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Last active February 26, 2022 21:54
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  • Save clemensgg/81307bded1b99d166c484049d0f5246c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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configure hermes relayer to use feegrant module for omniflix
# omniflix team are granting relayer accounts to pay fees from a specified 'granter' account
# fill out the relayer-coordination-sheet provided by the team to get your relayer account whitelisted (granted)
# works with hermes v0.11.0 and higher (
# config.toml (set granter account, set your endpoints, comment out channels you don't relay)
id = 'omniflixhub-1'
rpc_addr = 'http://...'
grpc_addr = 'http://...'
websocket_addr = 'ws://...'
rpc_timeout = '15s'
account_prefix = 'omniflix'
key_name = 'omniflix'
store_prefix = 'ibc'
max_gas = 4000000
default_gas = 1000000
fee_granter = '<omniflix granter address>'
gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'uflix' }
gas_adjustment = 0.1
max_msg_num = 25
max_tx_size = 180000
clock_drift = '15s'
trusting_period = '14days'
trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' }
memo_prefix = ''
policy = 'allow'
list = [
['transfer', 'channel-0'], #cosmos
['transfer', 'channel-1'], #osmosis
['transfer', 'channel-2'], #juno
['transfer', 'channel-3'], #gravity
['transfer', 'channel-4'], #terra
['transfer', 'channel-5'], #chihuahua
['transfer', 'channel-6'], #sifchain
['transfer', 'channel-7'], #akash
['transfer', 'channel-8'], #stargaze
['transfer', 'channel-9'], #kichain
['transfer', 'channel-10'], #sentinel
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