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-- companion video of the set:
-- (requires free membership)
-- hi all
-- @moxus amazin set
-- I feel like a total prude but... here's a piano
-- BEATO 2
setcps (70/120)
-- $ every 16 (chop 16 . (# gain 0.8))
do d1 $ every 3 (jux (fast 2 . rev . (# octave 5)))
$ slow 4 $ n ( arp "thumbup" "d'm9'ii g'dom7'5")
# s "superpiano"
# sustain 3
# release 3
# djf 0.2
# octave 4
# gain (slow 7 $ range 0.2 1 sine )
# room 0.4
# sz 0.4
do d1 $ silence
d3 $ silence
-- stripe 2
d3 $ every 8 (stripe 2 ) $ stack [
n "< [< 0*2!4 ~ 0*2!3> ~!3] ~ >" # s "cpu",
stut 6 0.3 0.175 $ n "< ~ 2 ~!2>" # s "cpu",
s "~ <clap:2 ~ >",
slow 2 $ n "~ [5 4*4] ~ 4(3,8) 5" # s "cpu" # gain (slow 2 saw),
n "10*16?" # s "thekit" # gain (slow 3 sine )
] # room 0.2 # size 0.2
solo 4
-- bass: yoshimi 85:Strings 17:Sweep Pad 1 Fat vol@4o'clock
d2 $ slow 4 $ note "< [d g] ~ >" # s "midi"
# attack 0.4
# sustain "<3.5 8>"
# octave 3
# djf 0.3
# cut 1
-- vox
-- chop
do d4 $ chop "<16 4 24 >" $ stut 4 0.1 0.1 $ almostNever (jux rev) $ slow 2
$ n "<16 [ ~ 23 ] 21 ~ 16 ~ ~ 14 >" # s "lidellvox"
# legato 1.2
# room 0.3
# size 0.4
# djf (slow 3 (range 0.3 0.9 saw))
# dfb 0.7
# dt 0.5
# delay 0.5
# gain 0.9
solo 4
unsolo 4
-- ambient texture
d5 $ stut 4 0.1 0.1 $ slice 4 "< [~ 0] ~ [~ 4] ~ >" $ s "lidelldrone:1"
# gain (slow 19 (range 0.2 0.7 sine))
-- outro
do d1 $ silence
d2 $ silence
d3 $ silence
d4 $ silence
-- CHANGE MIDI yoshimi 15: Brass 1: FM Thrumpet vol @4o'clock
-- vox
d4 $ silence
-- RX
setcps 0.5
d5 $ silence
d1 $ stack [
struct "<[t t ~ t*2] [[~ t] ~ [~ t] <~ [~ t]>]> " $ s "dr_few:0",
struct "<[~ ~ t ~] [~ [~ t] ~ [<~ t> <t ~>]]>" $ s "cpu:2",
struct "<[[~ t]!3 ~] t*4>" $ s "cpu:5",
struct "~!3 <t*2 [~ t]>" $ s "cpu:5" # rel 0.3
] # room 0.3 # sz 0.2 # shape 0.2
d5 $ silence
do -- yoshimi 15: Brass 1: FM Thrumpet vol @4o'clock
d2 $ slow 2 $ note "<[e2@0.85 f2] c2 >" # s "midi"
-- I see you
d3 $ stut 4 0.125 0.125 $ n "<8 [~ [< 8 ~ > [~ 14]]] ~ [ [8 2 20] ~]>" # s "alphabet"
# djf 0.9
# gain 1.2
unsolo 2
solo 2
-- $ sometimes (chop 8)
d4 $ 0.125 <~ sound "<~ <~ em2:2*2> ~!2>"
# squiz 2
solo 2
unsolo 2
d1 $ silence
d3 $ silence
d5 $ slow 2 $ struct "<t(5,8) t(7,16)>" $ s "feelfx"
# rel (slow 7 sine)
# octave 7
do d1 $ silence
d2 $ silence
d3 $ silence
d5 $ silence
d6 $ s "< ~!3 [~ gretsch:8]>"
# gain 1.5
-- SONG 1
-- get ready to christmas it up folks... change of pace ahoy :D
setcps 0.55
let melody = note (scale "ionian" "[< 1 0> <8 7>] <[ ~ 2 3 4] [~ 2 1 -1]> < ~ -2 ~ 0 > ~") |+ note "<0!4 5!4>"
do resetCycles
-- melody
d2 $ jux (off 0.25 (# gain 0.2)) $ stut 4 0.5 0.2 $ slow 4
$ melody
# sound "supergong"
# sustain 2
# gain 1
# octave 6
-- chords
d5 $ slow 2 $ note (arp "down" "<[c'min7 ~!7] [c'dom7'ii ~!7] [c'maj9 ~!7 ][ c'm9'ii ~!7]> ")
|+ note "<2 -5 0 -3 >"
|+ note "<0!4 5!4>"
# s "superpwm"
# sustain 3
# djf 0.3
# gain 0.85
do -- bass
d3 $ off 3.75 ( |- "[2 4 4?0.1 7]") $ slow 2 $ n (toScale [5,6,10,12,15,2,4] "<1 4 0 <5 7 7 5>>")
|+ n "<0!4 5!4>"
# s "pluck"
# cut 1
# sustain 3
--extra bass
