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Created November 30, 2020 02:41
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-- extra functions added to tidal_function_helpers.tidal
-- see also:
-- for extra syntax options
-- adsr, see screenshot in dir
-- There are 6 operators/oscillators,
-- all are carriers (algorithm 32 in DX7 no fb loop)
-- operators are sinusoidal waves, and can be used in two ways:
-- 1. Sound generation: Carrier
-- 2. Modulate other operators: Modulators
$ s "superfm"
# gain 0.7
# n 0
-- mute all operators except 1
-- 0-1 affects amplitude
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 0.1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
-- we can apply a ratio to base frequency (multiplier)
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 0.1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# ratio1 2 -- 2 == octave higher
-- two ratios on two carriers
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 1
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 2 -- octave higher
-- set two carrier ratios close together, get a beating effect
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 1
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 1.01
-- basic hammond, change octaves is like pulling bars in a hammond
-- this is basic FM synthesis without modulation,
-- same as an analog synth with 6 oscillators
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 1
# amp3 0.5
# amp4 0.4
# amp5 0.3
# amp6 0.2
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 2
# ratio2 3
# ratio2 2
# ratio2 5
# ratio2 6
-- moving onto modulation - # mod[carrier][operator_to_apply_to_carrier]
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 4 -- modulate carrier 1 with operator 2, increase integer to sharpen
-- ie operator 2 is applied to the sound of operator 1
-- apply ratio to operator 2, v. small can make vibrato
-- increase up to 1 (no effect)
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 5
# ratio2 0.01 -- very slow vibrato at 0.01
-- the ratio of the carrier and the modulator
-- if they are the same freq, we get a sawtooth wave (more or less)
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 5
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 1 -- double (2) to get a pulse wave
-- keep as integer to get harmonics
-- use floats to get enharmonics(?) metallic sounds
-- prophet sound, using 2x carriers 2x modulators
-- double sawtooth
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 1
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1
# mod34 1
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 2
# ratio3 1
# ratio4 2
-- small changes result in drastic sound changes
-- and can be patterned
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 1
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1
# mod34 1
# ratio1 1
# ratio2 2
# ratio3 "<1.1 1 0.9 1.05>"
# ratio4 2
-- two modulators can affect a carrier [1]-[2]-[3]
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1 -- 2. if both muted (0), then we have the sine wave of the orig carrier
# mod23 1 -- 1. if muted (0), will have same sawtooth wave as at beginning
-- two modulators can affect two carriers [1]-[2], [3]-[4]
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 1
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1
# mod34 1
-- two modulators can affect 1 carrier in parallel [1]-[2]
-- \[3]
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1 -- \
# mod13 1 -- - saw + pulse wave "salse?"
# ratio2 2 -- apply ratio to 2 modulator
-- modulator can modulate itself (feedback) note feedback option must be on
-- feedback is a float 0-1
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod11 1
# feedback 1 -- this global default needs to be set on
-- a modulator can feedback on itself
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1 -- 2 is modulating carrier 1
# mod22 1 -- 2 is also modulating itself
# feedback 1
-- if you crank the feeding back modulator, you get noise
-- can still hear sine wave of carrier
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1
# mod22 6 -- noise
# feedback 1
-- to remove the carrier sine wave, take out the 1 carrier
-- turn on the 2 modulator as a carrier
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 0
# amp2 1
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
-- # mod12 1
# mod22 6 -- noise
# feedback 1
# ratio2 0
-- a feedback loop can also be created wih two modulators feeding into each other
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 0
# amp2 1
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1
# mod21 1
# feedback 1
-- defined as a 4 stage envelope as opposed to ADSR
-- diagram:
-- egrate1 == attack (amplitude val)
-- egrate2 == decay (amplitude val)
-- eglevel2+eglevel3 == sustain
-- egrate4 == release (amplitude val)
-- allows creation of your own waveshapes
-- equivalent to sustain in ADSR, eglevel2 = eglevel3
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# egrate11 10 -- fast attack
# eglevel12 0.1 -- \
# eglevel13 0.1 -- - equivalent to sustain at 0.1 in ADSR
-- crescendo
$ slow 4
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# egrate11 0.1 -- slow attack
# eglevel12 1 -- eglevel 2 low
# eglevel13 10 -- eglevel 3 much higher
-- low octave sound
$ slow 4
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# octave 3
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1 -- modulate carrier with envelope affected operator
# egrate21 0.5 -- put the envelope on operator 2
# eglevel22 0.1
# eglevel23 1
-- low octave sound start
$ slow 4
$ s "superfm"
# n 0
# octave 4
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 1 -- modulate carrier with envelope affected operator
# ratio2 0.25 --
# egrate21 10 -- put the envelope on operator 2
# eglevel22 0.1
# egrate23 0.5
# eglevel23 1.5
# room 1
-- # feedback 1 -- with feedback it's clearer
-- # mod11 1
-- can start patterning for cool rhythm
$ s "superfm*4"
# n 0
# octave 5
# gain 0.8
# amp1 1
# amp2 0
# amp3 0
# amp4 0
# amp5 0
# amp6 0
# mod12 "0 1 2" -- modulate carrier with envelope affected operator
# ratio2 0.25
# egrate21 10 -- put the envelope on operator 2
# eglevel22 "0.1 0.5 1"
# egrate23 "1 10 0.1"
# eglevel23 1.5
# room 1
# feedback 1
# mod11 1
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