A curated List of useful or interesting sbt plugins. See also sbt's plugin repositories.
Name | Description | URL |
sbt-assembly | Deploy fat JARs. Restart processes. (port of codahale/assembly-sbt) | https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly |
sbt-buildinfo | I know this because build.sbt knows this. | https://github.com/sbt/sbt-buildinfo |
sbt-dependency-graph | sbt plugin to create a dependency graph for your project | https://github.com/sbt/sbt-dependency-graph |
sbt-sonar | An sbt plugin which provides an easy way to integrate Scala projects with SonarQube. | https://github.com/sonar-scala/sbt-sonar |
sbt-tpolecat | sbt-tpolecat is an SBT plugin for automagically configuring scalac options according to the project Scala version, inspired by Rob Norris (@tpolecat)'s excellent series of blog posts providing recommended options to get the most out of the compiler. | https://github.com/DavidGregory084/sbt-tpolecat |
sbt-updates | sbt plugin that can check Maven and Ivy repositories for dependency updates | https://github.com/rtimush/sbt-updates |
zio-shield | Enforce best coding practices with ZIO | https://github.com/zio/zio-shield |