d7 $ slow 2 $ n (toScale [5,6,10,12,15,2,4] "< ~ ~ [ ~ . ~ 2 3 4] ~ >")
|+ n "<0!4 5!4>"
# s "pluck"
# cut 1
# sustain 3
-- texture
d6 $ off 2.5 (# pan 0) $ slice 8 "1*4 6 7 8" $ every 4 (# gain 1) $ s "ade:2"
# octave (irand 2 + 6)
# gain 0
-- perc light
do d4 $ loopAt 2 $ s "break:9"
# djf (range 0.9 0.5 (slow 8 isaw))
d2 $ silence
d3 $ silence
d7 $ silence
d5 $ silence
d6 $ silence
-- body
do d1 $ stack [
loopAt 2 $ s "break:9",
--s "wobble [snare:28 wobble] [~ snare:28] [snare:28]" # room 0.3 # sz 0.3,
--slow 2 $ note (arp "down" "<[c'min7 ~!7] [c'dom7'ii ~!7] [c'maj9 ~!7 ][ c'm9'ii ~!7]> ") |+ note "<2 -5 0 -3 >" |+ note "<0!4 5!4>" # s "superpwm" # sustain 3 # gain 0.9,
almostNever (# accelerate 2) $ jux (off 0.25 (# gain 0.3))$ almostNever (jux (# squiz (sine + 1 ))) $ stut 4 0.5 0.2 $ slow 4 $ melody # sound "supergong" # sustain 2 # octave 6 # gain 1.1,
--off 3.75 ( |- "<2 4 4?0.1 7>") $ slow 2 $ n (toScale [5,6,10,12,15,2,4] "<1 4 0 <5 7 7 5>>") |+ n "<0!4 5!4>" # s "pluck" # cut 1 # gain 1.2,
--every 2 (fast 2) $ off 3.75 ( |- "<2 4 4?0.1 7>") $ slow 2 $ n (toScale [5,6,10,12,15,2,4] "<1 4 0 5>") |+ n "<0!4 5!4>" # s "pluck" # cut 1 # gain 1.2,
--slow 2 $ n (toScale [5,6,10,12,15,2,4] "< ~ ~ [ ~ . ~ 2 3 4] ~ >") |+ n "<0!4 5!4>" # s "pluck" # cut 1 # sustain 3,
off 2.5 (# pan 0) $ slice 8 "1*4 6 7 8" $ every 4 (# gain 1) $ s "ade:2" # octave (irand 2 + 6) # gain 0
d1 $ silence
-- SONG 2
setcps 0.8
-- sampled break
do d1 $ loopAt 4 $ s "break:11"
solo 1
d2 $ splice 8 "< 0 0 0 6>" $ "<lidellst:6 >"
d1 $ silence
unsolo 1
solo 1
-- 4 on the floor
do d1 $ every 8 (sometimes (stripe 2)) $ stack [
s "[cpu:0*2, ~ cpu:3]",
0.125 ~> n "[4*8?0.2, [~ 5?]]" # s "cpu"
# room 0.2
# sz 0.4
d2 $ note "<0(3,8)!3 3(3,8)>" |+ note "3" # s "dsynth" # gain 0.8 # squiz 1.2
unsolo 1
d4 $ silence
solo 1
unsolo 1
d2 $ silence
-- comp synth
d2 $ note "<0(3,8)!3 3(3,8)>" |+ note "3" # s "dsynth" # gain 0.8 # squiz 1.2
-- piano
do d2 $ splice 8 "< 0 0 0 6>" $ "<lidellst:6 >"
# djf 0.7
d3 $ stack [
--every 4 (struct "t(5,8)") $ "<0 0.125>" ~> s "dbass:3" # gain 0.8,
every 4 (struct "t(5,8)") $ s "wobble" # legato 1
-- flute fills
-- sample by: juskiddink
-- License:
d4 $ splice 16 "< ~!3 [1 4]>" $ s "< flutejk:4!4 flutejk:3!4>"
# pan (slow 3 saw)
# room 0.4
# sz 0.4
d5 silence
-- mando lead
d4 $ off 0.125 (# djf 0.8) $ every 8 (iter' 4)
$ n (arp "<downup thumbup down>" "<c'min!3 e'min> ~ ~")
# s "supermandolin"
# sustain 3
# cut 1
# octave "< 6!4 5!4 >"
# gain 1.2
-- fill and crash
d6 $ stack [
every 16 ( slice 16 "[2 3](9,11)" . (# djf 0.9) . (# gain 1) ) $ loopAt 2 $ s "break:11" # gain 0,
s "<~ cpu:6 ~!14>" # room 0.9 # sz 0.6 # gain 1.1 # squiz 2,
s "<~ cpu:0 ~!14>" # gain 1.1
-- bends
d7 $ slow 8 $ 1 ~> note "c6*2" # s "supermandolin"
# accelerate "3"
# sustain 5
# room 0.6
# sz 0.6
# squiz 3
do d2 $ silence
d3 $ silence
d5 $ silence
d6 $ silence
d4 $ silence
-- thanks guys - it's been nerve wracking and fun :D
-- thanks @yaxu for all the work you put into everything - you're a machine
-- coming up - mutual respect, more aussie goodness!!
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