Akka HTTP |
The Akka HTTP modules implement a full server- and client-side HTTP stack on top of akka-actor and akka-stream. |
https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-http/current |
Akka Stream |
The purpose is to offer an intuitive and safe way to formulate stream processing setups such that we can then execute them efficiently and with bounded resource usage—no more OutOfMemoryErrors. |
https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream |
Akka |
Akka is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala |
https://akka.io |
Alpakka |
The Alpakka project is an open source initiative to implement stream-aware and reactive integration pipelines for Java and Scala. |
https://doc.akka.io/docs/alpakka/current |
aws-lambda-scala |
Writing AWS Lambdas in Scala |
https://github.com/mkotsur/aws-lambda-scala |
Caliban |
Functional GraphQL library for Scala |
https://ghostdogpr.github.io/caliban |
case-app |
Type-level & seamless command-line argument parsing for Scala |
https://github.com/alexarchambault/case-app |
cask |
Cask: a Scala HTTP micro-framework |
https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/cask |
castor |
Castor is a lightweight, typed Actor library for Scala and Scala.js |
https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/castor |
Cats |
Lightweight, modular, and extensible library for functional programming |
https://typelevel.org/cats |
Cats Effect |
The IO Monad for Scala |
https://typelevel.org/cats-effect |
Cats MTL |
Provides transformer typeclasses for cats' Monads, Applicatives and Functors. |
https://typelevel.org/cats-mtl/ |
cats-retry |
A library for retrying actions that can fail. Designed to work with cats and cats-effect or Monix. |
https://cb372.github.io/cats-retry |
Circe |
A JSON library for Scala powered by Cats |
https://circe.github.io/circe |
ciris |
Functional Configurations for Scala |
https://cir.is |
Clump |
A library for expressive and efficient service composition |
https://github.com/getclump/clump |
Console4Cats |
Effect-type agnostic Console I/O for Cats Effect Superseded by Cats Effect 3.x |
https://console4cats.profunktor.dev |
Cron4s |
Scala CRON Parser |
https://www.alonsodomin.me/cron4s |
decline |
Composable command-line parsing for Scala |
https://ben.kirw.in/decline |
Diode |
Diode was born out of the need of having something similar to Redux or Om for Scala applications. |
https://diode.suzaku.io |
Dispatch |
Dispatch is a library for asynchronous HTTP interaction. It provides a Scala vocabulary for Java’s async-http-client. |
https://dispatchhttp.org |
Doobie |
A pure functional JDBC layer for Scala and Cats. |
https://tpolecat.github.io/doobie |
enumeratum |
A type-safe, reflection-free, powerful enumeration implementation for Scala with exhaustive pattern match warnings and helpful integrations. |
https://github.com/lloydmeta/enumeratum |
extruder |
Populate Scala case classes from any data source |
https://janstenpickle.github.io/extruder |
FastParse |
Fast to write, Fast running Parsers in Scala |
https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/fastparse |
fetch |
Simple and Efficient data fetching |
https://47degrees.github.io/fetch |
finagle |
Finagle is an extensible RPC system for the JVM, used to construct high-concurrency servers. |
https://twitter.github.io/finagle |
Finatra |
Finatra is a Scala services framework built on top of TwitterServer and Finagle. |
https://twitter.github.io/finatra |
finch |
Scala combinator library for building Finagle HTTP services |
https://finagle.github.io/finch |
fs2 |
Functional, effectful, concurrent streams for Scala |
https://fs2.io |
fs2-blobstore |
Minimal, idiomatic, stream-based Scala interface for key/value store implementations |
https://github.com/fs2-blobstore/fs2-blobstore |
hammock |
Purely functional HTTP client |
https://github.com/pepegar/hammock |
http4s |
Typeful, functional, streaming HTTP for Scala. |
https://http4s.org |
jawn |
Jawn is for parsing jay-sawn (JSON) |
https://github.com/typelevel/jawn |
json4s |
At this moment there are at least 6 json libraries for scala, not counting the java json libraries. All these libraries have a very similar AST. This project aims to provide a single AST to be used by other scala json libraries. |
https://json4s.org |
Kamon |
Distributed Tracing, Metrics and Context Propagation for applications running on the JVM |
https://github.com/kamon-io/Kamon |
kittens |
Automatic type class derivation for Cats |
https://github.com/typelevel/kittens |
lagom |
The opinionated microservices framework for moving away from the monolith |
https://www.lagomframework.com |
Libra |
Libra is a dimensional analysis library based on shapeless, spire and singleton-ops. It contains out of the box support for SI units for all numeric types. |
https://to-ithaca.github.io/libra |
Lift |
Lift is the most powerful, most secure web framework available today. |
https://liftweb.net |
log4cats |
log4cats attempts to make referentially transparent logging a reality. |
https://typelevel.org/log4cats |
log4s |
High-performance SLF4J wrapper for Scala. |
https://github.com/Log4s/log4s |
macwire |
Lightweight and nonintrusive Scala dependency injection library |
https://github.com/softwaremill/macwire |
mainargs |
A small, convenient, dependency-free library for command-line argument parsing in Scala |
