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Created September 30, 2020 11:50
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Tidal Practice
-- welcome .... revisiting the long samples
-- chord management ideas from this great newmoon set from th4:
d1 $ slow 2 $ up "<'min7 ['thirteen 'aug] 'maj7 'maj7>"
# s "<lidellvox:8 lidellvox:4 [ lidellvox:5 lidellvox:7] lidellvox:0>"
d2 $ slow 2 $ struct "t t*2? t t?" $ up "<2 [6 5] [7 0] 0>" # s "pluck:5"
# gain 1.2
# octave (choose[4,3])
d3 $ every 8 (off 0.25 (# n (run (choose[4,8,6])))) $ n "13 [2? [~ 13?]]" #s "gretsch "
# room 0.5
# sz 0.5
d4 $ swing 6 $ n "19*16?" # s "gretsch"
# gain (slow 4 $ range 0.3 1 sine )
xfade silence
xfade 3 silence
d5 $ every 7 (# up "4'sus4 7'sus4") $ rarely (off 0.125 (|+ n 9)) $ every 3 (iter' 4) $ n (arp "<up down>" "<d'min7 d'min7'ii f'dom7 f'dom7'ii c'maj7'ii c'maj7 c'maj7'ii c'maj7>")
# s "superpiano"
# lpf 2000
# sustain 5
# shape 0.4
# octave (choose[4,5,6])
import Sound.Tidal.Chords
-- tidal_function_helpers.tidal
let move p = foldEvery [3,4] (0.25 <~) $ p --
quieten = mapM_ (\i -> xfade i silence) [1 .. 16] -- fade all channels to silence over 16 cycles
quietenIn t = mapM_ (\i -> xfadeIn i t silence) [1 .. 16] -- fade all channels to silence over t cycles
slide x = accelerate (2 **| (x |/ 12) - 1) -- accelerate by x semitones
inverse 0 = 1
inverse 1 = 0
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