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Last active March 15, 2022 22:42
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Useful Giter8 Templates

Useful Giter8 Templates

Name Description
akka/akka-quickstart-scala.g8 A minimal seed template for an Akka with Scala build
clementi/cats-effect-seed.g8 Scala SBT project with Cats and Cats-Effect
devinsideyou/scala3-seed.g8 A Giter8 template for a fully configured Scala3 SBT single but multibuild ready project. It is configured in a slightly opinionated but mostly dependency free fashion.
http4s/http4s.g8 Scala SBT project with http4s
scala/scala-seed.g8 Barebones Scala SBT project
scala/scala3-cross.g8 Scala 3 and Scala 2 cross-compiled sbt template
scala/scala3.g8 Simple scala3-compiled sbt project template
scalameta/mill-scala-seed.g8 Barebones Scala Mill project
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