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Created August 28, 2015 15:41
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Geo Indexing tests
from __future__ import absolute_import
from celery import Celery
# This file must be put in a subdirectory proj
app = Celery('tasks', broker='redis://localhost', backend='redis://localhost', include=['proj.tasks'])
CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT=['json'], # Ignore other content
# app.control.purge()
### You can start celery worker in the directory above proj with this command :
### celery -A proj worker --loglevel=info
### You can change concurrency with -c option
### You need to have a running redis with this configuration (broker can be change)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
from elasticsearch import helpers
from elasticsearch.client import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch.exceptions import ConnectionError
from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk
import requests
from proj.celery import app
from celery import Celery
# This file must be put in a subdirectory proj
def bulk_task(data):
es = Elasticsearch()
bulk(es, data)
except ConnectionError as ex:
print "pouet"
except Exception as e:
raise e
es_client = Elasticsearch()
def scroll_task(nb_query, index, query):
with open("res_{}.json".format(nb_query), "w") as f:
for res in helpers.scan(es_client, query, index=index, size="100"):
import random
from elasticsearch.client import Elasticsearch
import time
import sys
from proj.tasks import bulk_task, scroll_task
es_client = Elasticsearch()
test_index = "test_indice_external"
test_type = "test_type"
if es_client.indices.exists(test_index):
if not es_client.indices.exists(test_index):
es_client.indices.create(test_index, {
"index": {
"refresh_interval": -1,
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 0
es_client.indices.put_mapping(index=test_index, doc_type=test_type, body={
test_type: {"properties": {
"toto": {
"type": "test_external"
def generate_random_doc():
return {"toto": random.randint(-1000, 100000)}
def docs_generator(nb_docs):
for x in xrange(nb_docs):
doc = generate_random_doc()
yield {
"_index": test_index,
"_type": test_type,
"_source": doc
# res, errors = bulk(es_client, docs_generator(10000000))
tasks = []
t0 = time.time()
buf = []
buf_size = 0
for i, doc in enumerate(docs_generator(10000)):
buf_size += sys.getsizeof(doc, 0)
if buf_size / (1000 * 1000) >= 0.5:
buf_size = 0
buf = []
# bulk_task.delay(buf)
print "Waiting tasks"
res = [t.get() for t in tasks]
print "All tasks done"
scroll_tasks = []
scroll_query = {
"script_fields": {
"lat": {
"script": "doc['toto.point'].lat"
"lon": {
"script": "doc['toto.point'].lon"
"_source": True
for nb_req in xrange(10):
scroll_tasks.append(scroll_task.delay(nb_req, test_index, scroll_query))
print "Waiting scrolling tasks"
res2 = [t.get() for t in scroll_tasks]
print "All scrolling tasks done"
import random
from elasticsearch.client import Elasticsearch
import time
import sys
from proj.tasks import bulk_task, scroll_task
es_client = Elasticsearch()
test_index = "test_indice_point"
test_type = "test_type"
if es_client.indices.exists(test_index):
if not es_client.indices.exists(test_index):
es_client.indices.create(test_index, {
"index": {
"refresh_interval": -1,
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 0
es_client.indices.put_mapping(index=test_index, doc_type=test_type, body={
test_type: {"properties": {
"toto": {
"type": "geo_point",
"doc_value": True,
# "geohash_prefix": True,
# "lat_lon": True
def generate_random_doc():
return {"toto": {"lon": random.randint(-180, 180), "lat": random.randint(-79, 79)}}
def docs_generator(nb_docs):
for x in xrange(nb_docs):
doc = generate_random_doc()
yield {
"_index": test_index,
"_type": test_type,
"_source": doc
tasks = []
t0 = time.time()
buf = []
buf_size = 0
for i, doc in enumerate(docs_generator(100000)):
buf_size += sys.getsizeof(doc, 0)
if buf_size / (1000 * 1000) >= 0.5:
buf_size = 0
buf = []
print "Waiting tasks"
res = [t.get() for t in tasks]
print "All tasks done"
scroll_tasks = []
scroll_query = {
"script_fields": {
"lat": {
"script": "doc['toto'].lat"
"lon": {
"script": "doc['toto'].lon"
"_source": True
for nb_req in xrange(10):
scroll_tasks.append(scroll_task.delay(nb_req, test_index, scroll_query))
print "Waiting scrolling tasks"
res2 = [t.get() for t in scroll_tasks]
print "All scrolling tasks done"
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