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Created November 19, 2020 14:57
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Function New-MyRemoteSession {
Setup a PowerShell profile on a remote computer
By default this function will copy the local 'profile.ps1' file from $PSHOME to same location on the remote computer you choose
PS C:\> New-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local"
Copies profile.ps1 from local $PSHOME folder path to remote $PSHOME folder path and sets the profilename to 'WithProfile'
PS C:\> $splat = @{
ComputerName = "server01.local"
ProfileName = HelpDeskUser"
SrcFolder = "C:\scripts\HelpDeskUser"
DestFolder = "C:\scripts\HelpDeskUser"
FileName = HelpDeskUser.ps1"
RunAsCredential = $credential
PS C:\> New-MyRemoteSession @splat
Copies HelpDeskUser.ps1 from local folder to remote destination folder which will be run upon startup.
Creates the profilename to 'HelpDeskUser' which will be set to run under a different user context.
WARNING: When RunAs is enabled in a Windows PowerShell session configuration, the Windows security model cannot enforce a security boundary between different
user sessions that are created by using this endpoint. Verify that the Windows PowerShell runspace configuration is restricted to only the necessary set of
cmdlets and capabilities.
Param (
[string]$ProfileName = "WithProfile",
[string]$FileName = "profile.ps1",
[string]$SrcFolder = $PSHOME,
[string]$DstFolder = $PSHOME,
process {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName
Copy-Item –Path (Join-Path $SrcFolder $FileName) –Destination $DstFolder –ToSession $session
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
if ( $($using:RunAsCredential).IsPresent ) {
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName -StartupScript (Join-Path $using:SrcFolder $using:FileName) -RunAsCredential $using:RunAsCredential
} else {
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName -StartupScript (Join-Path $using:SrcFolder $using:FileName)
if ( $($using:force).IsPresent ) {
Restart-Service -Name WinRM
$session | Remove-PSSession
Function Set-MyRemoteSession {
Update a pre-existing PSSessionConfiguration a remote computer
By default this function will copy the local 'profile.ps1' file from $PSHOME to same location on the remote computer you choose.
This will currently overwrite any pre-existing file that may be already on the remote computer and will also restart WinRM.
PS C:\> Set-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local"
Copies profile.ps1 from local $PSHOME folder path and overwrites the remote $PSHOME folder path and sets the profilename to 'WithProfile'
PS C:\> $splat = @{
ComputerName = "server01.local"
ProfileName = HelpDeskUser"
SrcFolder = "C:\scripts\HelpDeskUser"
DestFolder = "C:\scripts\HelpDeskUser"
FileName = HelpDeskUser.ps1"
RunAsCredential = $credential
PS C:\> Set-MyRemoteSession @splat
Copies HelpDeskUser.ps1 from local folder and overwrites matching file on remote destination folder which will be run upon startup.
Unregisters and Re-Registers the profilename 'HelpDeskUser' which will be set to run under a different user context.
WARNING: When RunAs is enabled in a Windows PowerShell session configuration, the Windows security model cannot enforce a security boundary between different
user sessions that are created by using this endpoint. Verify that the Windows PowerShell runspace configuration is restricted to only the necessary set of
cmdlets and capabilities.
Param (
[string]$ProfileName = "WithProfile",
[string]$FileName = "profile.ps1",
[string]$SrcFolder = $PSHOME,
[string]$DstFolder = $PSHOME
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName
Copy-Item –Path (Join-Path $SrcFolder $FileName) –Destination "$DstFolder" –ToSession $session -Force
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName | Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration
if ( $($using:RunAsCredential).IsPresent ) {
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName -StartupScript (Join-Path $using:SrcFolder $using:FileName) -RunAsCredential $using:RunAsCredential
} else {
Register-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName -StartupScript (Join-Path $using:SrcFolder $using:FileName)
Restart-Service -Name WinRM
$session | Remove-PSSession
Function Enter-MyRemoteSession {
Establishes a remote PSSession which auto-runs a pre-configured profile script on the remote computer
Establishes a remote PSSession which auto-runs a pre-configured profile script on the remote computer
If a matching profile is not found, the remote session will be denied.
PS C:\> Enter-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local"
Creates a remote PSSession which launches the default 'WithProfile' PSSessionConfiguration
PS C:\> Enter-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local" -ProfileName "HelpDeskUser"
Creates a remote PSSession which launches the default 'HelpDeskUser' PSSessionConfiguration
Param (
[string]$ProfileName = "WithProfile"
process {
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName -ConfigurationName $ProfileName
Function Remove-MyRemoteSession {
Remove a pre-existing PSSessionConfiguration a remote computer
Remove a pre-configured PSSessionConfiguration on the remote computer as no module would be complete without a way to clean-up.
PS C:\> Remove-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local"
By default, this will attempt to remove 'WithProfile' PSSessionConfiguration from the remote computer specified
PS C:\> Remove-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local" -ProfileName "HelpDeskUser"
This will attempt to remove the 'HelpDeskUser' PSSessionConfiguration from the remote computer specified
As part of the clean-up, the WinRM service will also be automatically restarted on the remote computer
Param (
[string]$ProfileName = "WithProfile",
process {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name $using:ProfileName | Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration
if ( $($using:force).IsPresent ) {
Restart-Service -Name WinRM
$session | Remove-PSSession
Function Restart-MyRemoteSession {
Remove a pre-existing PSSessionConfiguration a remote computer
Remove a pre-configured PSSessionConfiguration on the remote computer as no module would be complete without a way to clean-up.
PS C:\> Remove-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local"
By default, this will attempt to remove 'WithProfile' PSSessionConfiguration from the remote computer specified
PS C:\> Remove-MyRemoteSession -ComputerName "server01.local" -ProfileName "HelpDeskUser"
This will attempt to remove the 'HelpDeskUser' PSSessionConfiguration from the remote computer specified
As part of the clean-up, the WinRM service will also be automatically restarted on the remote computer
Param (
process {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
Restart-Service -Name WinRM
$session | Remove-PSSession
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