore: 170314 groups, 16828408 chunks, 1392789495 nodes, 7027154624 bytes (1.3% wasted)
(Scanning for ways used in relations: 99%) (14364 ms)
Store size 77G | 1/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (295178 ms)
Store size 94G | 2/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (226439 ms)
Store size 118G | 3/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (359148 ms)
Store size 138G | 4/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (354549 ms)
Store size 154G | 5/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (256537 ms)
Store size 186G | 6/7 Block 14723/14725 ways 4256 relations 0 (385548 ms)
Store size 206G | 7/7 Block 14724/14725 ways 8000 relations 0 (347905 ms)
SortedWayStore: 18760 groups, 3205157 chunks, 132759515 ways, 1436423213 nodes, 3966624522 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18734 groups, 2308387 chunks, 57842976 ways, 808486769 nodes, 2321438188 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18799 groups, 3478265 chunks, 120939914 ways, 1441347244 nodes, 4097495816 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18781 groups, 3466437 chunks, 133841474 ways, 1451366406 nodes, 4266260552 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18755 groups, 2655648 chunks, 58812777 ways, 618892478 nodes, 2029153250 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18798 groups, 3350739 chunks, 94392660 ways, 929804476 nodes, 3145202708 bytes
SortedWayStore: 18743 groups, 3247097 chunks, 117970686 ways, 1249684075 nodes, 3536322032 bytes
Store size 222G | 1/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 105 (71555 ms)
Store size 238G | 2/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 42 (39600 ms)
Store size 255G | 3/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 171 (126085 ms)
Store size 271G | 4/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 111 (82317 ms)
Store size 287G | 5/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 20 (30919 ms)
Store size 304G | 6/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 200 (31289 ms)
Store size 320G | 7/7 Block 367/368 ways 0 relations 155 (94522 ms)
Generated points: 123324298, lines: 56859, polygons: 229953591
Attributes: 39475333 sets from 1384947865 objects
Creating mbtiles at tiles.mbtiles
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (175202 ms)
osm: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
shp: finalizing z6 tile 4096/4096 (0 ms)
collecting tiles: 116414ms, filtering tiles: z0 (1, 0ms) z1 (4, 0ms) z2 (16, 0ms) z3 (63, 0ms) z4 (220, 0ms) z5 (663, 0ms) z6 (2034, 0ms) z7 (6600, 0ms) z8 (22787, 0ms) z9 (82225, 1ms) z10 (302226, 5ms) z11 (1122892, 19ms) z12 (4192078, 77ms) z13 (15714883, 296ms) z14 (59175695, 1150ms)
z6/63/40, writing tile 80622387 of 80622387
Filled the tileset with good things at tiles.mbtiles
real 123m15.534s
user 1546m25.196s
sys 38m17.093s
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