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Created October 12, 2023 18:32
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title: Deployment workflow
flowchart LR

    subgraph azdo["Azure DevOps"]
        repo["Azure Repos"]
        pipeline["Azure Pipelines"]

        subgraph runner["Pipeline runner\n(Kubernetes, Windows, Linux, macOS, ...)"]
            create_release["Create release"]
            publish["Publish binaries"]
            rollback["Rollback deployment"]
            watch["Watch for monitoring alerts\n(Azure Monitor, Prometheus, ...)"]

            subgraph build["Build"]
                binaries["Build binaries\n(Visual Studio, Maven, ...)"]
                container["Build container\n(Docker, Azure Container Registry, ...)"]
                infra["Build infrastructure\n(Helm Chart, ...)"]

            subgraph sast["Static Application Security Testing"]
                sast_code["Static code analysis\n(Semgrep, SonarQube, ...)"]
                sast_credentials["Avoid credentials in Git\n(Trufflehog)"]
                sast_vulnerabilities["Vulnerabilities\n(OWASP Dependency Check, Snyk, ...)"]

            subgraph integration_test["Integration tests"]
                dast["Dynamic security tests\n(OWASP ZAP)"]
                load["Load tests\n(JMeter, Azure Load Testing, K6, ...)"]
                retrocompatibility["API retrocompatibility tests\n(Playwright, Postman, ...)"]
                ui["UI tests\n(Playwright, Selenium, ...)"]

            subgraph static_test["Static tests"]
                coverage["Code coverage"]
                lint["Lint\n(ESLint, Prettier, ...)"]
                unit["Unit tests\n(Jest, Mocha, ...)"]

            subgraph deploy["Deploy"]
                vm["Configure VM\n(Ansible, PowerShell DSC, SCCM, ...)"]
                api["API-based services\n(Terraform, Bicep, Pulumi, ...)"]

    deploy --> integration_test
    build --> publish
    create_release --> deploy
    integration_test -- If fails --> rollback
    deploy --> watch
    dev -- Push code --> repo
    pipeline -. Watch for new commit .-> repo
    pipeline -- Run --> runner
    publish --> create_release
    sast --> static_test
    static_test --> build
    watch -- If fails --> rollback
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