https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/mainargs |
Modux |
A microservice server for Scala |
https://modux4s.github.io/modux |
Monix |
Monix is a high-performance Scala / Scala.js library for composing asynchronous, event-based programs. |
https://monix.io |
Monocle |
Access and transform immutable data with lenses |
https://www.optics.dev/Monocle |
Mu |
Mu is a purely functional library for building microservices |
https://higherkindness.io/mu |
munit |
Scala testing library with actionable errors and extensible APIs |
https://scalameta.org/munit |
Neutron |
Neutron is a purely functional Apache Pulsar client for Scala, build on top of fs2 and the Java client for Pulsar. |
https://neutron.profunktor.dev |
optparse |
A simple but powerful Scala command line parser |
https://github.com/sellmerfud/optparse |
oslib |
OS-Lib is a simple, flexible, high-performance Scala interface to common OS filesystem and subprocess APIs |
https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/os-lib |
phantom |
Schema safe, type-safe, reactive Scala driver for Cassandra/Datastax Enterprise |
https://github.com/outworkers/phantom |
play |
The High Velocity Web Framework For Java and Scala |
https://www.playframework.com |
PureConfig |
A boilerplate-free library for loading configuration files |
https://pureconfig.github.io |
quicklens |
Modify deeply nested fields in case classes using developer-friendly syntax |
https://github.com/softwaremill/quicklens |
Quill |
Free/Libre Compile-time Language Integrated Queries for Scala |
https://getquill.io |
requests-scala |
A Scala port of the popular Python Requests HTTP client: flexible, intuitive, and straightforward to use. |
https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/requests-scala |
retry |
because you should never give up, at least not on the first try |
https://github.com/softwaremill/retry |
rho |
A self documenting DSL built on http4s |
https://github.com/http4s/rho |
rng |
Pure-functional random value generation |
https://github.com/NICTA/rng |
Sangria |
Scala GraphQL implementation |
https://sangria-graphql.github.io |
scaffeine |
Thin Scala wrapper for Caffeine (ben-manes/caffeine) |
https://github.com/blemale/scaffeine |
Scala Colog |
Cross-platform pure functional logging library for Scala. Integrates with well known JVM logging frameworks and can also be used standalone in ScalaJS or Scala Native. |
https://www.alonsodomin.me/scala-colog/docs/overview |
Scala on Android |
Write Android apps in Scala! |
https://scala-android.org |
scala-parser-combinators |
simple combinator-based parsing for Scala. formerly part of the Scala standard library, now a separate community-maintained module |
https://github.com/scala/scala-parser-combinators |
ScalaCheck |
ScalaCheck is a library written in Scala and used for automated property-based testing of Scala or Java programs. |
https://scalacheck.org |
scalactic |
Scalactic is a small library of utilities related to quality and functional programming that can help you keep code clear and correct. |
https://www.scalactic.org |
scalaj-http |
Simple scala wrapper for HttpURLConnection. OAuth included. |
https://github.com/scalaj/scalaj-http |
scalatags |
ScalaTags is a small, fast XML/HTML/CSS construction library for Scala |
https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/scalatags |
scalatest |
ScalaTest is designed to increase your team's productivity through simple, clear tests and executable specifications that improve both code and communication. |
https://www.scalatest.org |
scalaxb |
scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) and Web Services Description Language (wsdl) as the input file. |
https://scalaxb.org/ |
scalaz |
An extension to the core scala library. (Functional programming, like Cats.) |
https://scalaz.github.io/scalaz |
scallop |
a simple Scala CLI parsing library |
https://github.com/scallop/scallop |
scodec |
Scala combinator library for working with binary data |
https://scodec.org |
scopt |
command line options parsing for Scala |
https://github.com/scopt/scopt |
shapeless |
Generic programming for Scala |
https://github.com/milessabin/shapeless |
singleton-ops |
Operations for primitive and String singleton types |
https://github.com/fthomas/singleton-ops |
Slick |
Functional Relational Mapping for Scala |
https://scala-slick.org |
Spire |
Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala. |
https://github.com/typelevel/spire |
Squants |
The Scala API for Quantities, Units of Measure and Dimensional Analysis |
https://www.squants.com |
sttp |
The Scala HTTP client you always wanted! |
https://sttp.softwaremill.com |
tapir |
Typed API descriptions |
https://tapir.softwaremill.com |
Twirl |
Twirl is Play's default template engine |
https://github.com/playframework/twirl |
TwitterServer |
TwitterServer is a library defining a template from which servers at Twitter are built. |
https://twitter.github.io/twitter-server |
unfiltered |
Unfiltered is a toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala. |
https://unfiltered.ws |
uPickle |
uPickle (pronounced micro-pickle) is a lightweight JSON and binary (MessagePack) serialization library for Scala. |
https://com-lihaoyi.github.io/upickle |
utest |
A simple testing framework for Scala |
https://github.com/com-lihaoyi/utest |
zio |
Type-safe, composable asynchronous and concurrent programming for Scala |
https://zio.dev |