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Last active June 17, 2018 17:32
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Mycroft with Google AIY Voicekit provisioning
cat >> ~/.ssh/config <<EOF
Host mycroft
User pi
Hostname <mycroft's IP>
ssh mycroft "mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh"
ssh mycroft "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys " < ~/.ssh/
while [[ "x$(ssh mycroft pgrep dpkg)" != "x" ]] ; do sleep 10; done
ssh mycroft 'sudo rpi-update'
ssh mycroft 'sudo apt-get -y autoremove'
ssh mycroft 'sudo apt-get clean'
ssh mycroft 'sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*'
ssh mycroft 'sudo reboot'
ssh mycroft 'sudo sed -i "s/.*spi.*/dtparam=spi=on/" /boot/config.txt'
ssh mycroft 'sudo sed -i "s/.*i2c_arm.*/dtparam=i2c_arm=on/" /boot/config.txt'
ssh mycroft 'sudo sed -i -e "\$ai2c-dev" /etc/modules'
ssh mycroft 'sudo sed -i "s/-Dhw:0,0 //" /etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf'
ssh mycroft 'git clone ~/aiyproject'
ssh mycroft 'cd ~/aiyproject && git checkout voicekit'
ssh mycroft 'sudo ~/aiyproject/scripts/'
ssh mycroft 'sudo ~/aiyproject/scripts/'
ssh mycroft 'sudo reboot'
# Test audio:
# ssh mycroft '~/voice-recognizer-raspi/env/bin/python3 ~/voice-recognizer-raspi/checkpoints/'
cat > start_wifi <<EOF
#! /opt/venvs/mycroft-core/bin/python
from mycroft.messagebus.send import send
print("Wifi setup has begun. Use your phone, tablet or laptop to connect to")
print("the network 'MYCROFT' using the password '12345678'. Once connected")
print("browse to '', then follow the prompts to")
print("complete the setup.")
scp start_wifi mycroft:/home/pi/
# ssh mycroft '/opt/venvs/mycroft-core/bin/python /home/pi/ >> /etc/rc.local'
# or replace "" in /home/py/
# ssh mycroft '~/aiyproject/checkpoints/'
#sudo vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
# rm ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
# history -c
# history -w
# sudo shutdown now
# on MacOS:
# hdiutil convert /dev/disk... -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=3 -o mycroft_aiy
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